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About The Etruscan Pyramid At Bomarzo, ITALY and Words Related to The Concepts of Pyramid and ALTAR By Polat Kaya

In my Facebook, a valued friend, Ms Tina Frigerio, shared with me her photos of an Etruscan pyramid that, at its top, seems to have been used as an altar for Etruscan religious gatherings – during its usable days. With a note to me, she suggested: “I think that these examples of “altars” found in central Italy might be of interest regarding their Turanian origins”.  I am grateful to her for sharing this information with me and also for her suggestion.

To have a better understanding of this Etruscan pyramid (as well as other pyramids elsewhere) and the “altar” concepts, I wanted to get an understanding from the definitions of these words. More importantly, the names attributed to concepts also carry highly refined definitions in Turkish that are not visible on the surface.  So, I will decipher the relevant words to get a better understanding of them.
One of Ms Tina Frigero’s photos of the Etruscan pyramid is shown below, Figure 1.

Figure 1. Etruscan Pyramid-Altar at Bomarzo, Italia, from Tina Frigerio's Facebook photo album
Figure 1. Etruscan Pyramid-Altar at Bomarzo, Italia, from Tina Frigerio’s Facebook photo album

Figure 3.  Etruscan Pyramid-Altar at Bomarzo, Italia, from Tina Frigerio’s Facebook photo album showing the Altar and the channels cut possibly for the flow of “blood” from sacrificial animals.

Figure 2. Etruscan Pyramid-Altar at Bomarzo, Italia, from Tina Frigerio's Facebook photo album
Figure 2. Etruscan Pyramid-Altar at Bomarzo, Italia, from Tina Frigerio’s Facebook photo album

Pyramids are essentially stylized man-made “hills” (i.e., “TEPE”, a small mountain), while an altar is regarded as a flat surface that can be used as an area where a religious ritual is performed.  From these pictures above and the others in Tina’s photo album, it is clear that this Etruscan pyramid is not a normal one built with stones in an open area, but rather one that has been carved out from a big rock. It has two “altar” areas at the top, one on either side. The one we see in Figure 2 and 3 have two areas cut into the rock. The one at the left has a sitting position (which is called “SEKI” in Turkish) where probably some important attendees would be sitting and called upon for some function in the ritual, while the one at the right, seems to be a larger area possibly for animals to be sacrificed for the gods.  There is one channel which branches off into two, cut into the rock-bed probably to let the blood from the slaughtered animal flow downwards and then to wash the altar area.

Two staircases at the top area lead to the top of the pyramid enabling easy passage from one face of the pyramid to the opposing face at the top.

Figure 3. Etruscan Pyramid-Altar at Bomarzo, Italia, from Tina Frigerio's Facebook photo album showing the Altar and the channels cut possibly for flow of "blood" from sacrificial animals.
Figure 3. Etruscan Pyramid-Altar at Bomarzo, Italia, from Tina Frigerio’s Facebook photo album showing the Altar and the channels cut possibly for flow of “blood” from sacrificial animals.

Tina states that this Etruscan pyramid is at the end of a long channel which she calls “tagliata Etrusca”, Bomarzo. (Tina’s Photo Album, No. 3).  Even this deep canyon seems to have been cut by Etruscans into the rock-bed of the mountain. It is a man-made canyon!
The carved pyramid and a deep canyon by the Etruscans remind me of the Ancient Turanian TURPAN (TURFAN)  ruins such as at the City of YARKOTO, (YAR KÖYDÜ) and the Thousand Buddha Caves of Uighur Turks at Ancient BEZEKLIK – which are also carved ancient structures by the Turanians.

The name YARKOTO, read as Turkish name (YAR KÖY) would mean “carved village” or read as  “YER KÖY” would mean “village from the ground”.  Both of these definitions refer to its being carved out from the ground.  YARKOTO is also called by the name  JIAOHE (said to be meaning “junction of two rivers” in Chinese), []. The name “JIAOHE”, rearranged as “JAI-OHU” is either from Turkish “ÇAY ÖYÜ” meaning “The River House” (The River Village), or alternatively, “ÇAY ÖNÜ” meaning “riverfront”.   Turkish word ÇAY (JAI) means “river”, ÖY means “home, the house; the place where one lives”. Thus, this altered nameJIAOHE is definitely related to these Turkish words and made up from Turkish.
In Yarkoto, there are the ruins of a complex of one hundred small pyramids in four blocks of 5×5 = 25 each, with an additional central large one.  I referred to these ruins in my paper called “AK TENGIZ” The Ice Age Great Flood Lake Covering The Lowlands of Siberia .They were also given in The National Geographic, Vol. 175, No. 3, March 1989, p. 302-303.

Now, the pyramids of Yarkoto (Jiaohu) are being called “STUPA”. Interestingly, the term STUPA, rearranged as “US-TPA” is from the Turkish expression “US TEPE” meaning “Wise Head”.  Thus, both names PYRAMID and STUPA mean the “head” and refer to the “head” as we will see in detail below.

