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HomeHistoricalPresence of OF TUR/TURK/OGUZ Peoples in Ancient MASAR ("EGYPT")

Presence of OF TUR/TURK/OGUZ Peoples in Ancient MASAR (“EGYPT”)


In this essay I will present an in depth understanding to the identity of the ancient Masarian civilization – which has been usurped by the wandering gipsies of old days and falsely renamed as ‘Egyptian’, meaning “Gypsy”, – as if this very old civilization was their own. Thus, the identity of the ancient Turanians in ‘Egypt’ was stolen by the wanderer ‘priests’ of those ancient days and falsely presented as being Gypsy.  In the process, the ancient Turanian civilization and their gods in ‘Egypt’ were altered into unrecognizable names. I will show that the so-called ancient ‘Egyptians’ were not ‘gipsies’ as they have been portrayed, but rather, were Turkish speaking Turanians, and were the most advanced people on earth at their time.  Their
ancient artefacts which fill the museums of the world today are evidence of that fact.

To start with, the name “Egypt” is said to come from the word “gipsy”, [6, p. 319; 9, p. 404] meaning the wanderer peoples. The explanation provided to the world is that the name Egypt supposedly comes from the “COPTIC” (GYPTY) people living in MASAR/MISIR – and their kind. The reality is that the ancient Masarians were not Semitic, nor Indo-European, nor Hellenic, nor Roman.  They were Turanian people, so-called ‘Pagan’ or ‘Heathen’, and they created that fantastically advanced civilization of ancient Masar.  To turn around and refer to this Turanian land and its ancient Turanian civilization as ‘Egyptian’ (i.e., that of the wandering Gypsies) is intentional disinformation designed to obliterate the Turanian identity of this ancient people.  It is known that thousands of cabalist priests of Semitic, Hellenic, Aramaic and other wanderer groups had infiltrated into the administrative and religious system of this ancient Turanian state. These ‘priest missionaries’ always had their own secret long-term agenda regarding the host people and their civilization.  They altered many things, including the Turkish language that the ancient Masarians spoke. In the end, the Turanian identity of ancient Masar was destroyed into oblivion. During the later few hundred years of the ancient empire, it was ruled by the Greeks, Romans, and some other Indo-Europeans before the Mamluk Turks and the Ottoman Turks took over.

1. From , we have the name of this ancient country and their language in hieroglyphic writing transliterated asr n km.t, and written in hieroglyphic as “ r Z1 n km m t O49 “.
This should actually be read as “r I n km t country”.

r = R, eR, Re, eRe, aR, iR, oR (and other vowel combinations)
Z1 =  one, (BIR)
n =  N, eN, Ne, aN, aNa, iN (and other vowel combinations)
km =  KM, KAM
m =  M, eM, Me, eMe, Ma, aMa (and other vowel combinations)
km m =  KM, KAM
t =  T, eT, Te, aT, Ta, aTa, uT (and other vowel combinations).
The last sign of the writing, O49 , meaning “country, town, city, village”, is a “determinative” sign that provides context meaning to the preceding hieroglyphic writing.  This sign has been given a phonetic value of “nu.t”, [5, p. 350] by Sir Wallis Budge. The equivalent of this concept in Turkish would be “KENT (GENT), KONUT (GONUT), KONTU (KONDU, GONDU)” meaning “established dwellings area, city, town, village”. It must be noted that the transliterated form “NU.T” is already in the Turkish words “KENT, KONUT and KONTU” which also contain the name KON (KÜN, GÜN) meaning the “sun”.  The Turkish language, being the ancient language related tor the Sun Religion”, is also the “Sun language”. Thus, having this element  KON (GÜN) in them is quite natural. Additionally, for example, the English term “COUNTRY”, when rearranged as “CONUT-YR”, is the Turkish expression “KONUT YER” (GONUT YER) meaning “dwelling place”. Countries are dwelling places filled with villages, town and cities and head cities. Thus, even this English word has been reconstructed from these Turkish words. Hence, it would be most appropriate if this hieroglyphic sign, O49 , having the meaning “country, town, city, village”. had the phonetic value of the Turkish word “KENT” or “KONUT” rather than “NU.T”. Actually, the circular sign, O49 , itself may have been after the sun-disk which would have the phonetic value of “KEN” and/or “KON”, that is, a form of Turkish GÜN meaning “sun”, and also the root of the Turkish verb “konmak” meaning “to stop, to perch, and make dwelling (KONUT)” is in it.
Thus, the hierogyliphic signs above, r Z1 n km m t O49 “, can be read as a country name, in the monosyllabic  language of Turkish, as:
“ER-BIR AN KAMTI KONUT” which is the Turkish expression “‘ER-BIR AN AKAMTI’ KONUT” meaning “the country of One Sky-God”.  In this expression ER means “man”, BIR means “one”, AN means “sky”, thus, “ER-BIR AN” means “one-man sky”, that is, “one-man of sky” which is the description of Sky-God, that is, “GÖK TANRI” in Turkish. Thus, we have the Turkish expression “‘BIR GÖK-TANRI AGAMTI’ KONUT” literally meaning “One Sky-God is my Lord- Country”.  By another meaning,God’s Country.
Turkish ER means “man, hero, soldier, husband”, BIR means “one”, AN means “sky”, AKAMTI (AGAMDI) means “it is my lord, my god” , GÖK means “sky”, TANRI means “god” and GÖK TANRI means “sky-god”.

Thus, this title in Turkish fittingly explains the ancient name of MASAR (MISIR), or the so-called false name of “EGYPT” as “God’s Country”. This descriptive name also agrees with the meaning of the name MASAR which I will explain below. Clearly, these ancient Turanian Turko-Masarians took a country-name composed in Turkish after the name of the ancient Turanian universal Sky-God. This was an ancient Turanian tradition of naming king titles and country and city names after their gods, namely the Sun-God, that is, “Gün-Tanri, Göz-Tanri, Oguz-Tanri” in Turkish; the Moon-God, that is, “Ay-Tanri
, Ma-Tanri and possibly the Kam-Tanri”; and the Sky-Father-God, that is, “Gök-Tanri, AN-Tanri, Bir-O-Tanri, Er-Bir-Tanri, and many more”.

