Bircan ÜNVER

Bircan Unver [ Photo by: Rohan De Silva (December 16, 2006) ]
Bircan Unver

Bircan Ünver received Field and Studio Production certificates from Queens Public Television (QPTV) in 1992. Since then, she has produced, directed and edited more than 70 original programs, both in-studio and field and aired them on QPTV’s four channels (#34, 35, 56 & 57). She launched The Light Millennium TV Series (“LMTV” monthly) at QPTV on Jan. 13, 2000 under the umbrella of The Light Millennium, and won several awards for her programs. Please see the Videography:

Bircan is the originator (1999) and founder (2001) of The Light Millennium (“LM”) organization <>. She has been the executive producer and director of the LM since its inception and is the permanent representative of the organization to the Department of Public Information of the United Nations since 2006. Also, she is the originator of the ISIKBINYILI.ORG (conceptually Turkish version of the Light Millennium with original content), which has become an independent association according to the Turkish Law based in Istanbul (January 2010), Turkey, and as a sister organization with The Light Millennium.
She developed, conducted, designed, e-produced, and promoted 48 e-magazines under the LM organization. Please see in the following links web Archive of the organization and ISIK BINYILI:

She also originated, developed, produced and co-produced 57 various cultural and educational public events in collaborations with various non-governmental organizations and major universities such as Columbia, NYU, CUNY, Baruch, Yale, Princeton.. Also, she collaborated with the Turkish Consulate General of New York, Turkish Culture and Tourism Office as well as Sweden Consulate General of NY. Led two events during the UN/DPI-NGO 59th and 60th Conferences in 2006 and 2007 on behalf of the Light Millennium organization. For more information, please see the following link:

Further, she is member of the <> “UN/DPI-NGO Annual 59th, 60th and 61st Conference Planning Committees, and member of the Multi-Generational(2006), Media, and Events & Fundraising sub-committees in 2006 & 2007. As a result, she produced/shown and promoted of her UNNGO Profiles as a 7 half-hour episodes under the LMTV at QPTV. Furthermore, she e-published and/or promoted/e-distributed numerous pieces from the UN DPI/NGO Conferences on the LM’s web site. Also, served for three years at the NGO Committee on Mental Health – Working Group’s Annual programs, which took place at the UN-Church Center (NYC) in (April) 2007, 2008, and 2009.

Bircan holds a Master’s Degree from Media Studies of the New School University. Her thesis project was a half-hour documentary titled “ALL IDEAS: Freedom of Expression in Turkey” (1999). She has a BA degree is in Fine Arts from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul, Turkey (1988).

As an art journalist, Bircan had numerous articles and interviews appeared in print in various Turkish monthly art magazines and some daily newspapers from 1984 to 1989 in Turkey. She compiled her articles, interviews and essays in a book titled “En Kutsali Yaratmak” (The Most Sacred is to Create) in Turkish, published by SAY Publishing House in Istanbul in 1995. Also, as her second book, “Sanatın Labirentlerinde…” (The Labyrinths of Arts..) electronically published on Isikbinyili.Org in 2008 (

Other than “Lightmillennium.Org” and “Isikbinyili.Org”, over the years, Bircan’s interviews, essays and articles appeared on various on-line web sites and in print such as Turkish Times, Sanathaber.Net, Oytrabzon.Com, dPaper, Portreler, Paylasim, HurriyetUSA, Odaksevgi.Org, Yerelce, TurkCelil.Com, TurkishLifeNews.Com, and more in the US and Turkey, also in Europe.

For Web Profile of Bircan Ünver: