Dear Aslam Rasoolpuri,
In this Part-2, I show that the Sumerian was most likely a dialect of Turkish – if not the same.
There are many Turkish words in the Sumerian language and also in the ancient Masarian (MISIR, that is, the so-called ancient “Egypt”) language, which is dated to at least 5000 years ago. Yet, none of the investigators of these sources are giving reference to the name TUR or TURK or OGUZ. These scholars knew about the name TROY, which is from Turkish “TUR ÖY” meaning “home of TUR / TURK / OGUZ” peoples, but it was wrongly associated with the Indo-European people. The name TUR / TURK / OGUZ” has been intentionally suppressed up to now – particularly by the Judeo-Christian readers of the ancient Sumerian documents.
For example, in reading the Sumerian texts, the god name “TUR” was suppressed and replaced by “MAR“. This is very clearly stated in a footnote given in the book “A Sumerian Reading-Book” by C. J. GADD, Oxford At The Clarendon, Press, 1924, page 48-49, footnote number III where it states: “TUR is read mar in the name of this god.”
This, of course, erases the god name TUR from the Sumerian texts and removes the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples from ancient history since TUR was also the name for this Turanian peoples. It also transfers that magnificent civilization of the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples, that is, the Turko-Sumerians, to the wanderer people of ancient Babylon.
This is a very subtle way of obliterating the history of one people while bolstering the history of another group of people by way of stealing and altering the names, language, religion and even the people themselves. It is known that the Babylonians stole everything from the Sumerian civilization.
Yet the Sumerians are now presented as “extinct” people – having no relations to anybody – which is a total falsehood because the Sumerians were one branch of the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. The present-day Tur/Turk/Oguz people are the inheritors of the Sumerian legacy.
In the Sumerian texts, the name DINGIR meaning “GOD” is found everywhere. Of course, the word DINGIR is nothing but the Turkish word DINGRI (TENGRI, TANRI, TENGER, TENGERE, TANGARA) meaning “GOD”. It is almost certain that the Sumerian DINGRI (TENGRI) was deliberately read wrong in the form of DINGIR so as to alienate it from its Turkish form of “TENGRI“. Additionally, DINGIR, in the form of “GINDIR”, is nothing but a form of the Turkish expression “GÜNDÜR” meaning “it is the sun”.
The Sun indeed was the Sky-God of the ancient Sumerians as well as the rest of the Turanian TUR / TURK / OGUZ” peoples throughout the world. It must be noted that the DINGIR symbol in Sumerian writings was a “star” symbol. And of course, the Sun was not only a star to the Sumerians, but it was also their God. >From this analysis, it is clear that the Sumerian word DINGIR for “God” is the same as the Turkish word TENGRI for “God” . This is testimony that Turkish religion and Sumerian religion were the same and both expressed their “God” concept the same way.
C. D. GADD, in his book [p. 62-63], has another footnote (No. 32) which reads as: “gilga. Signs BIL.GA, as in the GIS.BIL.GA.mis = GILGA.mis, and cf. p. 13″. Similarly, on p. 69 of the same book , C. J. GADD reads one Sumerian text as “dingir” and identifies it as Gilgamesh.
This says that the original Sumerian text signs “BIL.GA.MISH” have been wrongly presented to the world in the form of “GIL.GA.MISH”. In other words, the original name was not “GILGAMESH” but was “BILGAMISH“. The name BILGAMISH is a pure Turkish word that means “he who has acquired knowledge” (he who knows). Additionally, the name “GIL.GA.MISH”, if read in the form of “AGIL.GA.MISH”, reveals another Turkish expression that also means BILGAMISH. In this case, the Turkish word “AGIL” (AKIL) meaning “mind, wisdom” , as opposed to BILGA (BILGI) meaning “knowledge” , was used to come up with the name “GIL.GA.MISH”. The “GIL” in ““GIL.GA.MISH” is the Turkish “AGIL” (AKIL) with the front vowel droped. Additioanall, the “-MISH” at the end of BILGAMISH and GILGAMISH is a pure Turkish suffix. This takes the Turkish language back to at least 6000 years ago.