The hierogyliphic signs, r Z1 n km m t “, can also be read as a language name, in Turkish, as:
“IR BIR AN KAM-TI” which is the Turkish expression “BIR-AN-KAM IR-TI” (BIR AN KAM AGUZTI) meaning “it is One-Sky-Shaman Language”. Turkish word IR (UR, ÜR, OR) means “song, tune; word, speech, language” and KAM means “shaman” . This ancient Turkish word “IR” (OR) has been ‘saved’ in the Latin word “ORO” meaning “to speak”, [12, p. 175], which is from Turkish “IR O” (OR O) meaning “it is song; it is speech”;
AIt is also saved in the Latin word “ÖRÄTIO” meaning “elequence; speech, utterence, [12, p. 174]. ÖRÄTIO, rearranged as “O-OR-ATI” or “O-IR-ADO” is the Turkish expression “O OR ADI” (O IR ADI) meaning “it is the name for word”, “it is the name for speech” or “it is the name for song”.
Similarly, it is saved in the Latin word ÖRÄTOR meaning “speaker; spokesman”, [12, p. 174]. The word ÖRÄTOR, rearranged as “ÖR-ÄTOR“, is the Turkish expression “OR EDOR” (OR EDER) meaning “makes speech” which is “mouth” and a “speaker”. Thus the source for these Latin words is also Turkish.
And again, the hieroglyphic phrase “ r Z1 n km m t ” can be read as a chanting-language name, in Turkish as:
“IR BIR AN KAM-TI” which is the Turkish expression “BIR-AN-KAM IRTI” meaning “it is One-Sky-Shaman Song”, “it is One-Sky-Shaman Singing” . It is known that the priests and shamans sing (i.e., IR) or say in words (i.e., OR ) their ritual deliberations. Turkish KAM means “shaman” and IR means “song, tune” .
We must also note that the term “SHAMAN” is from Turkish “IŞIMAN” (IŞI MEN) meaning “I am the light man”. It is well known that the so-called “shamanism” of the ancient world was originated in the ALTAI Mountains area of Central Asia. When these Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples moved from Central Asia to the Nile River valley of North Africa, they brought their Central Asiatic ancient language and culture with them and carried out life in new lands as they had done in their original fatherland in Asia.
2.    Sir Wallis Budge, for the hieroglyphic writing: “ I6 G17 t N5 ” , gives the transliteration “kam-t” meaning “Amen”, [5, p. 787.]  AMEN is the universal Sky God of the ancient Masarians.  Later on, it was connected with the Sun god and became AMEN-RA.  The above hieroglyphic writing has the sun symbol, N5 in it at the very end – which is a determinative for “sun, light and god”.  The sign ” N5 ” , has the meaning of “GÜN (sun), GÖZ (eye), KÖZ (fire), GÜNES (sun and light), BOA (bull), ODO (UTU, Sun-god)  all meaning “sun, sungod”.  We also find the very same sign N5 among rock-glyphs of Central Asia as observed in the documentary called “KARLI DAGLARDAKI SIR” (“The secret in the snowy mountains”) made by Servet Somuncuoglu and shown by Turkish Radio-Television (TRT). Thus, the first part of the writing, I6 G17 t, is the “kam-t”.  The name Amen is the Turkish “O MEN” (A MEN) meanig “that man” referring to the Sky-Father God-Man.  That Sky-Father-God-Man is also the personification of Sun as is indicated by the sun symbol in the name above.  Thus, this ancient ideogram writing, I6 G17 t N5 “, can be read , as in Turkish, in a number of ways with the initial missing vowel inserted:
a)     “aKAMTI GÖZ” (AGAMDI GÖZ / GÜN) meaning “Eye is my Lord ” or “Sun is my God” .
b)     “aK-MA-TI GÖZ” (AK MA DI GÖZ) meaning “It is the magnificent white eye” referring to the white-hot glowing sun, and
c) “aK-MA-TI GÖZ” (AK AY-DI GÖZ or AK AY GÖZDI) meaning “the white moon is eye” which, for the Masarians, was the left eye of the creator Sky-God.  Additionally, “AKMA GÖZDI” meaning “It is the Blind Eye”.  Turkish “AKMA GÖZ” means “blind eye” and also “eye that waters and therefore cannot see well”.
The sign G17 can be read as “MA”(MAH) as in ancient Turkish, meaning the “moon”, [13, p. 627, lines 245-246]. The moon also had the name of “AY” in addition to the name “MA”. The word MA (MAH) also meant “magnificent”.  In ancient mythology, the moon must have been regarded as a magician who always kept changing its “eye” form, that is, its white and black, i.e., “ak/kara” shape. Hence, in this context it was a heavenly divine magician that would be called “AK KAM” and “KARA KAM” in Turkish. At this point, I must bring to the attention of the reader that in the Central Asiatic Turkish culture, there were and still are the “AK KAM”, that is, “the white shaman”, [11, p. 189], and the “KARA KAM”, that is, “the black Shaman”, [11, p. 189]. Additionally, the English word “EYE” is simply the altered form of Turkish “AY” meaning “moon” which was regarded as left “eye” of the sky-god.
Wallis Budge gives another word in the form of “kam-t” written as “I6 t, or ” I6 G17 t “, with the meaning of “a black thing, black”, [5, p. 787], and again “kam-t” written in another form as
I6 G17 t Y1 T3 t N5 “,  meaning “black and white” , [5, p. 787], which must refer to the “black and white” parts of the moon. Thus, the ‘Egyptian’ term “KAM” also means “black”. {Note: sign T3 that I used here is not the correct sign used in the original writing, but that was the closest I could find among my list of signs].
We also have the entry of
“Kammau”, I6 G17 G17 i W O49 ,  meaning “Egypt and/or Egyptians” , [5, p. 787]. This hieroglyphic writing, if read in sections as I6 G17 –  G17 i –  W –  O49 , that is, “kam-ma-u-country”, it would be the Turkish expression “KAM MA O KONUT” (KAM AY O KONUT) meaning “it is Shaman-Moon country”.  Ancient “Egypt” had a lot of priests doing shamanism also. Since the ruling people were from Central Asia, that is, the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples, this term would also refer to “white” and “black” shamans” in the country. Hence, we see that the same “KAM” (shamanism) concept of Central Asia was also present here. Thus, we can conclude that these ancient so-called “EGYPTIANS” were  unquestionably Turkish speaking Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples in origin – contrary to all the historical and the present day disinformation by writers.
In this regard, we have the following statement from Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, in his book entitled “Egyptian Language”, [1, p. 1, Introduction of Chapter I]. He writes :
“The ancient Egyptians expressed their ideas in writing by means of a large number of picture signs, known as hieroglyphics. They began to use them for this purpose more than seven thousand years ago, and they were employed uninterruptedly until about 100 BC, that is to say, until nearly the end of the rule of the Ptolemies over Egypt. It is unlikely that the hieroglyphic system of writing was invented in Egypt, and evidence indicates that it was brought there by certain invaders who came from north-east or Central Asia; they settled down in the valley of the Nile, somewhere between Memphis on the north and Thebes on the south, and gradually established their civilization and religion in their new home. Little by little the writing spread to the north and to the south, until at length hieroglyphics were employed, for state purposes at least, from the coast of the Mediterranean to the most southern portion of the Island of Meroë, a tract of country over 2,000 miles long.”
This citing says that, the people of the ancient so-called “Egypt” came from Central Asia and the ancient Masarian (Misir) picture-writing system originated in Central Asia and was brought to the Nile region by “certain” Central Asiatic peoples.  These so-called “certain invaders” whom Wallis Budge refers to, surely were the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples – although the establishment could not bring themselves around to say the name Tur/Turk/Oguz.  Most likely it is a forbidden taboo name imposed by the church.  When we examine the names of the founding fathers of the ancient MASAR /MISIR State along the River Nile in North Africa, we see clearly that their names are totally Turkish contrary to the denial of the establishment created by the wanderer priest groups.
Such a picture-writing system is a “DAMGA” (“Seal” or “Sign“) writing system since each hieroglyph is a “sign” or “seal” in Turkish.

