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PRESS RELEASE for Media, NGOs and Public in General

Ephesus Library
Ephesus Library

Turkish Library and Museum in America (TLM)
In search of Ideas in Service to Turkish Nation and Turks in the World..
Date: 24th March 2011
The project “Turkish Library and Museum for Friendship and Peace – TLM” in New York in the United States was introduced by Yüksel Oktay via a draft proposal in February 2011 with an overall objective to be opened in New York in the U.S. in 2015.
The initiator of the project Mr. Oktay aims to introduce the project through a series of meetings as open to media, NGOs and public in general as well as bringing together potential collaborators, sponsors, volunteers, experts and acedemicians. The first of these meetings is scheduled in Istanbul, Anemon Galata Hotel terrace on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 from 15:00 to 17:00pm.
The core aim of this first meeting will be to bringing together potential partnerships, collaborations, supports as well as to introduce the project short-term and long-terms goals and visions as first hand by Mr. Oktay and also members of the Working Group in Istanbul.
The idea of the TLM was evolved during a Symposium in Adana on January 28, 2011, and has been continuing to gather momentum as outlined in its first “Progress Report”, which is available at or
Since January 28, 2011, the TLM project has been introduced at several platforms, and got immediate attention which has led to gathering support across the continents for its emerging volunteers, working group, advisory board, honorary board, board members and various committees from several Museums, Corporations, NGOs, Turkish Travelers Club, “Changing Leaders Summit” held in Istanbul 14-15/3/2011 (including HE Ahmet Davutoglu) and ATAA and FTAA’s conference “Turkish American Leadership Conference” in Washington DC, 17-19/3/2011.
As part of the TLM’s Grand Opening in 2015, the project also aims to celebrating the 100th anniversary of Canakkale Battles in conjunction to its very first opening, which always has been left out to be acknowledged by the general public or had got rarely attention if there is any in the internal, in particular, in the international arena.
Why is in the U.S.?
It is consider that about 150 thousands Turkish-Americans live in the Tri-State area, and overall estimate of the Turkish and Turkic Americans in the U.S. as nation-wide is about 500 thousands. Despite the fact that, neither Turkey nor any other Turkish nation(s) or a collaborative effort has not been put out for a Turkish (and/or Turkic countries) library and museum/cultures and arts from the ancient time to distant and near historical perspectives as well as to present time or simply nothing is exist up to this very moment in the U.S. yet!
With this, the TLM’s envisioned goals and visions are (which are still in developing process):
– To provide resources on the Turkish history, culture and civilizations;
– To present the Turkish culture in relation to its ancient roots – various civilizations through out its human, geographical and cultural history and traditions as well as reflecting those through literary books, historical documents and cultural artifacts from various Turkish and Turkic cultures both in relation to the past as well as from the present times.
– To support and connect Turkey, Turkish and Turkic peoples in the USA;
– To provide a place for academicians, students and alike for research and work on Turkish and Turkic studies and researches to all interested parties regardless age, cultural background, gender, race etc.
– To provide an ongoing opportunity, dynamic atmosphere throughout the year for Turkish-Americans – Turkic Americans and to young generations to learn their own heritage and keep them in touch with their own values and strong ties with their original homelands.
– Among the establishment and opening of the TLM, the project also aims to be incorporated with a “Digital and On-Line Library” in conjunction to its opening in 2015. Its contents will be both in parallel to its core contents – permanent exhibitions among its ongoing programs and temporary exhibitions.
Via the Digital and On-Line Library, the TLM further aims to serve, not only to the people from the all walks of life in New York and Tri-State area and/or around but also to all interested people who live in other parts of the USA as well as world-wide.
Based upon in realization of this project in 2015, it will be the very first Turkish Library and Museum in America in the Turkish and Turkish-American history.
With this, we cordially invite you to attend the TLM’s first introductory and planning meeting (please see draft agenda below), which is open to all interested parties in Istanbul on Tuesday, March 29, 2011.
The other scheduled meetings are: In Izmir on April 2nd; in Adana on April 6; in Ankara on April 9; in Los Angeles on April 24; in Seattle on April 30; in New York on May 19; in Hunterdon County Library in Clinton, NJ, on May 21; in Springfield NJ Library on May 27; and in Columbus, Ohio on June 27, 2011. Others will be followed, and tentatively there will be one in Edirne and Kars as well later in the year in other places both in Turkey and in the U.S.
Looking forward to share with you this very exciting project.
Best regards,

On behalf of the Turkish Library and Museum in America
for Peace and Friendship Project Working Group:

Mr Yüksel Oktay
Istanbul & NewJersey
Mr Isa Alemdağ
Ms Bircan Ünver
Queens/New York
Mr Beyhan Türer
Ms Sema Sagat



29 Mart 2011, Sali Amerika’da Turk Kutuphanesi ve Muzesi Projesi Ilk Toplantisi Agendasi
2. Nicin Turkiye’de toplanti ve Turkiye’nin katkilari – ISTANBUL’DAKI BU ILK TOPLANTININ AMACI VE BEKLENTILERI – Beyhan Turer
3. Amerika’da Turkler ve Turk-Amerikalilar ve onlarin katkisi – ve Turkiye ile Amerika arasinda koordinasyon/esgudumlu calismanin nasil saglanacagi uzerine gorusler – Sezer Koyun
4. Turk Hukumeti/Dis Isleri-DC Temsilcilik son temaslar ve destegin saglanmasi-guvencesi ve talep edilecek katkilarin tanimi – Yuksel Oktay
5. Kutuphane ve Muzenin adi ve nerede acilmasi geregi – Son gelen teklifler – Turk Kutuphanesi ve Muzesi, Amerika, Dostluk ve Baris Icin – Sema Sagat
6. Organizasyon kurumsal catisinda ve komitelerde calismak isteyenler ve koordinatorler (Turkiye – AB ve Amerika olarak gruplandirilacaktir. Ustlenilecek kisisel ve yasal duzeyde sorumluluklar ulke bazinda farkli duzey ve kategoride olacaktir.) – Celal Toroglu
7. Uyelik Listeleri – Teyit etmis olanlar, ayri bir word dosyasinda ve/veya TLM websitesinde yayinlanacak.. Faaliyet Raporuna da; komite/calisma gruplari/board vs.. ana basliklari ile her bir komitenin sorumlu kisileri tespit edilecek ve o kisi ve iliskili bir e-mail yayinlanacak – (Yuksel Basaran hanim hazirliyor, Brooklyn, NY)
8. Faaliyet Raporu Nisan 2011 Sayisi ve Calisma Programi/TAKVIMI — Genisletilmis Giris ve Amaclar’la beraber – Yuksel Oktay
9. Gelecek toplantilar – Izmir’de, Ankara’da, Adana’da, New York’ta, Los Angeles’ta, Seattle,da, Columbus Ohio’da ve 21 Mayis’ta Clinton NJ’de (konfirme oldu.)
10. Yapilacak isler, Anket, Logo Yarismasi ve Temenniler

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