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About the name of the Etruscan King LUCIUS TARQUINIUS PRISCUS by Dr. Polat Kaya

Etruscan kings reigned in ancient ROME (i.e., “KIZIL ALMA”) for at least a century. One of the Etruscan kings was named LUCIUS TARQUINIUS PRISCUS.   In my study at url , I noted that one of the son’s of the Lydian King ATYS who lead a part of the Lydian population to what is presently called “Italia” was named TARCHON which is the Turkish name TARKAN (TARQAN).  We note that the Latinized title of this Etruscan king “LUCIUS TARQUINIUS PRISCUS” uses this Turkish name TARKAN.  Latinized names are mostly ciphers of Turkish words or phrases!

Below I will analyze the three names of this kingly title by deciphering them which provide us with important information relating to his true identity. First let us start with the Romanized name TARQUINIUS which contains a number of meanings in Turkish. I will start with identity decipherments.

a)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “USII-TARQUN”, we see an altered form of Turkish “ÖZi TARKAN” meaning “himself is Tarkan”, “He is Tarkan”.   Tarkan is a pure Turkish name. Turkish word ÖZi (ÖZÜ)  means “self, himself, herself”.

b)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “TURQ-ANIIUS”, we see an altered form of Turkish “TURK hANIYIZ” meaning “we are Turk Lords”.

c)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “TUR-QANIUIS”, we see an altered form of Turkish “TUR CANIYIZ” meaning “we are Turmen”, “we are Turkmen”.

d)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “TUR-QANIUIS”, we see an altered form of Turkish “TUR KANIYIZ” meaning “we are the Tur blood”, “we are Turk blood”.

e)     When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “TURQIN-UIAS”, we see an altered form of Turkish “TURKIN ÖYÜZ” meaning “we are home of Turk”.

Besides the above strong decipherments, Etruscan king titles, like all ancient kingly titles, are also godly titles, that is, elevating titles – as they claimed to be God, or God-like – in their country.  In this context, the name TARQUINIUS can be further deciphered to show godly status as follows:

f)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “QUNIS-AI-TUR”, we see an altered form of Turkish “GÜNEŞ AY’TUR” meaning “he is sun and moon”.

g)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “I TUR-QUNASI”, we see an altered form of Turkish “BIR TUR GÜNEŞI” meaning “One Sun of Turs, One Sun of Turks”.

h)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “TANRI-QUSI-U”, we see an altered form of Turkish “TANRI GÖZI O” meaning “the Eye of the God”.

i)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “TANRU-ISIQU”, we see an altered form of Turkish “TANRU IŞIKI” meaning “the light of God”.

j)    When TARQUINIUS is rearranged as “AN-TURQ-UIIS”, we see an altered form of Turkish “AN TÜRK ÖYIZ” (GÖK TÜRK ÖYIZ) meaning “we are the house of Sky-Turks”.

With these definitions, the Etruscan king describes himself in the following terms.  He is: “TARKAN” by name, “Turk Lord”, “Turkmen”, “Turk blood”, “sun and moon”, “Sun of Turs, Sun of Turks”,  “the Eye of God”,  “the light of God”, and describes his country as “the house of Sky-Turks” and “home of Turks”.

We can readily see that all of these decipherments of his kingly title name are all descriptive of his Turkish and Turanian identity.  Of course, he also explains that all of these attributions also apply to his people in Italy by using the personal pronoun for the first-person plural in Turkish. Finding all these many Turkish definitions within the same word is due to the power of the Turkish language which is an agglutinative monosyllabic language that has been the father/mother language of them all!


This Etruscan king’s second kingly title name is given by the Romanized name of  PRISCUS.  This title is related to his Turkish ancestry and his Turanian religion as follows:

a)    When the name PRISCUS is rearranged as “PIR-CUSS”, we see an altered form of Turkish “BIR GUZ” (BIR OGUZ) meaning “one Oguz”, “one God”.  This refers to him as being an Oguz man and also a ONE-GOD believer.