We must also note here that there are thousands of “damgas” engraved on rock faces on mountains all over Central Asia. From the appearance of these rock-glyphs, they must be much older than 10,000 years.  Recently, Turkish Radio-Television (TRT) presented a two-hour long documentary called “KARLI DAGLARDAKI SIR” (“The secret in the snowy mountains”), showing thousands of these rock-glyphs.  One of the most interesting of these damgas was the “sun-man” who had a sun symbol at his head which seems to be the forerunner of the Masarian religion. Another sign showed two oxen tied to a cart with wheels. It is most likely that the forerunner of the cart and chariot was invented by Turanians in Central Asia.

3.    The so-called ancient “Egypt” also had the following names transliterated in Sir Wallis Budge’s dictionary:
* Âtur-ti,written as ,i t G43 D21 t Z4 O1 O1 ,  or i t G43 D21 t O1 t O1 , meaning “the  two chief temples of Upper and Lower Egypt, the two halves of Egypt, the northern and southern halves of the Egyptian sky”, [5, p. 97].   This hieroglyph writing can be sectionalized as follows:
i = “” or “I” (BIR) meaning “one, a, an”, or, “O” meaning “that, it is” ,
t G43 D21 = “T-U-R” (read “TUR” in Turkish) meaning“TUR the Sky-God, and/or, TUR the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples”, where t is “T”, G43 is “U” and D21 is “R”.  The symbol D21 is said to be the human mouth (from Turkish “OR” meaning “mouth”).

t Z4 O1 O1 = “T-IKI-ÖY-ÖY”, which is the Turkish expression “IKI ÖYTÜ” (IKI EVDI) meaning “two houses”. IKI means “two” in Turkish. And,
O1 =  ÖY (EV) meaning “house, land, country”. Note:  Its phonetic value IS NOT “PER” as Egyptologists have wrongly stated. I will explain this further in greater detail later.

Thus, the above hieroglyphic writing,
i t G43 D21 t Z4 O1 O1 , can be meaningfully read in Turkish as:
a) “OTURU IKI ÖYTÜ” meaning “country is two houses”, that is, two parts, one being “Upper Egypt” and the other being “Lower Egypt”. Turkish OTURU means “place where people live, place people sit, the country”, IKI means “two”,  ÖY means “house, land”, and ÖYDÜ means “it is the house”.

b)     “O TUR IKI ÖYTÜ” (
“O IKI TUR ÖYTÜ”) meaning “it is two TUR houses” indicating that the two halves of ancient “Egypt” were actually not only “two temples of the Sky-God TUR” as in “God’s country”, but also was the two lands of the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.

The second form of the name given as, i t G43 D21 t O1 t O1 , can be separated as i t G43 D21
t O1 t O1 , and read as “O TUR ATA-ÖY ATA-ÖY” meaning It is two TUR fatherlands” which again clearly states that ancient “Egypt” was the “Fatherland” of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples – in two sections. Turkish “ATA ÖY” means “house of father” or“fatherland”. This reading also verifies the first one indicating that ancient “Egypt” was in two parts, each of which was called a “Tur Fatherland”.

These hieroglyphic writings clearly indicate that ancient MASAR was not a “gypsy” (wanderer people) land as is implied by the name ‘Egypt’,
but rather, was the land of TUR/TURK/OGUZ peoples from Central Asia since some 6000 years ago. Calling that land by the name ‘Egypt’ is an intentional disinformation wrapped in sophistry.  This falsehood has been sold to the public and the public has been conned like children for at most two thousand years.

The second writing can be sectionalized as
i = “O”
t G43 D21 = “TUR”
t O1 t O1 = “T-ÖY T-ÖY” which is Turkish “aTa ÖY aTa ÖY”, that is, “IKI ATA ÖY” meaning it is two fatherlands” or “it is two father houses”.
Furthermore, the country was named after the Sun and the Moon in Turkish. This we see in the following dictionary entries by Sir Wallis Budge:


* Âtur-res, written as , i t G43 D21 O1 O1 plus the Upper Egypt symbol, “ M25 O49, [5, p. 97] meaning “Upper Egypt”. (Note; I could not find the two special signs for Upper and Lower “Egypt” lands, hence I improvised as shown above). The name RES or RESU is another name for the Sun-God RA, [5, p. 431]. This hieroglyphic writing, Âtur-res,can be read in Turkish as follows:

ÖY ÖY” (“BIR UTU-ER ÖYLER KENTI” or “BIR GÜN TANRI ER ÖYLER KENTI“) meaning The Country of One Sun-God  People’s Houses” , that is, the Sun-God Country”. Additionally, “BIR UTU-ER ÖYLER meaning “One Bull-Man Country” or“One Cattle country”.
Turkish word UTU (OD O) was the Sun-God – as was the case in Turko-Sumerian. Turkish OT (OD) means “fire”, UT means “ox, cattle”, UTUER” (BOA) means “cattle bull” referring to the Sun” which was also personified as“Bull”, i.e., OGUZ and TUR. Thus the so-called “Upper Egypt” was “The Sun Country” , i.e., OGUZ country and TUR country and furthermore the “Bull Country” .  Thus it is clear that the country name of ancient MASAR (MISIR) was composed in Turkish and was in Turkish contrary the false name of “Egypt”.
The name of the Upper Egypt is also given with the alternative name “Âter-t shema-t”, written as i t D21 t O1 M23 D37 O49 “, [5, p. 97]. This hieroglyphic writing can be read in Turkish as “ATa-yERTI ÖY ISHIMA KENT” or “ATa-YER ÖY ISHIMA KENTI” meaning “The Fatherland house is the shine country”, that is , “The Fatherland house is the Sunlight country”. This again indicates that the Upper Egypt was named in Turkish after the Sun-God. This can also be seen from the definition of the term Res below.
The word Res is given by the hieroglyphic writing ”
M25 orM25 G43 “, [5, p. 431], which could be read as “ASER” or “ASER O” repectively meaning “peerless man” or “it is peerless man” – both referring to a “God Man”, that is, the “Sky-God”.  When the determinant is added to it as follows, M25 G43 O49 “, [5, p. 431], it can be read as “ASER KENTI” meaning the “land of the Peerless Man” .  Since the “Peerless Man” is God, this land is “God’s Country“.  The term “GOD” here can refer to the Sky-God, the Sun-God, the Moon God, and also, to the Turanians themselves who regarded themselves as peerless.
Upper Egypt was the mountainous part of the country and, therefore, was the Highland Country, that is, the Turkish “YAYLA KONUTU” (YAYLA KENTI) which would have been much cooler compared to Lower Egypt during the summer months. It was a Turanian tradition to have a summer highland area where the animals were taken for better grazing, and also to have a sheltered lowland where mostly fields were cultivated for grains, fruits and other agricultural needs.  It seems that Lower Egypt was serving that purpose.

