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HomeHistoricalETRUSCAN Writing Description (No. 1) By POLAT KAYA

ETRUSCAN Writing Description (No. 1) By POLAT KAYA

Etruscan Mirror:  From a book by Giuseppe Foscarini, “La Lingua degli Etruschi”, Item 12, p. 32-33.

This mirror has two Etruscan inscriptions as names of a woman and a boy as shown above. I first transcribe and describe the boy’s name:

a)   HERAKELI which identifies first with the name HERAKLEUS which I have already explained that this supposedly Greek name is actually a made-up name using the Turkish expression “ER AKLI US” meaning “man’s mind wisdom”.  This supposedly “Greek” name personifies “the mind, knowledge and wisdom” of man as a mythological personality, but it does it using Turkish as the source.
But when we read the Etruscan writing HERAKELI in the form “HER-AKELI”, we find that it is nothing but the Turkish expression “ER AKILI” meaning “man’s mind, man’s wisdom, man’s knowledge”. Thus, the Etruscan word HERAKELI is 100 % Turkish and it proves that the Etruscan language was TURKISH! Clearly, when these Turkish words are concatenated with each other and with a letter H added to its front, then its Turkishness cannot be recognized readily.

b)   The second name for the woman is given as MLAKUOK.  In the Etruscan text, the last letter is shown as an “arrow” which has the name “OK” in Turkish. Therefore, I transcribed this symbol as “OK”.  The woman in the picture is a personification of either the mother of the boy or is his teacher. We must acknowledge that mothers are the most important and influential teachers in everyone’s life. Boys’ minds (and that of girls’ too) are shaped first and foremost by their mothers and then their teachers.  In view of this background explanation, when the transcribed Etruscan text MLAKUoK is read as “MLAK-OKU” or “OKU-MLAK”, we find that it is the Turkish expression “OKU MELEK” meaning “the angel of teaching” who is “mother” and also a woman teacher in schools.

Turkish word OKU is the root of the verb “OKUMAK” meaning “to learn to read and to write, to go to school, to learn knowledge”.  Turkish OKUL means “school” and the English “SCHOOL” and other similar words are all from Turkish OKU and OKUL. We must also note that the Etruscan letter that is a symbol of an arrow is a Turkish “DAMGA” meaning “a mark, a symbol, a stamp”. Turkish word MELEK means “angel”.  Mothers are regarded as “angels”. Similarly are the lady teachers who teach knowledge to boys and girls in schools!
We must also recal that in the supposedly Greek mythology, Herakles had a mother named ALCMENA.  I had showed that the name ALCMENA in one meaning was Turkish expression “MEN AKIL” meaning “I am mind”, “I am wisdom”. . This makes the mythological name ALCMENA, that is, the mother of Heracles, a personification of the “human mind and wisdom”. Turkish word MEN means “I, I am” and AKIL means “wisdom, knowledge and mind”. Thus, this makes the mythological name ALCMENA a personification of the “human mind and wisdom”.

Additionally, when the name ALCMENA is rearranged as “MELC-ANA”, we find that the supposedly Greek mythological name ALCMENA is also a form of the Turkish expression “MELEK ANA” meaning “Angel Mother”. We see that this is very much the name MLAKUoK given in above Etruscan picture.

In addition to above explanations, there is one more aspect to this picture on the Etruscan mirror. The name HERAKELI in the form of “AKEL-HERI”, we find that it is Turkish expression “AKIL ERI” meaning “man of wisdom, knowledge, experience”.  That is why, the mythological hero so-called “Herakleus”, “Hercules” was able to overcome all of those difficult tasks that he was asked to do.  The names “Herakleus”, “Hercules” are another conceptual form of the Turkish-Sumerian word “BILGAMESH” or “AKILGAMISH” which has been usurped as “GILGAMESH” all of which personifies “the human mind” which is in “human head”, that is, “TEPE” in Turkish.
The name “AKIL ERI”, that is, the Etruscan “HERAKELI”, has also been an old folkloric hero in Turkish culture and particularly in the Turkish stories that we all hear in our childhood as “KEL OGLAN and his MOTHER”.  Turkish “KEL OGLAN” is also a character that is a “smart boy” in the tall tale stories and he not only overcomes difficult tasks he confronts, but at the end he also gets to marry the beautiful princesses because of his accomplishments in the stories.  So, we as young boys were listening to these stories with full attention and with open eyes!
Thus, this Etruscan mirror has also transferred to us the Turkish “KEL OGLAN and HIS MOTHER” from a time of at least some 4000 years ago. Since “KEL OGLAN” is also Etruscan “HERAKELI” (ER AKILI), that is, another expression in Turkish similar to the concept of BILGAMESH, then, that date can be taken back to some 6000 years ago!

Polat Kaya

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