We also see an altered form of Turkish “BIR KÖZ” meaning “one glowing fire”, “one sun”.  By this he calls himself as “one glowing fire.  This, in one hand, refers to the Sun, and on the other, describes himself as “one fire”.  Here we must note that his Lydian king father was also named ATUS (ATYS) which is a Hellenized form of the Turkish name “ATAŞ” meaning “Fire”.

We also see an altered form of Turkish “BIR GÖZ” meaning “one eye”, “one sun, one moon”. This last name identifies this Etruscan king with the Turanian trinity name of Sky-God, Sun-God and Moon-God.

b)    We must also recall that the Romanized name PRISCUS was also the name of the Anatolian FRYGIANs as given below from an entry in Wikipedia:

“In antiquity, Phrygia (play /ˈfrɪdʒiə/; Greek: Φρυγία, Ancient Greek: [pʰrygía]) Turkish: Frigya was a kingdom in the west-central part of Anatolia, in what is now modern-day Turkey. The Phrygians (Phruges or Phryges) initially lived in the southern Balkans; according to Herodotus, under the name of Bryges (Briges), changing it to Phruges after their final migration to Anatolia, via the Hellespont.”  [].

First, the name BALKAN is a Turkish name for this part of Eurasia. Most likely, it is as old as the pyramids of Giza. The name is also synonym with the name THRACIA which itself is an altered form of the name TURKIA meaning “home of Turks”. The Phrygians coming to Anatolia from this ancient Turanian land of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples are bound to be Tur/Turk/Oguz people.

The Hellenized name PHRUGES, deciphered as “PHR-GUES” is the altered form of the Turkish name “BIR GÖZ” – which is the same as my decipherments of the Romanized name PRISCUS above. After all, the Lydian Etruscans came from the same area in Anatolia where the Lydians and Phrygians lived side by side, and they were the same Turanian peoples of Anatolia. So by including this PRISCUS title in his Etruscan kingly title, the Etruscan king was paying homage to his Phrygian and Lydian ancestry – which was his Turanian ancestry.


The Latinized name LUCIUS:

The Latin name LUCIUS seems to be in the front of the titles of most Roman kings. In this regard the following Latin words from Cassell’s Compact Latin-English and English – Latin Dictionary, 1962, p. 148, are enlightening:

1. The Latin words LUCEO, LUXI  – meaning “to be bright, shine”.

When LUXI (LUKISI) is rearranged as “ISIKLU”, we see an altered form of Turkish word “IŞIKLU” (IŞIKLI) meaning “with light”, “light-giving; enlightening”.  The letter X is a deceptive shortened replacement for letter combinations like KS, KIS, EKS, KUS, KAS, KOS as required by the wordsmith.  As can be seen, this Turkish word IŞIKLU embedded in the so-called Latin word LUXI has the same meaning as LUCEO and LUXI do.

Similarly, when the word LUCIUS  is rearranged as “ISUCLU”, we again see an altered form of Turkish “IŞIKLU” (IŞIKLI) meaning “with light”, “light-giving; that which lights up; enlightening”.  Thus, the Latin words LUCIUS, LUCEO and LUXI all have the same mining but in different formats.  And they are all made up from the Turkish word IŞIKLU.

2. The Latin words LUCI, LUCE  – meaning “by day, light”.

These two words are simply variations of the cut off the front end of the term LUCIUS – and they still mean “light”. Thus, the Latin term LUCI gets its “light” meaning from Turkish “IŞIK”, meaning “light”, by way of the Turkish word “IŞIKLU” – but in a very devious way. The intentional distortion, confusion and disguise of the Turkish source text are so complete that linguists could not even sense how they got misled by some ancient Aryan operators of the Turkish language!

3. The Latin words LUCIFER, LUCIFERA, LUCIFERUM – meaning “light-bearing, bringing to light”.

The terms FER, FERA and FERUM, which are parts of these three Latin words, are from Turkish words VER (give), VERI (giving) and VERUM (VERIM, VERME) (giving).  Thus, the term:
LUCIFER is actually from Turkish IŞIKVER meaning “give light”;
LUCIFERA is from Turkish IŞIKVERI meaning “gives light, lights up; enlightens”; and
LUCIFERUM is from Turkish IŞIKVERME meaning “giving light, lighting up; light-giving, enlightening”.

Using these basic Turkish source texts, the Romans came up with the so-called Latin word LUCIFER, LUCIFERI meaning “the morning star, Lucifer; another name for SATAN”;  [ORIGIN: by association with the [son of the morning] (Isa. 14:12), believed by Christian interpreters to be a reference to Satan], [from Oxford American Dictionaries].

In view of this definition, the term  LUCIFER (LUCIFERI) is nothing but an evil personification of the SUN – (i.e., “GÜN, GÜNEŞ” in Turkish) which is indeed the “morning star” – and it lights up the earth every morning – and everyone should be very thankful for that life-giving sun.  Any explanation that associates LUCIFER (LUCIFERI) with the concept of SATAN and also with the planet VENUS is bogus, dishonest and a con game!

Evidently, a lot of tall tale stories have been generated, as given in Wikipedia entry at url, under “the Story of Lucifer”, in order to cover up the lies, deceptions and the disinformation that the Judeo-Christian clergy generated about the SUN, that is, Sun-God of ancient Turanians!

Curiously, the Judeo-Christian priests vilified this morning star (that is, the SUN) with the name of “SATAN” meaning the “devil”. Obviously the Sun is not the devil – nor is it Satan!  “SATAN” in Turkish is “ŞEYTAN” – the DEVIL – referring rather to the evil in man – not the sun.  However, the sun, which was the God of the ancient Turanians, was known as Turkish IŞITAN meaning “that which lights up” and ISITAN meaning “that which warms up” and also “ISTAN” meaning “God” in ancient Turanian.  Without these qualities of the sun, the vilifiers, as well as the lovers of the sun, would be dead in no time!  Obviously the Judeo-Christian priests labelled the ancient Turanian Sun God as SATAN because it was the GOD of the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. This way, the Judeo-Christian priests were secretly vilifying the ancient Turanian Sky Gods and their religion. This they did in order to spread their newly “invented” religions over the areas where the ancient Turanian religion was the supreme belief. These later concocted religions wanted to extinguish and obliterate that very ancient Turanian religion and gain a foothold for themselves. And so they did!

We must note that the term IŞITAN  without initial I in the front becomes ŞITAN  and then ŞEYTAN and similarly, the term ISITAN without the first I in the front becomes SITAN and then SATAN.

4.    The Latinized name LUCIUS – from Turkish “IŞIKLU” (IŞIKLI) and appearing in the titles of most Roman kings, is also related to the word LYCIUM. This Latin word LYCIUM (LYCEUM) means “an archaic literary institution or teaching place”.  In other words, the term is the name of a high school establishment since ancient times. Here, I must also note that the Turkish word LISE means “High School” which corresponds to this Latin word LYCIUM (LYCEUM).  In this context, let us see what this word LYCIUM is.

a)    The term LYCEUM is the slightly altered and Romanized form of the Turkish word “LISEyUM” meaning “I am High school”, ” I am Lise”, “I am lyceum” which clearly states in Turkish that it is a higher education establishment! Thus, the source of this word is also from Turkish.

b)    Additionally, the term LYCIUM, rearranged as “UCYLIM”, is the altered, restructured and Romanized form of the Turkish word “OKULUM” meaning “I am school” and additionally “my school”.  Thus, again it is related to a school system but in Turkish!

The Turkish word “OKUL” meaning “school” and “AKUL” (AKIL) meaning “mind, intelligence, memory, knowledge, wisdom, . . . ” are related to each other conceptually and linguistically. Similarly, the Latin term LYCIUM (LYCEUM), rearranged as “UCILYM”, is the altered, restructured and Romanized form of the Turkish word “AKILUM” (USUM, BiLGiYiM, BiLGiM) meaning “I am mind, I am wisdom, I am knowledge; my mind, my wisdom, my knowledge, . . .”  Thus, verifying that OKUL and AKIL are related words in Turkish!