4. “Upper Egypt”
was also known as “THE WHITE CROWN COUNTRY”, under the transliterated entry of Hetch-t”, which is hieroglyphically written as ” S1 t O49 “, [5, p. 99]. We must note that the H with an underline  (H)  is actually a glottoral sound (Kh or Gh) like the one spoken in the Turkish dialect of Azerbaijan and eastern Anatolia.  For example, as in the pronounciation of Turkish “soft G” – as in “AĞA” (AGhA).
With this information, let us now understand the hieroglyphic sign of ”
S1 “, transliterated asHetch” meaning “white crown”, [3, p. 174], and “ S1 t ” , Hetch-t” meaning “the white crown”, [5, p. 523]. The transliterated term Hetch”, (where “e” is an arbitrary filling by Wallis Budge), when separated as “H-tch”, is a form of the Turkish name “AĞ-TAC” meaning “white crown”.
Turkish word “AĞ” (AK) means “white” ,  and “TAC” means “crown” which verifies absolutely the fact that this very ancient Masarian, (and falsely called “Egyptian”) term is nothing but Turkish.  Similarly, when the term Hetch-t” is separated as H-tch-t”, we find that it is the Turkish defining expression “AĞ-TACTI” (AĞ-TACDI) meaning “it is the White Crown”. Sir Wallis Budge has defined this term as “the White Crown of the South, i.e., Upper Egypt” , [5, p. 523]. But he has not explained the origin of this term as I just did in Turkish. This explanation of mine dates the Turkish language to at least 6000 years – and older. I had also proven this in the case of BILGAMESH as well.
This further verifies that this so-called “Upper Egypt” was a Turkish speaking “Tur/Turk/Oguz country” some six thousand years ago  –  in spite of all the denials and misinformation.

Sir Wallis Budge also gives the following other transliterated terms:
*    “Hetchut” meaning “light, radiance, splendour, brilliance” , [5, p. 522].   The hieroglyphic writing for Hetchut” uses the sun and its light rays  – implying that it is the sun. The transliterated term Hetchut”, separated in the form of H-etch-ut” has the form of the Turkish expression “AĞ EÇE UT” (AK EÇE OD) meaning “white great-father fire” which is nothing but one definition of the sun in Turkish.

*    “Hetchi”
meaning “light giver” , [5, p. 522]. The hieroglyphic writing for Hetchi uses the sun and its light rays in its hieroglyphic writing, again implying that it is the sun. The transliterated term Hetchi”, separated in the form of H-etchi” has the form of the Turkish expression “AĞ IŞITI” meaning “it is the white light” which, of course, is given off by the sun.

*    “Hetchuti”
meaning “Tomb of Seti I, a beetle-god, one of the 75 forms of Ra” , [5, p. 522].   Ra is “the Sun-God”, that is  “GÜN-TANRI” or “GÖZ TANRI” in Turkish. The transliterated term Hetchuti”, separated in the form of H-et-ch-uti”, has the form of the Turkish expression “AĞ UT-EÇE UTI” (AK OD EÇE ODI) meaning “White-fire great-father he is” , that is, “He is the Great-Father White Fire” which is nothing but one definition of the glowing SUN in Turkish.  With such a title, not only is the Sun being described, but also King Seti I is describing himself as “The Great-Father White Fire” , hence, declaring himself as the creator Sun-God.
All of this clearly indicates that the name of Upper Egypt, written as S1 t O49 “, means “AĞ-TAC KENT” (“White Crown Country”) or “AĞ-TAC KONUT” (“White Crown Country”) or “GÜNEŞ KENT (“Sun Country”) in Turkish.

Sir Wallis Budge gives the following entries as well with definitions that prove I am correct in my understanding of these ancient Masarian words by reading them as if they were Turkish:
*    hetch-t, [5, p. 523], meaning “milk”.  But, hetch-t, when separated as “H-tcht”, is a form of the Turkish name “AĞ-CÜT” (AĞ-SÜT)  meaning “white milk” . Turkish “AĞ” means “white and “SÜT” means “milk”.

, [5, p. 523], meaning “a plant with white leaves or flowers”. But,  hetch-t, when separated as “H-tech-t”, is a form of the Turkish name “AĞ-ÇIÇEHTI” meaning “it is white flower”. Turkish word ÇIÇEH” (ÇIÇEK) means “flower”. ÇIÇEHTI” (ÇIÇEKTI) means “it is flower” or “the flower”.
* hetch-t, [5, p. 523], meaning “white stone, white alabaster”. But, hetch-t, when separated as “H-techt”, is a form of the Turkish name “AĞ-TAŞTI” meaning “it is white stone”.