Jiaohe, Xinjiang Site Plan:

West of the large vihara, seen on the previous pages, is a rather amazing collection of 101 stupas. The central stupa, in quincunx, is surrounded by four fields of 5×5 stupas (only their bases exist today), also in quincunx (plan): 4x(5×5)+1 = 101 .

The stupas are very early, 4th century AD; the central stupa probably held a Buddha relic, and the surrounding stupas held the remains of important monks of that time” , [].
Further west is a Buddhist vihara (monastery), seen here from its eastern approach. The square structure that dominates the centre of the photo is a ruined pagoda (closeup), that is situated in front of the monastery proper.


About the Ancient Bezeklik Thousand Budhha Caves of Uighur Turks, in ancient Eastern Turkistan (UIGHURISTAN), presently called “XINJIANG”, we have the following information at URL

“The Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves are complex of Buddhist cave grottos dating from the 5th to the 9th centuries between the cities of Turpan and Shanshan (Loulan) at the north-east of the Taklamakan Desert near the ancient ruins of Gaochang in the Mutou Valley, a gorge in the Flaming Mountains, China.[1] They are high on the cliffs of the west Mutou Valley under the Flaming Mountains.[2]

There are 77 rock-cut caves at the site. Most have rectangular spaces with rounded arch ceilings often divided into four sections, each with a mural of Buddha. The effect is of entire ceiling covers with hundreds of Buddha murals. Some ceilings are painted with a large Buddha surrounded by other figures, including Indians, Persians and Europeans. The quality of the murals varies with some being artistically naive while others are masterpieces of religious art.[3]”

Figure 4. A view from a ancient Turanian town of Bezeklik, in Turpan (Eastern Turkistan) carved out from mountain.
Figure 4. A view from a ancient Turanian town of Bezeklik, in Turpan (Eastern Turkistan) carved out from mountain.

So, cutting “pyramids” or cities, or caves from the rock or from a mountain was not an unusual culture for the ancient Turanians as we see in the Etruscan pyramid in Figures 1 to 3, and the deep canyon cut into the rocky ground!

1.    Names STUPA, PAGODA, BUTKADA another religious form of a PYRAMID:

Definitions from the Oxford American Dictionary:
Stupa:  a dome-shaped structure erected as a Buddhist shrine.  ORIGIN from Sanskrit stupa.
Pagoda:  a Hindu or Buddhist temple or sacred building, typically a many-tiered tower, in India and the Far East.

ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Portuguese pagode, perhaps based on Persian butkada “temple of idols”, influenced by Prakrit bhagodi “divine”.

The above names are really all made up from Turkish.  Here is their make-up from Turkish.

a)    The name STUPA  rearranged as  “US-TPA” is from Turkish “US TePe”  meaning “Wise Head; Wise Hill” – and referring to the human head – which is also a dome-shaped “hill” like structure.  Therefore STUPA symbolizes the human head – but in a very esoteric manner.
b)    The name  PAGODA  rearranged as “AGA-DP-O” is from Turkish  “AGA TEPE O”  meaning “It is lord Head; it is Lord Hill”.
c)    The name BUTKADA  rearranged as “KUT-DABA” is from Turkish “KUT TEPE” (KUTSAL TEPE)  meaning “Sacred Head; Sacred Hill”.
So in all of these cases, the names of these religious temples are personifications of the “human head” and also of the “Head of Sky-Deity” which is defined as the Sky-God.


2.    The Greek word PURAMIS  or PURAMIDOS:

“A pyramid (from Greek: pyramis[1]) is a structure in which all of the outer surfaces (excluding the base) are triangular and converge at a single point. The base of a pyramid can be trilateral, quadrilateral, or any polygon shape, meaning that a pyramid has at least three triangular surfaces (at least four faces including the base). The square pyramid, with square base and four triangular outer surfaces, is a common version.”

This definition given above is only a definition describing the geometrical shape of a pyramid.  It has stripped from any meanings that the ancient peoples may have attached to it.  This secrecy, we will try to undo in this assay.

The Greek word PURAMIS also has another form of “PURAMIDOS”, [Divry’s English – Greek and Greek – English Dictionary,1988, p. 664]. The Greek word PURAMIS is the cut-off front end of PURAMIDOS.  Thus we can work on the Greek word PURAMIDOS.

a)    The Greek word PURAMIDOS, rearranged as “PASIMDUR-O”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression”BAŞIMDIR-O” meaning “It is my head” and “It is my lord”. This Turkish definition clearly relates the pyramid to a head – which can be the human head or the Sky-God head and/or the ruler-head of a country or the top (head) of a mountain which is TEPE in Turkish.

This is a very significant statement in Turkish. The unquestionable truth is that each person’s “head” is the only ruler of that person at any time in his/her lifetime! In human society, the masses at the bottom have numerous rulers – which in turn have less numerous rulers – which in turn are ruled by a single ruler at the very top.  This forms a social pyramid.  In ancient times. the person at the top of this social pyramid would declare himself as God’s representative on earth.  The ancient thinking was that those Hakans, kings and emperors must also have a heavenly king qualitis that rules them all. To men, that immediate heavenly king was the Sun and its light – but even all those suns in the universe were regarded as being ruled by something else – and that was the so-called “Sky-Father God”.  This is why the ancient Turanians regarded the sun and the moon as the eyes of the Sky-Father God.