5.    Related to Latin words LYCIUM (LYCEUM), there are the Latin words LUCILIUS, LUCILIUM meaning “name of Roman gens”, [Cassell’s Compact Latin-English and English – Latin Dictionary, 1962, p. 148].

a)    The relation can be seen when the word LUCILIUS is rearranged as “LICILUUS”, it is the altered and disguised Turkish word “LISELIYUZ” (OKULLUYUZ, BiLGiLiYiZ, BiLGE KiŞiYiZ)  meaning “we are from high school, we are enlightened, we are knowledgable, we are wise, we are BILGAMESH”!

Similarly, when the term LUCILIUS, rearranged as “ISICLU-UL”, is the altered, restructured and Romanized form of the Turkish word “IŞIKLI OL” (AYDIN OL, BiLGiLi OL, BiLGE KiŞi OL, BiLGEMiŞ OL) meaning “be enlightened, be knowledgable, be wise, be schooled, be BILGAMESH!”.  Man can become enlightened and knowledgable by going to schools and going through extensive learning.

b)    Alternatively, when the word LUCILIUM is rearranged as “LICILUUM”, it is the altered and disguised Turkish word “LISELIYUM” (OKULLUYUM, BiLGiLiYiM, BiLGE KiŞiYiM)  meaning “I am from high school, I am enlightened, I am knowledgable, I am wise, I am BILGAMESH”!

The term LUCILIUM, rearranged as “ICILUUM-L”, is the altered, restructured and Romanized and Hellenized Turkish word “IŞILIyUM” (AYDINUM, BiLGiLiUM, BiLGE KiŞiUM, BiLGEMiŞUM) meaning “I am with light, I am enlightened, I am knowledgable, I am wise, I am schooled, I am BILGAMESH!”.

Thus, with these two Latin words that have been made up from Turkish and are being used as a name for Roman gens, the Romans elevate themselves by way of the Turkish meanings embedded in these words.

The Roman term GENS referred to a group of families in ancient Rome who shared a name and claimed a common origin.  The term GENS is also described as: “a clan; species of animals; people, tribe, nation”, [Cassell’s Compact Latin-English and English – Latin Dictionary, 1962, p. 109].

At this point, I must point out that even this so-called Roman term “GENS” is also an altered form of the Turkish word “CAN” meaning “life, living being; human being, people, tribe, nation and animals”. In the case of “the species of animals,” it is the altered form of the Turkish word “CINS” meaning “species of living beings”. So, we see that even this word is not Roman but rather usurped from ancient Turkish!


In light of all these explanations of the Latin words related to LUCIUS, when the Romans put the name LUCIUS, or the LUCILIUS, in front of a king’s title, they actually meant “King is a wise man”, that is, in Turkish the king is a “BiLGE KiŞi”, or “BiLGEMiŞ”.  Of course, this was one of the ancient Turanian ways of expressing a title for a wise king!  The rest of the world copied that Turanian culture and concept and converted it into different “formats” to say the same thing. The term LUCIUS (that is, “IŞIKLI” in Turkish) is one such saying.

For example, “Bayanchur Khan (known also as Moyanchur Khan[1]) (Chinese: 藥羅葛磨延啜; pinyin: Yàolúogě Mòyánchùo),[2] was an Uyghur khagan from 747 to 759 AD. His official titles were “Ay Tengrida Qut Bolmish” and “El Etmish Bilge Qaghan” (i.e., “born with glory on Moon Heaven” and “state settled wise ruler”). He was the Ruler of “the people of the Sun”, [].

Many Turanian rulers of ancient Masar (Misir, so-called “Egypt”) including the so-called great king “RAMSES II” used the Turkish word “USER” meaning “wise man” in his kingly and godly title.


The Etruscan King LUCIUS TARQUINIUS PRISCUS, by the use of his kingly and godly title, helped us to understand his Turanian identity is far clearer terms.  By his kingly title, he once again helped to enlighten us after some 2700 years later!

Polat Kaya


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