It is clear that these hieroglyph signs, transliterated as
hetch-t, had more than one meaning, and, the meaning changed – depending and the ‘determinative’ symbol defining the concept to be read.
* Âtur-meh, meaning “Lower Egypt” and written as , ” i t G43 D21 O1 O1 ”  plus “M2 S23 O49 “, that is, the state symbol of “Lower Egypt”, [5, p. 97].  This transliterated term, Âtur-meh, can be read in Turkish as “O TUR MA-aHa ÖYLER” (O TUR AY-AGA ÖYLER) meaning It is TUR Moon-God Houses” indicating that “Lower Egypt” was named after the Turanian Moon-God, i.e., “AY-TANRI” (AY AGA) in Turkish, and, that “Lower Egypt” was a TUR country.
This we can see from the state symbol M2 S23 O49 also. The first symbol is a “plant”, M2 , which is “OT” in Turkish, the second symbol consists of two flail whips, S23 , which is TURA in Turkish, and the third symbol is the “country’ symbol, O49 , which is “KENT, KONUT or KONDU” in Turkish.  Thus, the phonetic values of these symbols put together as “OT + TURA + KONUT” can be read as “O TUR KONUT” meaning “it is Tur country”.
The name TUR in Turkish also refers to “moon”.  This we see in the Turkish expression “TUR DAGI” which refers to the Biblical “Mount SINAI”.  In this Turkish expression, word DAG (TAG) means “mountain”, and TUR must be tequivalent to name “SINAI”.  But the so-called SINAI is nothing but the Turkish expression “SIN AI” (SEN AY) meaning “you are moon”.  Thus, Turkish TUR is Turkish AY as well.  But AY is also MA (MAH) which has been used by Wallis Budge in the transliterated name of Âtur-meh. Thus, this name is also “O TUR AY” name. In the sign language, it is also “O TUR ÖY” meaning “it is Tur house” (It is Tur country).
Hence, no matter which way we look at the name of the so-called “Lower Egypt”, it was composed in Turkish, it was a Tur/Turk/Oguz country and it was also named after the name of “moon” in Turkish and after the Sky-god TUR. Thus this so-called “Egyptian” entry in the dictionary by Sir Wallis Budge, does not provide all aspects of the ancient Masarian name that meant “Lower Egypt” in some minds.

Turkish word O means “he/she/it, that”, TUR is a name of the ancient Turanian “Sky-God” and it is also the name of “Tur/Turk/Oguz people”, and, TUR is additionally a widely used ending defining the meaning of a phrase in Turkish, as in, say, ANATUR meaning “it is mother”.

Additionally it can be read as “OTURMA AGA OYLER” meaning “the lord dwelling houses”.

The name of “Lower Egypt” is also given in the dictionary as Âter-t meh-t, and written hieroglyphically as ” i t D21 t O1 M2t O49 “, [5, p. 99].  Unfortunately, this transliteration is missing two key words: one is for the house symbol and the other is country symbol at the end.
This transliterated term Âter-t meh-t, can now be separated as Ât-er-t me-h-t, which can then be read in Turkish as “ATa-yERTI ÖY MA-aHa KENTTI”, that is, “ATA YERDI ÖY MA-AGA KENTDI” meaning “The Fatherland house is the Moon-Lord country”.
Turkish ATA means “father”, YER means “place, land”, YERTI means “the land”, ATA YERTI means “it is the Fatherland”, ÖY means “house”, MA (MAH) means “moon”, AGA means “lord, god”, KENT means “city, state”, and -TI (-DI) is the ending suffix meaning “it is” like the present “-TUR” (-DUR) suffix is.
From this analysis, we also discover that the sign “
i “is not necessarily always an “A”, but it can also be read as an “O”, or as a “U” or as an “I” – where I would also be a symbol of numeral “one” (BIR) as in Turkish, and similarly, “i i ” can be an “Ö”, an “Ü”, and an “i” as well.  Just as the hieroglyphic pictures can have different transliteration depending on the determinant and the context, so too can the vowels.

From all this, we see that the ancient Masarians considered their “Upper Egypt” land as the ‘Sun Country” (
GÜNEŞ KENT or GÜN KENT in Turkish), and, their “Lower Egypt” land as the ‘Moon Country’ (“AY KENT” in Turkish).
Furthermore, in addition to the transliteration Âter-t meh-t by Wallis Budge of the hieroglyphic ” i t D21 t O1 M2 t O49 ” as the name of “Lower Egypt”, it can also be segmented as follows and read in Turkish as:
i (BIR)
t D21 (TUR)
t (ATA)
O1 ( ÖY)
This gives us the Turkish expression “BIR TUR ATA OY” meaning “One TUR fatherland “.  This again refers to the Lower Egypt as a land of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.
* Another entry related to the ancient Masar (“Egypt”), i.e., Upper and Lower Egypt is given as follows:
5. The transliterated word entry is Peseshti, written as, ” p O34 S t Z4 G7 G7 ” read as (p s sh t i Sun Horus Moon Horus), meaning “the two divisions of Egypt, one belonging to Horus and the other to Set The division or share of Horus is the South of Egypt, and the share of Set is the North of Egypt”, [5, p. 248].
In this writing the sign p :  P; but could be read as eP, Pe, aP, Pa, and other vowel combinations;
the sign O34 :  S or Z; but could be read with vowel combinations;

the sign
S :  Sh; but could be read with vowel combinations;

the sign t :  T; but could be read with vowel combinations;
the sign Z4 :  i
the sign G7 G7 are the signs for Sun Horus and Moon Horus (Set) respectively.  [Note: the sign S used for letter Sh has another form  that has two lines like these Z4 located in the middle of the rectangle. I had to use this sign S because I did not have the other one that was used in the original writing].
The transliterated term Peseshti, can be read, in Turkish, as “Pes-eshti, which is a form of the Turkish expression “BAŞ EŞTI” (EŞIT BAŞTI) meaning Equal Heads”. Thus, it is seen that Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, as being the two halves of the country, were equal in stature. This is clearly defined by the Turkish name “BAŞ EŞTI” where BAŞ means “head” and EŞTI (EŞIT) means “equal”.

This name
Peseshti, when rearranged as “Pes-eshti”, can also be read in Turkish as “BAŞ ISHITI” (BAŞ IŞIDI) meaning “Top Lights” which refers to the light from the Sun and the Moon above.
Along the same line of transliteration, we have another entry transliterated as
pest but written as N1 O34 N16 F31 N5 ”  meaning “to shine, to give light, to illuminate” – which is done by the Sun-Head and Moon-head above. This way, the term “pest” would also represent the “human head”.
The signs N1 means “sky”,
O34 means “S” or  “eS” or “Se”;
N16 means  “T” or “Ta”; and
F31 N5 is a determinative (where the first symbol shows sun rays and the second symbol shows the sun) indicating that it is “light” or the “light giving sun” .


From all of this deciphering and analysis, we can say with confidence that the ancient so-called “Egypt”, that is, MASAR (MISIR) state was established some six thousand years ago along the River Nile by the Turkish speaking Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. The universally spoken Turkish language was with them at that time – which makes Turkish the progenitor (father/mother) language, most likely being much older than 10,000 years.
Cosidering the fact that the Native Americans, that is, the First Nations of the Americas, (who are wrongly called “Indians”), arrived in the North, South and Middle Americas some 20,000 + years ago and still retained in their languages the Turkish words ANA (Mother) and ATA (father), TATA (DEDE) (grandfather) – is alternative evidence that Turkish is indeed a very old and structured language of the world.  Of course, this is contrary to the ‘established ideas’ of the East, West and the Middle East.  Evidently, the world public has been suffocated by the misinformation of the dark and cultic ‘religious’ organizations who confused the Turkish language by intentional alterations, and obliterated the ancient Tur/Turk/Oguz civilization from history, while stealing everything they have presented as their own from that ancient civilization of the Turanians!