Yet without the sun, everything would end for man and all living beings.  Total darkness and extreme cold would rule whatever there might be in that total darkness. In my view, further to this, there is one more universal ruler that rules them all.  That is the SPACE itself which I regard it as having ENERGY and MASS itself.  With this concept, I call it “Energy-Mass Space” or “EM-Space”.  Without EM-SPACE, nothing can exist, not even the smallest elements of all things so-called atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons and others. I believe that is the absolute ruler of them all. The ancients called this the Sky-God, Sky-Father-God or Sky-Mother-Goddess or TANRI as in Turkish.  That is where the tip of the Pyramid ends.

b)    Alternatively, the Greek word PURAMIDOS, rearranged as “ODU-PIRMSA”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression “O’DU-BIRIMCI” (O’DU-BIRINCI) meaning “He/She/It is the First”. This again refers to sky and the Sky-God concept among ancient Turanians!

c)    Furthermore, the Greek word PURAMIDOS, rearranged as “OD-U-PIRMSA”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkishexpression “OD O BIRIMCI” (OD O BIRINCI) meaning “That First One is Fire”. This describes the The first God as being made of FIRE!  This of course refers to the Sky-God and the Sun-God of ancient Turanians – but in Turkish! That is why the ancient Turko-Sumerians called the Sun-God by the name “UTU”.  This name was also in the name of the Turkish OTOMANS (UTUMANS), that is to say, “the children of sun-god”!

d)    The Greek word PURAMIDOS, rearranged as “ODU-PIRMSA”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression “ODO-BIRIMCI” (UTU BIRINCI) meaning “Sun-God is the first one”. This describes the the Sun as being the first one!  Sun being regarded as the “Fire Eye” (i.e., “KOR GÖZ” in Turkish) makes the Sun as first as well.  That is why the ancient Turko-Sumerians called the Sun-God by the name “UTU”.  Turkish “ODO” and the Sumerian “UTU” are one and the same! This name was also in the name of the Turkish OTOMANS!

e)    The Greek word PURAMIDOS,, rearranged as “ADU-PIRMSO”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression “ADI-BIRIMCU” (ADI BIRINCI) meaning “its name is the First”. This again refers to the Sky-God concept. The ancient Hakans called themselves “the first”, that is, as if they were the Sky God by being a “King”.  It is no different at present! Of course, being “the first”  among all others in one or more fields must be a feeling of supreme “elevation” for anyone. But being “the first” among many is only achieved by the “head” (BAŞ, TEPE in Turkish).  That thinking machine enclosed into a special room –  (i.e., “ODA” in Turkish which is very similar to the above namesO’DU, OD’O, ODO, UTU),  in the head (TEPE) of man is the only one that can achieve “being the first” in any field. That “HEAD” (BAŞ, TEPE) is at the top of the “Human Pyramid”.  Ancient Turanians have seen that godly concept and therefore have equated man’s head with that of the Sky-God.

f)    The Greek word PURAMIDOS, rearranged as “OUS-R-DIPAM”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression:

f1)     “OUS ER TEPEM” meaning “Oguz Er is my Head”, “Oguz Er is my Ruler”, that is, “the Sky-God, Sun-God and Moon-God is my lord”;

f2) additionally, in the form of “O US ER TEPEM” meaning “that wise-man is my head”. By this definition Oguzman describes himself as the wise thinking, learning, speaking, conceiving, creating, building, writing, reading, schooling, teaching, …..   man of them all!

g)    The Greek word PURAMIDOS, rearranged as “PIR-US-ADM-O”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “BIR US ADAM O” (BIR AKIL ADAM O) meaning “one wise man He/She is”.  With this definition, the ancient Turanian Sky-God, Sun-God and Moon-God were all personified as “MAN”-like. For that reason, the Sky-God (i.e., He/She/It) was called “AL ER” (AL TANRI) meaning the “Red-Man”. This ancient Turanian RED GOD concept is still present in the name  ALLAH which is from Turkish “AL ILAH” meaning “The Red Lord”.
For that reason, the ancient Turanians painted their head (face) in red, or carried a red symbol on their heads, a red crown on the head of kings, red or purple robes (kaftans), red-golden diadem on the heads of man and woman, red veil on the head of a bride (gelin), a red ribbon around the waist of a bride, red KINA in the hands of bride and bridegroom, a red flag, and many more.

