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HomeDatelinesAnthropological Differentiation in South-Western Siberian Population

Anthropological Differentiation in South-Western Siberian Population

List of Literature

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Abbreviations (not proofread)

ASU Altai State University
AJ – Anthropological Journal
AD – archaeological discoveries
SPU Barnaul State Pedagogical University
VDI Bulletin of ancient history
BAH. BA Anthropology Matters
IEA Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology
KZIA Brief reports of the Institute of Archaeology
KZIE Brief reports of the Institute of Ethnography
BZIHMC Brief reports of the Institute of History of Material Culture
IFSP Institute of Northern Development
MSU Moscow State University
MIA materials and research on the archaeology of the USSR
MNEPU International Independent Ecological-политологическийуниверситет
RIYLL Research Institute of Language and Literature History
OSU Omsk State University
RAJ Russian anthropological journal.
SA Soviet archaeology.
SE Soviet ethnography
TGU Tomsk State University
TIE Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography
STACE South Turkmenistan Archaeological Complex Expedition

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