We must also note that Turkish is an agglutinative language in which basic syllables constitute the root words and to the root words are added other syllabic suffixes in almost mathematical fashion.  Thus when word construction is done in accordance with the rules of the Turkish language, then it is readily recognizable.
However, when the separate and individual words of the Turkish language are artificially stuck together, then, the resulting artificial word becomes unrecognizable as Turkish.  For example, “Ah tac”  versus  “Hetch”. Apparently, the language-stealers of old – who usurped the words and phrases of Turkish to make new languages, knew this fact because, most likely, they knew and spoke Turkish in a superior way – compared to the rest of the public. Accordingly, they played this trick to construct the Indo-European and Semitic languages – and most likely others as well.  This trick enabled them to not only steal the Turkish language and the Turanian civilization, but also to wipe out that very ancient Turanian history and the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples and their most fantastic civilzation. This was the doings of those who believed in the evil god SET or SETI, that is, the black, evil-god cultic concept which provided the guidance for their behaviour in life.



I have been using the name of MASAR (MISIR) in mywritings instead of “EGYPT”. The name MASAR appears in the Turkish OGUZ KAGAN Epic story, [13, p. 631, lines 300 – 306]. The name is also said to appear in the Holy Book of Qor’an in the form of MASR – which is actually a deformed form of MASAR. Presently, it is an alternative name for the country wrongly called “EGYPT” where the ancient Masar was. Presently Turks refer to this country as MISIR.  Its name is also given as EL QUTR EL MASRI in Arabic, [6, p. 1196].  Of course this name has been all distorted in order to make it sound Arabic.  The word QUTR in this name is nothing but the restructured form of the word TURQ, that is, TURK meaning “the Turkish people”.  The word MASRI is nothing but restructured Turkish name MASAR (MISIR) for this ancient country.  Thus the Arabic name EL QUTR EL MASRI is an intentionally alienated form of the name AL TURK AL MASAR. This also clearly indicates that Turkish names have been altered and thus the Turkish lands, history, civilization, language and people have been stolen throughout the history from all directions.

The name MASAR has embedded in it a number of meanings. The name MASAR is composed of the Turkish name “ASAR” or “AUSAR” as used in ancient “Egypt”. But most importantly, it is the name “OGUZ ER”. The name ASAR (AUSAR) has been anagrammatized into the so-called Greek name “OSIRIS”.

In ancient Masarian culture, the God ASAR (AUSAR), like the God Amen-Ra, was one of the most important names given to the Sky-God – which was regarded as the creator of everything living and dead.  In modern civilization, countless things have been named by his mouth – contrary to ignorant and baseless claims and/or intentional disinformation.  He has been labelled as the “the God of the Dead” or the “God of the Underworld”.  In actuality, He is still living in the Turkish names of the Sky, Sun, Moon, Stars, Sea and Mountains of the earth as they cannot be killed by the devious behaviour of “men”.  His name is in the GÖK HAN, GÜN HAN, AY HAN, YILDIZ HAN, DENIZ HAN and DAG HAN which are the names of the six sons of the famed Turkish OGUZ KAGAN which also stands for Turkish “AGUZ KAGAN” meaning “Lord of the Language”. Those names are also the names of Oguz/Tur/Turk peoples which will be remembered and live forever.

The name MASAR when rearranged as “MA-S-AR”, can be read as the Turkish expression:
a)    “MA-aS ER” meaning “magnificent One/peerless man” which is a description in Turkish, not only of the ancient Turanian Sky-God, but also of an “accomplished man” and/or a special “man”.  The definition is Turkish and therefore it is the creation of the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.  Turkish MA means “magnificent and moon”, AS means “one” or  “peerless”, ER means “man, hero, soldier, husband”, and AGUZ means “mouth, word, speech, language”.

b)    “MA-uS ER” meaning “magnificent wise man” which refers again to the Sky-God and also to “wise man”.  Turkish word US (AKIL) means,“wisdom, mind, knowledge”.

c)    “MA-ouS ER” (MA OUZ ER) meaning “magnificent Oguz man” which refers to the Sky-God Oguz and and also to the “Oguz/Tur/Turkman”. Turkish word OUZ (UZ, GUZ, OGUZ) is the name for the Sky-God and his eyes “Sun” and “Moon” in the form “O GÖZ”.

It  must be noted that the Seti believing groups, who stole from the Turanians – most everything that they call as their culture, also stole his name for a few new “cultic religions” but also vilified and caricaturised his name and identity.  His name has been satirized in English “literature” as “WIZARD of OZ” where the name  WIZARD, in the form “UUZ-ARDI” is the Turkish expression “OUZ ERDI” (OGUZ ERDI) meaning “He is the OGUZ MAN”.  The bogus letter of W is UU in this case.  In the story “The WIZARD of OZ”, the Wizard of OZ is vilified by portraying him as a fake.

When W is taken as the YU combination, then, the name WIZARD, rearranged letter-by-letter as “AR YUZIDI” is the Turkish expression “ER YÜZÜDI” (ER YÜZÜDÜ) meaning “it is man’s face”, that is, “it is man’s head”.  I have referred to these concepts earlier in my writings.

d)    “M-AuS ER” (Ma AUZ ER) meaning “magnificent mouth-man”, that is, “the magnificent language man” which refers to not only man’s capability to speak but also to the first systematically constructed language which was the language of Turkish. Talking, that is “AGUZ” in Turkish is a divine ability given to man.  Other living beings on earth do not have the same speech (AGUZ) capability as that of “man”.  Turkish word “AUZ (AUS) means “mouth, word, speech, language”.

e)    The name MASAR rearranged as “MAS-AR” is related to the Turkish expression “BAŞ ER” meaning “the Head-Man”, that is, “the Top Man”, “The God man” and also “the believer of the top God-Man” and also “ER BAŞI” meaning “man’s head”. This is a very important concept because the “HUMAN HEAD” is a very central creator of things itself, and hence is at the center of the ancient Masarian religion and all concepts of “godhood”.  The Human head is a “creator” that is  ‘parallel’ to the universal creator Sky-God Concept in ancient Turanian religion.

f)    The name MASAR in the form of “M-ASAR”, is the Turkish “MA ESER” meaning “magnificient work of art, science and literature” which are all the doings of the “magnificent head of man”, that is the “ER BAŞI” in Turkish.

g)    The name MASAR (MISIR) rearranged in the form of “ARMAS (IRMIS) is the Turkish word “ERMIŞ” meaning “has matured in wisdom to godliness”, that is, “has gained knowledge to the degree of godliness”.  The so-called god “THOTH” of ancient Masar, that is, “the god of reading, writing, speaking, art, science and literature”, is indeed nothing but the personification of this concept described in Turkish.  It is described in Webster’s Dictionary as: “The scribe of the gods, measurer of time, and inventor of numbers; hence the god of wisdom and magic”, [6, p. 1039]. Of course, all of these things are the doings of the human head – not just one single head but many heads throughout history.

h)    The name MASAR also in the form of “AS-ARM” is the Turkish expression “AS ARAM” (AS EREM) meaning “I am one/peerless man”, that is, “I am one unique being”.
Thus the name MASAR, like the name SUMER, is not like any ordinary haphazardly chosen name, but rather, composed in view of all of these considerations.