Of course, this ancient Turanian concept was interpreted as “God made man in his own image”.  It would be more correct to say “The Sky-God (i.e., Gok Tanri in Turkish) created man first”, but, in turn, MAN (i.e., “MEN” [BEN] in Turkish) conceived the GOD concept in his or her own image.  This is why deities are personified as men or women. Ancient Turanian Masar (Misir) called the universal creator GOD by the name of “AMUN” which is the same as Turkish “O MEN” meaning “He is me” or “MEN O” meaning “I am Him”.  Similarly, in ancient Indian mythology, the Turanian Kshatriyas of India called the creator of all men by the name “MANU” which is nothing but the Turkish saying of “MEN O” meaning “I am Him/Her/It”.

Thus, the term “pyramid” actually refers to the ancient Turanian Sky deities and also to the “all creative head of man” – but in Turkish.  Thus, the ancient Turanian pyramids built all over the world have these esoterical meanings in Turkish but they are hidden in the words of Greeks and others.  The term “esoteric” is defined as “intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge of interest”.  In other words, it means “it is secret” or “only for certain eyes”. That is what we find in all of these ancient Greek words. Evidently, when they were being fabricated from ancient Turanian words and expressions, their true meanings were intentionally hidden in secrecy and only a few people knew about their true meanings! Of course, such true meanings hidden within the words are deciphered only by the help of Turkish – the SUN LANGUAGE (GÜNEŞ DILI) and it is the progenitor language of them all!

In this regard, the English term “esoterical”, supposedly is derived from “esoteric”, tells us its hidden content in Turkish as follows:

The word  ESOTERICAL, rearranged letter-by-letter as “CISLETER-O-A”, is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression “GIZLIDIR O” meaning “it is secret”.  And, that is exactly the meaning of this English word. Is this a coincidence? Hardly not!  The word is a fabrication from Turkish – but we only get this exact correspondence after decipherment.
3.    The Pyramids at Giza:
Pyramids are not alien to the ancient Turanian world. The most famous ones are the ones in ancient Masar (Misir, so-called “Egypt”), that is, the ones at Giza, the ones in South America, the Mayan pyramids and the Peruvian (Inca) pyramids.  Now we are beginning to know better the ancient pyramids in present-day China.

Figure 5. Pyramids at Giza
Figure 5. Pyramids at Giza

The Pyramid of KHUFU:
“The Great Pyramid of Giza (also called the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) over an approximately 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC. Initially, at 146.5 metres (480.6 ft), the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years, the longest period of time ever held for such a record. Originally, the Great Pyramid was covered by casing stones that formed a smooth outer surface; what is seen today is the underlying core structure. Some of the casing stones that once covered the structure can still be seen around the base. There have been varying scientific and alternative theories about the Great Pyramid’s construction techniques. Most accepted construction hypotheses are based on the idea that it was built by moving huge stones from a quarry and dragging and lifting them into place.”

The Great Pyramid, the one at the left in the above picture, was made for the great PERU (“Pharaoh) KHUFU of ancient Masar (Misir) and it is also known as the Pyramid of CHEOPS (KHEOPS).  The names KHUFU and the so-called Greek name KHEOPS are linguistically very important proofs that the great PERU (“Pharaoh) KHUFU was a Turkish speaking

Turanian and the above shown pyramids were Turanian pyramids.

a)   The name KHUFU is actually the Turkish word “GAFA” (KAFA, TEPE, BAŞ) meaning “the Head”. As I showed above in explaining the so-called “Greek” word PURAMIDOS, meaning “pyramid”,  that it was the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression”BAŞIMDIR-O” meaning “It is my Head” and “It is my lord”. In other words, the “pyramid” was a man made “hill” (mountain top) symbolizing the human “head” and a “lord” personality of a deity and a kingly ruler. Here again we see this description in Turkish in the so-called name “KHUFU” which is actually Turkish word “KAFA” (GAFA).  This proves that this ancient King KHUFU (KHAFA) ruling the ancient Masar (Misir) was actually a Turkish speaking (and named) Turanian around the time of 2560 B. C., that is, some 4560 years ago, contrary to all the intentional historical confusions and denials about the presence of the ancient Turanian civilization in Masar (so-called “Egypt”). After having pointed this out, let us now understand the Greek name “KHEOPS” or “CHEOPS”.

b)    The Greek word KHEOPS, rearranged as “KE-POSH”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression “EKE BAŞ” (AGA BAŞ) meaning “The Lord Head”. This again identifies the name of this pyramid with the name of the Turanian PERU (BIR O), that is, The God Ruler KHUFU “GAFA” (KAFA, TEPE, BAŞ). He was the supreme head of the very ancient Turanian state of Masar (MISIR) in North Africa in the fertile lands of the River Nile!

c)    The name CHEOPS, rearranged as “CE-POSH”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression “EKE BAŞ” (YEKE BAŞ,  BAŞ AGA) meaning “The Lord Head”, “The Great Head”, “The Head Lord”, and also, the Turkish expression “EÇE BAŞ” (BAŞ EÇE)meaning “The Top Ruler of the House”, “The head ruler of the house”. This again identifies the name of this pyramid with the name of the Turanian PERU (BIR O), that is, The God Ruler KHUFU “GAFA” (KAFA, TEPE, BAŞ) who was the very top ruler of the very ancient Turanian state of Masar (MISIR) in North Africa.  Turkish word EÇE means the “the top ruler of the house”.
All this verifies what I said above about the hidden (esoterical) definition of the name “pyramid”.