We must also note that the name BILGAMESH, in the epic story of Bilgamish (Gilgamish (Agilgamish)), is the personification of the accumulated human knowledge that encompasses everything known by that time and, that total knowledge is much more than anyone person can master or know in his/her lifetime.
Hence, BILGAMESH was God. Actually the story says that BILGAMESH was two-thirds god and one-third human. But nevertheless, it was a “God-like” being that was enlightening, creating, thinking, speaking, singing, writing, emulating, naming concepts, etc. that developed all human knowledge up to present times.
The ancient Turanians knew that all of these things that BILGAMESH represented took place in the human “head”- which made the human head a “God-like” being. That is why the ancient Turanians also worshipped the human “head” (TEPE, BAŞ and KAFA in Turkish) as God. And because of this, the “WORD”, that is, SÖZ and AGUZ in Turkish was regarded as “god” and “was with the GOD” since it was the voice of the “human head” which was “God-like”. The “head” (tepe, bash) contained God-given the natural thinking machine that “human brain” was.
Probably because of the sacredness of the “human head”, the ancient Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples also worshipped their ancestors (ancestor worshipping culture). Thus, although “man” himself was a mortal being, he was also a sacred being.
In the Sumerian epic story BILGAMESH (GILGAMESH), there is the story of the Great Flood in which the epic character UTNAPISHTIM (also identified by the later Babylonians as NOAH – which is the altered form of Turkish “HAN O” meaning “the Lord”), builds a “boat” just before the supposed great flood and saves in it, his family together with a pair of all the animals, thus saving them all from extinction.
I identify that mythological boat as the “human head” (Tr. ER TEPESI, ER BASI). In other words, there was no “real boat” made to do such a venture, It was just a metaphor for the human “HEAD” where all the names of the animals known at that time were stored and saved as “KNOWLEDGE”, that is, “BILGI” in Turkish, for future generations. After all, the human head (Tr. TEPE) is metaphorically like a “boat” which holds all that knowledge.
It is said that the boat of UTNAPISHTIM landed on the top of a mountain called Mount Ararat. But tops of mountains are called TEPE in Turkish – just as the human head is called TEPE in Turkish. Thus the ancient Turanians not only regarded the “human head” (TEPE) as sacred but also mountain tops (TEPE). It is not a coincidence that temples, where God is worshipped, are called TAPI in Turkish.
This is also why most temples in the world are in the shape of a TEPE, that is, in the shape of a pointy mountain top, such as the Sumerian Ziggurats; Masarian Pyramids and Obelisks; Inca Aztec and Maya pyramids; pyramids in China; Turkish Yurts, Kurgans, Minarets and Mosque domes; Christian Church domes, steeples and spires; Indian Pagodas and Stupas.
As you can see, the Turkish language and the ancient Turanian religious civilization are at the foundation of all these concepts – although it is not advertised as such.
When the name UTNAPISHTIM (UTANAPISHTIM) is rearranged letter-by-letter as “U-ATMN-PASHITI” or “U-ATAMIN-PSHTI”, I find the restructured form of the Turkish expression:
“U ATAMIN BASHIDI” meaning “it is the head of my creator father” which refers to both the Sky Father God (GÖK ATA TANRI) and also the creator forefathers. That is why the Turks not only worshipped the universal Sky Father God but also their “ancestors”. Making monuments for their ancestors is a Turkish invention and is one of their contributions to the world.
Additionally, “U ADAMIN BASHIDI” meaning “it is the head of man”. Here again, we clearly see that in the ancient Bilgamesh epic story, the Sumerians deified the human head, which is capable of all kinds of creations, just as “GOD” is capable of all kinds of creations.
This Sumerian epic story is most likely older than 6000 years but its name is unquestionably in Turkish. This means that when the Epic story Bilgamish (Gilgamish) was being composed, the Turkish language was there. Most likely it was written and/or narrated in a dialect of Turkish (which I call “TURKO-SUMERIAN”) during the Sumerian times. This also makes Turkish a very old language being fully developed before Akkadians ever existed.