More about the name “MASAR”
The name MASAR appears in the Turkish OGUZ KAGAN Epic story. The name is also said to appear in the Holy Book of Qor’an in the form of MASR – which is actually a deformed form of MASAR. Presently, it is an alternative name for the country wrongly called “EGYPT” where the ancient Masar was. Presently Turks refer to this country as MISIR.  Its name is also given as EL QUTR EL MASRI in Arabic, [6, p. 1196].  Of course this name has been all distorted in order to make it sound Arabic. The word QUTR in this name is nothing but the restructured form of the word TURQ, that is, TURK meaning “the Turkish people”.  The word MASRI is nothing but restructured Turkish name MASAR (MISIR) for this ancient country.  Thus the Arabic name EL QUTR EL MASRI is an intentionally alienated form of the name AL TURK AL MASAR. This also clearly indicates that Turkish names have been altered and thus the Turkish lands, history, civilization, language and people have been stolen throughout the history from all directions.

The name MASAR has embedded in it a number of meanings. The name MASAR is composed of the Turkish name “ASAR” or “AUSAR” as used in ancient “Egypt”. But most importantly, it is the name “OGUZ ER”. The name ASAR (AUSAR) has been anagrammatized into the so-called Greek name “OSIRIS”.

In ancient Masarian culture, the God ASAR (AUSAR), like the God Amen-Ra, was one of the most important names given to the Sky-God – which was regarded as the creator of everything living and dead.  In modern civilization, countless things have been named by his mouth – contrary to ignorant and baseless claims and/or intentional disinformation.  He has been labelled as the “the God of the Dead” or the “God of the Underworld”.  In actuality, He is still living in the Turkish names of the Sky, Sun, Moon, Stars, Sea and Mountains of the earth as they cannot be killed by the devious behaviour of “men”.  His name is in the GÖK HAN, GÜN HAN, AY HAN, YILDIZ HAN, DENIZ HAN and DAG HAN which are the names of the six sons of the famed Turkish OGUZ KAGAN which also stands for Turkish “AGUZ KAGAN” meaning “Lord of the Language”. Those names are also the names of Oguz/Tur/Turk peoples which will be remembered and live forever.


Since the ancient Greeks were one of the most effective manipulators and usurpers of Turkish culture, language, civilization, and people, we cannot finish this article without considering some of their words related to our subject. Now let us see what they did regarding the ancient Masar (‘Egypt’) name.

There are the Greek words in the form of “ATHIGGANOS” and “ATHIGGANIDOS” meaning “gypsy”, [14, p. 399].
Separately, the Greek words AIGUPTIOS and AIGUPTIAKOS both mean “Egyptian”, [14, p. 399], and the name AIGUPTOS means “Egypt”, [14, p. 400].

These Greek names are forgeries, that is, they are fake words manufactured from ancient Turkic expressions – as the ancient Greeks have done in manufacturing their fake language. Let us understand the Greek words that means “Egypt”.

The bogus name “EGYPT” supposedly comes from the Greek name AIGYPTUS meaning Gypsy , or alternatively from the name COPTYS who were Greek speaking “gypsies” themselves at some late time in Ancient Masar.  Mythologically two brothers named AEGYPTUS with his fifty sons and DANAUS with his fifty daughters came from “Egypt” to the ancient Pelasgian (Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz people) land so-called ancient “Greece” where the gypsy Greeks took root. In this regard we have from the following:

“In Greek mythology, Aígyptos, usually Latinized as Aegyptus, in Greek (“supine goat”), descendant of the heifer maiden, Io, and the river-god Nilus, was a king in Egypt.[1] Aegyptos was the son of Belus[2] and Achiroe, a naiad daughter of Niule. Aegyptus fathered fifty sons, who were all but one murdered by the fifty daughters of Aegyptus’ twin brother, Danaus, eponym of the Danaans, a name for the Mycenaean Greeks.”
Of course, this is mythological gobbledegook trying to coverup their wandering gypsy past during when they stole everything they claim as their civilization from the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. For example, in this citing:
The so-called “river-god NILUS “, who supposedly was a “king in Egypt” is nothing but a name made up from the Turkish expression “NIL SU” meaning “The Nile Water”  or “The Nile River”. Of course, the River Nile is such an important water body for the land of “Egypt”, but, it is not a “person”.  However, like the waters of all the world rivers, metaphorically, the Nile waters are also a wandering “gypsy” that flows thousands of miles through the land before reaching the sea. So there is a dishonesty being sold to the public as the “truth”. Turkish name NIL means “NILE” and SU means “water”.  Thus in this mythology, the Nile-water is personified as an imaginary “king” who became a ‘father” figure for those gypsies who moved from “Egypt” to so-called “ancient Greece”.

Similarly, the name IO is the restructured form of the Turkish word “AY O” meaning “it is the Moon”. Metaphorically, the “moon” is also a “wanderer” who goes not only around the earth, but also wanders all over the sky.  Actually, “the heifer maiden IO” is nothing but the ancient Masarian goddess ISIS reformulated.  The goddess ISIS, renamed into IO, now became the mother figure for the gypsies coming from “Egypt” to ancient “Greece”.

Furtheremore, the name DANAUS in the above mythology is a restructured form of two Turkish expressions combined into one form: DANAUS is a form of the Turkish word “DANAYÜZ” meaning “we are calves” , and also “DANA YÜZ” meaning “calf-face”.  Since the mother maiden IO was regarded as a “heifer”, that is, a female two year old cattle who has not given birth to a calf yet, then, eventually when she becomes a mother cow, her offsprings then are nothing but Turkish DANA – meaning “calf”.