The Pyramid of KHAFRE:

“The Pyramid of Khafre, also known as the Pyramid of Chefren,[1] is the second-largest of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids of Giza and the tomb of the fourth-dynasty pharaoh Khafre (Chephren).
Khafre’s Pyramid appears larger than the adjacent Khufu Pyramid by virtue of its more elevated location, and the steeper angle of inclination of its construction – it is, in fact, smaller in both height and volume. Khafre’s Pyramid retains a prominent display of casing stones at its apex.[3]”

a)    The name KHAFRE (CHEPHREN), rearranged as “KHAF-ER”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression “KAFA ER” (TEPE ER, BAŞ ER) meaning “The Head Man”, “The Top Man”, “The God Man”.  Thus even the name of this Peru is in Turkish and both his title and also the Pyramid that carries his title name are related to Turkish “KAFA” (TEPE, BAŞ) as described above.

b)    Similarly, the name CHEPHREN (KEFREN), rearranged as “ECH-PR-HEN”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression “EÇE BIR HAN” (TEPE BIR HAN, BAŞ BIR HAN) meaning “One Great Ruler of the House”, “One Head Lord”.  Thus again the name of this Peru is in Turkish and both his title and also the Pyramid that carries his title name are related to Turkish “KAFA” (TEPE, BAŞ) as described above.


The Pyramid of MENKAURE:

The third pyramid at the right in the picture above, is named as the Pyramid of Menkaure.

Detailed information can be found at: – and in many other internet sources.
“The Pyramid of Menkaure, also known as the Pyramid of Mycerinus, located on the Giza Plateau in the southwestern outskirts of Cairo, Egypt, is the smallest of the three Pyramids of Giza. It was built to serve as the tomb of the fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Menkaure.”

a)    The name MENKAURE (MYCERINUS), rearranged as “MEN-KAU-ER”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression” MEN GÖY ERI” (MEN GÖK ERI) meaning “I am the Sky Man”, “I am God”, “I am the God Man”.  Thus, this title is also in Turkish and he declares himself as the “Top Man”, that is, “GÖK TEPE ER”.  His Pyramid is also known by his title.

b)    The second form of his name MYCERINUS rearranged as “CUNES-IRYM”, is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression”GÜNEŞ ERIM” meaning “I am the Sun Man” (i.e., “I am GOD”).  Thus, by this title in Turkish, he also declares himself as the “Sun”, that is, “Sun God”.  His Pyramid is also known by his title.

Thus I have shown that these most famous pyramids of ancient Masar (Misir, [so-called “Egypt”]) were also from the ancient Turanian civilization, and, that the titles of the PERUs (Pharaohs) were all in Turkish – contrary to all kinds of disinformation. Of course, all of this makes the ancient MISIR civilization as a civilization of Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples – rather than the much later name of “Egypt”.


4.    About the term ALTAR:

After having analysed the “PYRAMID” concept in detail and with examples, we should also understand the so-called term “ALTAR”.  As it stands, the term ALTAR is very much like the Turkish term “AL’TUR” meaning “He is Red” – referring to the Sky-God concept that I talked about above; and additionally, in the form of “AL TUR” meaning the “Red Tur/Turk/Oguz Man”.  In addition to this, let us see the definition of ALTAR as given in dictionaries.

“The word “altar” (Greek: THUSIASTERION) appears twenty-four times in the New Testament. Significantly, Hebrews 13:10 spoke of Christians having an altar of which those who did not believe in Jesus could not partake, a reference to the eternal, once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling the sacrificial laws of the Old Testament. In early and later Catholic theology, the Eucharist is a re-presentation, in the literal sense of the one sacrifice being made “present again”. Hence, the table upon which the Eucharistic meal (the Bread and the Wine) is eaten is also called an altar.”

The Oxford American Dictionaries also defines the term ALTAR as follows:

a) the table in a Christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services.

b)  a table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, esp. for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity.

c)  sacrifice someone/something on/at the altar of someone/something cause someone or something to suffer in the interests of someone or something else.  ORIGIN Old English altar, alter, based on late Latin altar, altarium, from Latin altus ‘high.’”


In these definitions,  I will first dwell on te Greek word THUSIASTERION and then, the Latin word ALTARIUM.

a)   The Greek word THUSIASTERION (meaning “altar”), rearranged as “EN-UST-TOA-IIRH-S”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression”EN ÜST DOA YERI” meaning “the very high place in nature” referring to high points in nature such as the mountain tops or the man-made temples.

Additionally, “EN-UST-TOA-IIRH-S”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “EN ÜST DUA YERI” meaning “very high place of praying” referring to praying rituals at very high places.  Thus this definition in Turkish identifies where an altar should be and what is being done there. This is the very meaning of the term “altar”.

b)   The Greek word THUSIASTERION, rearranged as “UST-TANRI-OISHE”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “ÜST TANRI ÖYÜŞI” (ÜST TANRI ÖVÜŞI) meaning “praise of the Top God”, “praise of the Sky-God”.  Thus, at the altar ritual, the supreme Sky-God is praised.