Another ancient mythological character, similar to Bilgamesh, was the supposedly Greek name “HERAKLEUS” who is supposed to overcome and perform almost “impossible” labours assigned to him. The name HERAKLEUS was in fact nothing but the Turkish “ER AKLI, US” expression defining the Human head and the knowledge accumulated in it. Of course a human head can perform seemingly impossible tasks (as we have all seen with the miracles of modern technology, space travel, skyscrapers, air travel, internet, etc), because the human head is a God-like entity.
It can think and solve huge problems and create things and name them. This fantastic God-like capability of the human head can be used for good purposes and evil purposes as we all see today. At this point, I would like to note that the so-called “underdeveloped” peoples everywhere should become aware of this inherent power of the human head and cultivate it by spending a major portion of their resources to educate their young people with knowledge so that they too may rise and prosper.
People everywhere must understand that “knowledge” is power and with it, any goal can be achieved. It must be noted that all achievements of humanity, irrespective of being small or outstandingly large, have been achieved with “knowledge”. Evidently, the ancient Turanians knew this huge value of knowledge. That is why they personified knowledge with the name BILGAMESH.
People should also understand that if they waste any opportunity to acquire knowledge and wisdom and mastery of language in their lfe time, then, it is more than likely that others who have acquired knowledge and wisdom and mastery of language will run and control their lives.
To avoid such unwanted situations, it should be the policy of governments to provide extensive scientific education for all of their youth so that they may attain all-valuable knowledge and wisdom, and with that, personal self-sufficiency and independence from adverse forces . To read more about the true identity of the name Bilgamesh and Heracles, please also see my papers at urls:
We must note that this ancient God concept had the name of TUR and OGUZ – which are also the names of the Tur/Turk/Oguz people. We are all told that God created “man” in his own image but it is most likely that the ancient Tur/Turk/Oguz man created the God concept in his own image because it was man’s head that, after much observation of the sky and the earth, first conceived the “God” concept.
This is why the Turko-Sumerians and the Turko-Masarians regarded the Sun and the Moon as the eyes of the Sky-Father-God. They must have envisioned the invisible God as having a human-like head of which the sun and the moon were “His eyes” and the Sky was “His Face”. The term “SKY” is also expressed by the Turkish term “GÖK YÜZÜ” meaning “sky face” or “Sky God’s face”.
Here I want to introduce another related subject. “The Sky-Disk of Nebra” is an ancient artifact found in what is presently called Germany. It was first brought to my attention by Dr. Erhan Berber, some 2 years ago. Below is a picture of the Sky-Disk of Nebra and below the picture is a sample explanation from some people who have studied it – along with some links to further related sites.
(See also: Sky Disc of Nebra – The World’s Oldest Star Map
This is an exact, full-sized replica of the disc recently discovered within a Neolithic woodhenge observatory near Nebra, Germany. The original, bronze with gold plated stars, shows several constellations, including The Pleiades, which can be used to predict the timing of the autumn harvest and lunar eclipses. Symmetrical arcs at the sides mark sunrise and sunset on the solstices and equinoxes. In the center are a crescent and a full moon. Scholars have not yet deciphered the symbolism of the remaining arc, which could represent a ship with oars sailing the celestial seas, or perhaps served as a sundial. [1600 B.C.E.],

At this point I want to show two pictures of Turkish yurts of Central Asia. (Yurt pictures are from Dr. Metin Gunduz). The appearance of the yurts show them to be physically like a “hill” or “mountain” (i.e., tepe or bash in Turkish). Yet internally, it resembles the sky dome, with an “eye” opening at its top (tepe). This circular opening is a likeness of the “Sun” and its light rays represented with the physical wooden structure.
Just as the Sky dome is a one “room” space above, the Turkish yurt is also a “one room dwelling”, that is, “BIR GÖZ DAM” in Turkish using almost the same terminology as used to describe the sky. The Turkish YURT was the model for the construction of the Pantheon building in ancient Rome. In the case of the Pantheon, the single circular opening at the top was called by the Latin name OCULUS meaning “EYE” or “the DEMON’S HOLE”. OCULUS is infact made up from the Turkish expression “ULU KÖZ” (ULU GÖZ) meaning “The Great Fire” and “The Great Eye” which refers to the sun. See my paper on Pantheon at url

which is an emulation of the “Sun” where the light rays are represented with the physical wooden structure.
Will continue in Part-3