Turkish word ÜST means “top; above”, TANRI means “God”,  ÖVÜŞ means “praising”,  ÖVÜŞÜ means “it is praising”.

c)   The Greek word THUSIASTERION, rearranged as “ISHE-TANRI-OUST”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “IŞI TANRI ÖvÜŞTü” meaning “it is the praise of the light God”, “it is the praise of the Sun”.  Thus, a ritual at an alter is a gathering for the praise of God and also to beg God for the fulfilment of the wishes of the community, and also, to celebrate God. So this “Greek” word is essentially made up of Turkish as I showed here.

Turkish word IŞI means “light”, TANRI means “God”,  ÖVÜŞ means “praising”,  ÖVÜŞTÜ means “it is praising”.

Additionally, we have the following concepts expressed in Turkish that are also embedded in this Greek word:

d)   The Greek word THUSIASTERION, rearranged as “TANRI-ISHE-OUST”, is the anagrammized Turkish expression “TANRI iŞiÖvÜŞTü” meaning “it is praising the works of God”. Indeed, all creations of GOD deserve not only “praising” but much more than “praising”!  We are all awed in front of them!  I must also say that even the “works of man” (creations by man) deserve praising.  Building a “pyramid” or “an airplane” or the “internet”, etc, etc., are not easy tasks.  But they have been conceived,  designed and built by the head  of “man”!  Turkish word iŞ means “work”.

e)   The Greek word THUSIASTERION, rearranged as “ISHE-TANRI-OUST”, is the anagrammized Turkish expression “IŞI TANRI OUZ’TU” (IŞI TANRI OGUZ’TU) meaning “the light God is Oguz”, that is, “the Sun-God is Oguz”.  This identifies the Turanian nameOGUZ with the Sun-God, and the Light God, that is “GÜNEŞ” in Turkish!  This I have shown to be the case many times in my writings.

Turkish word IŞI means “light”, TANRI means “God”,  OUZ (OGUZ) means “name of God;  the name of the ancestors of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples”,  GÜNEŞ means “sun”.

f)   The Greek word THUSIASTERION, rearranged as “ERIN-ATISH-TUOS”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “ERIN ATEŞ DUASi” meaning “Man’s prayer (and praise) of fire”.  Indeed without sun and fire on the earth, man and his life could not be what it is at present! This reminds me of the so-called Greek god “PROMETHEUS” who gave fire to man, but, supposedly Greek God ZEUS was not pleased with this, and therefore, had him nailed to a rock on the Caucasian Mountains by the god HEPHAESTUS.  There seems to be strong jealousy on the part of Zeus towards Prometheus due to the fact that Prometheus gave the fire to man – rather than Zeus. Prometheus in Greek Mythology was a demigod, one of the Titans, who was worshipped by craftsmen.

One wonders why he was nailed to the Caucasian mountains?  My first guess is because the so-called “Prometheus” was a Turanian and the Caucasian geography has been a Turanian homeland for aeons!  It may suffice here to say that the name PROMETHEUS, rearranged letter-by-letter as “TEMERSHU-P-O”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “DEMIRŞÜ BEY O” (DEMÜRCÜ BEY, DEMIRCI) meaning “He is Lord Blacksmith”.  Indeed a blacksmith is the one that deals with a hot glowing fire all day long in order to shape his works of iron and other metals.  Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples are known as master DEMIRCI through their ERGENEKON legend.  The name Prometheus is a subject for another paper.

g)   Finally, the Greek word THUSIASTERION, rearranged as “ERIN-ISTAH-TUOS”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “ERIN ISTEKDUASi” meaning “Man’s wish prayers”, that is, “man’s wishes from God”.  Indeed, at religious ritual gatherings, that is what happens by the clergy and the people.  They all make wishes and pray to god that their wishes will come true!

Turkish word ER means “man; hero; soldier; husband”, ERIN means “of man; of hero; of soldier; of husband”,  DEMÜRCÜ (DEMIRŞÜ) means “blacksmith”, BEY means “Lord; rich man”, ISTEK means “the wishes, the things that we want to happen”, DUA means “pray”.  DUASI means “the pray”.

With all of these explanations, we now have a better understanding of the Greek word THUSIASTERION, (meaning ALTAR), gatherings actually mean.  It is not just the ritual of “bread and wine” that they led us to believe! Clearly, it is much more than that and it was the very ancient traditions of the Turanians – rather than Greek, Roman or any other group!

At this point, I must point out that it was an ancient Turanian tradition to have (at least) an annual festival that lasted three days, at the top of high mountains where they sacrificed white bulls, white horses or white rams for their great Sky deities.  In such festivals, they praised God, His endless awe-inspiring works, and, for the granting of their personal and community wishes.  They celebrated and thanked God with all kinds of jubilant dances and games.


5.    The Latin word ALTARIUM:

Now let us understand the concept hidden within the so-called Latin word “ALTARIUM”. In the concept of an “ALTAR”, what is important is not the physical shape of the place where some religious ritual is done, but rather the religious ritual itself. Ancient Turanians performed their rituals at the tops of mountains, that is, a naturally high place, or, man-made elevated places (e.g., pyramids). The definition of ALTAR says that it is coming from Latin ALTUS meaning “high”.  But so-called ALTUS, rearranged as “USTLA”, is from the Turkish word “ÜSTILA” (ÜSTILE)meaning “with height”.

a)   The Latin name ALTARIUM, rearranged as “L-TUA-IARM”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “aL’a DUA YERIM” meaning “I am the place of prayers to Red (God)”, “I am the temple of prayers to Sun God”.  Thus, this definition in Turkish defines a place where religious praying activities are done which is the definition of the concept of an altar.
It is also the Turkish expression “uLu DOGA YERIM” meaning “I am a great place of nature”, “I am the high place of nature”, “I am high mountain”.  Thus, this definition in Turkish also defines an altar place to be in high places, such as mountain tops.   All mountain tops are high places in nature.

Turkish word AL means “red, vermilion, flame scarlet, (i.e., a quality of Sun)”, ÂLÂ means “highest (i.e., a quality of the God)”, ALA means “spotted, speckled (i.e., a quality of the moon)”,  DUA means “prayer”,  DOA (DOGA)  means “nature”,  YER means”place”.

b)   The Latin name ALTARIUM, rearranged as “AL-R-TUAIM”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “AL eRe DUAYIM” meaning “I am prayer to the Red-God”, “I am prayer to the Sun”.  Thus, this definition in Turkish defines the religious activities done at an altar as being prayers to the sun.

Turkish word AL ER means “Red Man, (i.e., a metaphorical reference to Sun, that is, so-called RA in ancient Masar (MISIR)”,  DUAYIM means “I am the prayer”.

c)   The Latin name ALTARIUM, rearranged as “TUR-ALAIM”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “TUR ALAYIM” meaning “I am the Tur festival”.  This definition identifies the “Roman” term as a Tur (Turan) festival) rather than a Roman festival in origin.  Thus, the origin of the Roman term ALTARIUM is from ancient Turanians, and, linguistically it is from Turkish, although the linguistic text has been restructured and its Turkishness obliterated.

Turkish word TUR means “name of Sky-God; also the ancesstral name of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples”,   ALAY means “festival”.

d)   The Latin name ALTARIUM, rearranged as “AL-TURAIM”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “AL TÖREYIM” meaning “I am the Red tradition”.  Thus, it states that it is a tradition of Turanians. Turkish word TÖRE means “tradition”.


6.    The term EUCHARIST:

Curiously, in the definition of “altar” above, the term “Eucharist” is also mentioned indicating that the Christians had their Eucharistic meal (the Bread and the Wine) on an altar.  In this context, the term “eucharistic” is linguistically interesting.
The Oxford American Dictionaries states as its origin being the late Middle English: from Old French eucariste, based on ecclesiastical Greekeukharistia ‘thanksgiving,’ from Greek eukharistos ‘grateful,’ from eu ‘well’ + kharizesthai ‘offer graciously’ (from kharis ‘grace’).
With these definitions in mind, the term EUCHARIST, rearranaged as “SHUCIRTE-A”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “ŞÜKÜRTI O” meaning “it is thanks”, “it is thanks giving”.  So the true source of this English word is actually from Turkish rather than Greek!
Even the term EUCHARISTIC, rearranged as “TESHACCIIR-U”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “TEŞEKKÜR-O” meaning “it is thanks” , “it is thanks giving”.  Literally, this is what takes place in an EUCHARISTIC meal at an altar religious gethering!



At this point, I should also recall the Roman God Saturn, the festival of Saturnalia, and the term Saturnalicius – meaning related to Saturnalia,  [Cassell’s Latin – Englishm English – Latin Dictionary, 1962, p. 224] because these names, like ALTARIUM, are related to ancient Turanian concepts.  The name Saturn is defined as in Roman Mythology an ancient god, regarded as a god of agriculture. Greek equivalent Cronus. [ORIGIN: from Latin Saturnus, perhaps from Etruscan],  [Oxford American Dictionaries]. For the name “SATURNALIA”, see also my paper at url  {].

a)   The Latin god’s name SATURN, rearranged as “S-TANRU”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “aS TANRU” meaning “One-God”.  Thus, the Romans took the concept and the name from the native Turanians of ancient Italy!

b)   The Latin name SATURNALIA, rearranged as “S-TANRU-ALAI”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “aS TANRU ALAYI” meaning”One-God festival”.  Again this is from Turkish as spoken all over the world during the times of the Romans who took the concept and the name from the native Turanians of ancient Italy.

c)   The Latin name SATURNALIA, rearranged as “TUR-SALANI”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “TUR ŞÖLENI” meaning “Tur (Turk/Oguz) festival”.  Thus, this decipherment identifies the so-called “SATURNALIA” as the “Tur festival” – rather than the “Roman Festival”.  Again it is clear that the Romans took the concept and the name from the native Turanians of ancient Italy.

Turkish word AS means “one”, TANRI means “God”,  ALAY (fener ALAYI, Bayram) means “festival”, TUR means “Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples”.  ŞÖLEN means “festival”.

d)   The Latin name SATURNALICIUS, rearranged as “AL-CUNAS-TURISI”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “AL GÜNEŞ  TÖRESI” meaning “the tradition of the Red Sun”.  Again, this decipherment identifies the so-called “SATURNALIA” as the traditional festival of the Sun-God of the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.  So we see that all of the ancient traditions that Romans called their own were actually the traditions of the much older civilization of Turanians.

Turkish word AL means “red”, GÜNEŞ  means “sun”,  TÖRESI means “the tradition”.

e)   The Latin name SATURNALICIUS, rearranged as “AS-TURCI-SULANI”, is the anagrammatized Turkish expression “BIR TÜRKŞÖLENI” meaning “one Turk tradition”.  So whichever way we do the decipherment of the “Roman” word, we end up getting a definition in Turkish that relates the event to the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples of Turan.


8.    The Latin name ETRUSCUS meaning “Etruscans”:

After having said so much about the Etruscan pyramid and altar related words, I should also add few words about the  name “Etruscan” and their country name “Etruria”.

a)    When the Roman name ETRUSCUS is rearranged as “TURCUSS-E”, we see that it is the altered form of the Turkish expression”TÜRKÜZ”  meaning “we are Turks”, “we are Turkmen”, “we are Tur man”, “we are Oguzman”.  Additionally, it means “we are Turk houses”.  The word represented with letter E is actually Turkish word “EV” meaning “house”. Word E in Sumerian also means “house”.

b)    Similarly, when the name ETRUSCAN is rearranged as “TURCSEAN”, we see that it is the altered form of the Turkish expression”TÜRKSÜN” meaning “you are Turk”.  This again identifies Etruscans as Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples of ancient Turanians in Italy contrary to denials and intentional confusions presented to deny the ancient Turanian world.

c)    Similarly, when the name ETRUSCAN is rearranged as “CUNASTER”, we see that it is the altered form of the Turkish expression”GÜNEŞTIR” meaning “it is sun”, that is, “they are identified with the sun”.   This again identifies the Etruscans as Sun worshipping  Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples of ancient Turanians in Italy.

With these definitions embedded esoterically in the name and, we identified them being Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.  The DNA studies of the people of Tuscania have also verified their kinship to Turks!


9.    The Latin name ETRURIA:

a)    When the name ETRURIA is rearranged as “TUR-ER-IA”, we see that it is the Turkish expression “TUR ER ÖYI” meaning “home of Tur man”.  This name is very much the same as the name “TROY” which is also from Turkish “TUR ÖY” meaning “home of Tur”.

b)    Even the name TUSCANIA, a town and commune in the province of Viterbo, Lazio Region, Italy, which was also known as Toscanellauntil the late 19th century, [Wikipedia] is from a Turkish expression.

When the name TUSCANIA is rearranged as “CUNAS-IAT”, we see that it is the altered form of the Turkish expression “GÜNEŞ ÖYIDI” (GÜNEŞ EVIDI) meaning “it is the house of sun”, that is, “it is the home of the sun-worshipping Etruscans”.

c)    Similarly, the name TUSCANELLA, rearranged as “CUNAS-ELLAT”, is the altered form of the Turkish expression “GÜNEŞ ELLIDI” (GÜNEŞ ILIDI) meaning “it is the Sun country”, that is, “it is the home of the sun-worshipping Etruscans”.

Even the town name LAZIO, is nothing but the Turkish “LAZ OyI” meaning “home of Laz Turks”.  The name LAZ comes from Turkish expression “AL AZ” meaning “peerless AL” referring to the Sun, and also from Turkish word ALAZ meaning “flame, blazing”, that is, “a very large and fiercely burning fire”. So, the so-called name LAZIO in Italia comes from the name of the Sun (that is, a blazing fire) – but in Turkish!

These decipherments above brought to daylight many unknown attributions possessed by those words that i analysed with the power of Turkish language. They clearly and unquestionably identify the so-called “mysterious Etruscans” as being no other than the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. To claim it otherwise is not only denying the historical truth, but also not being able to accept the fact that the ancient world was a Turkish speaking Turanian world. When Turkish was the only language of the Turkish Era of the world, there was no so-called “Indo-European” and other languages as known at present.  Those other languages only became visible after the ancient “black magician clergy” altered, restructured and disguised the words and phrases of the mono-syllabic language of Turkish – thus changing the course of history!

I thank to Ms. Tina Frigero for bringing to my attention the Etruscan pyramid-altar of Bomarzo!

With my best wishes to all,

Dr Polat Kaya
13/07/2011 – 19/08/2011

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