The Wikipedia gives the following story ( ):

“In Greek mythology, Inachus (Greek:Ίναχος, Inakhos) personified the Inachus River, the modern Panitsa that drains the western margin of the Argive plain. He was king of Argos (circa 1856 BC).[1] Inachus was one of the river gods, all sons of Oceanus and Tethys and thus to the Greeks part of the pre-Olympian or “Pelasgian” mythic landscape. As rivers are generally fertile, Inachus had many children, the chief of whom were his two sons, Phoroneus and Aegialeus or Phegeus, and his two daughters Io and Philodice, wife of Leucippus. The mother of these children was variously described in the sources, either the ash-tree nymph Melia, called the mother of Phoroneus and Aegialeus, or Argia (his sister), called the mother of Phoroneus and Io.”
Here we must note that the so-called “Greek” name “INACHUS” or “INAKHOS” is actually a stolen expression from Turkish “INAK SU” (INEK SU) meaning “Cow Water” – which implicitly refers to “cow milk”.  Cows are also very fertile and have “many children” some of which become heifers, others become bulls and the new ones are DANA. Is it not ironic that IO should also be regarded as a “heifer”, and INACHUS”, personified as a “king”, should identify with a “cow” in Turkish. This also indicates that the so-called “Pelasgian lands’ were occupied by the Turkish speaking peoples.
So, there are many inherent non-truths about these Greek stories which are full of endless falsehoods formulated to paint the gypsy Greeks in pictures that they do not belong in.  They have conned the whole world into swallowing these ancient gobbledegook “Greek” stories as brilliant ancient “Greek civilization”.  Evidently, these “Greek” mythologies have been formulated to cover up their roots.

Now, let us understand the Greek words that means “Egypt”.

The word EGYPT, rearranged as “GYPTE” is the restructured form of the Turkish word GIPTI (KIPTI) meaning “gypsy”. The Redhouse dictionary gives the following explanation: Turkish word KIPTI means Copti, Coptic, Gypsy”; and KIPTICE means Goptic language, Gypsy language, the Romany language, in Romany”, [8, p. 653].  Thus, the definition refers to Coptic peoples in Egypt who were not the ancient “Egyptians”.  Thus, Egyptologists are falsely attributing the ancient MASAR people and their civilization to a gypsy group that were not the real Masarians. So a falsehood has been unknowingly (probably knowingly) perpetrated and attributed to the wrong people.
Similarly, the name AEGYPTUS, rearranged as GEPTAYUS”, is the restructured form of the Turkish word “GIPTIYUZ” (KIPTIYIZ) meaning “we are Gypsies”. Again the linguistic source is Turkish. This identifies the gypsy Coptic people. But the original people of ancient Masar were not Coptic (Gypsy) people.

But when the name AEGYPTUS is rearranged as “AGUS-PEYT”, we see that it is from Turkish “AGUZ BEYDI” meaning “It is the Language Lord and “OGUZ BEYDI” meaning “it is the OGUZ Lord”, that is, “the lords of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples”.  This also identifies the OGUZ people as the “LANGUAGE LORDS” indicating that their language, i.e., Turkish, was the original language.  The fact that the ancient Masarians were Turkish speaking Turanians is also clearly evident in the titles of the ancient “Egyptian” king titles which are all composed in Turkish.  Many of the ancient Masar kings called themselves by the Turkish name “HAKAN”.  Of course, what emerges from this is a totally different picture than the one that is painted for us attributing ancient Masar to gypsies.

Now let us examine the Greek words “ATHIGGANOS” and “ATHIGGANIDOS” that mean “gypsy”, [14, p. 399].

a) The Greek word “ATHIGGANOS”, when rearranged letter-by-letter as “OS-ATH-GIGAN”, is the restructured, Hellenized and disguised Turkish expression “ÖZ ADI CIGAN”, that is, “ÖZ ADI CINGANA” (ÖZ ADI CINGENE, GEZGINCI, ARAMACI, ARAYAN, ARYAN) meaning “its real name is gypsy” which defines the ancient Greeks and their bretheren as “gypsy” – and their culture as “gypsy culture”.

b) Similarly, the Greek word ATHIGGANIDOS, when rearranged letter-by-letter as “OS-ATH-GIGANDI”, is the restructured, Hellenized and disguised Turkish expression “ÖZ ADI CIGANDI” meaning “its real name was Gypsy”. This Turkish expression again identifies the “gypsy” people.  This second so-called “Greek” word has an additional Turkish suffix “-DI” added to the first name.
But in addition to this “gypsy” meaning of the Greek words “ATHIGGANOS” and “ATHIGGANIDOS”, they also have a very noble Turkish name embedded in them and stolen from Turkish.  This we will see below.

c) When the name ATHIGGANOS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “S-ATI-GOG-HAN”, it is found to be nothing but the restructured, disguised and Hellenized Turkish expression “AS ADI GÖG-HAN” (BIR ADI GÖK HAN) meaning His one name is Sky-Lord”.  We must note that the name “GÖK HAN” is a pure Turkish name and cannot be the name of gypsies. Turkish name GÖK HAN meaning “SKY-LORD, SKY-GOD” is the name of one of the six sons of the Turkish OGUZ KAGAN and also a widely used Turkish male name (i.e., both first and last names). Thus, the gypsies also exalted themselves to the level of Sky-Lord by having this noble Turkish name as a secret alternate name embedded in ATHIGGANOS.

Similarly, the Greek name “ATHIGGANIDOS” can also be deciphered to the Turkish expression “AS ADI GÖG-HANDI” (BIR ADI GÖK HANDI) meaning “His one name was Sky-Lord”.
So, these gypsies, that is, “CIGAN” (CINGENE, ZINGANO) Greeks, Romans and other gypsy groups originally had neither nobility nor culture to their name. But they were the very best in “stealing” everything from the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples and covering their tracks, thus, they were the “thieves par excellence”. They had to steal sacred Turkish names from  the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples as they also stole their language from Turkish.

Finally let us examine the Greek words AIGUPTIOS and AIGUPTIAKOS both mean Egyptian”, [14, p. 399], and the name AIGUPTOS means “Egypt”, [14, p. 400].
d) The Greek word AIGUPTIOS, rearranged letter-by-letter as “AS-GIPTU-OI, is found to be nothing but the restructured, disguised and Hellenized Turkish expression “AS KIPTI ÖY” (BIR KIPTI ÖY, BIR KIPTI EV) meaning “one Coptic home” which is a correct expression as some gypsies lived in all Turkish states at some time – as they also lived in the ancient Masar state under the protection of the ruling Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. This has been the case throughout history in many other Turkish empires as well.

Similarly, the Greek name AIGUPTIAKOS, when rearranged “AS-GIPTU-KOIA”, is found to be nothing but the restructured, disguised and Hellenized Turkish expression “BIR KIPTI KÖYÜ” meaning “One Coptic village” indicating that, most likely, these gypsies were living only in a village in ancient MASAR.  Yet, when they refer to the country, they label the whole country as the “Gypsy land’.

e)    Of course these Greek names AIGUPTIOS and AIGUPTIAKOS have another important meaning embedded in them.

The name AIGUPTIOS, when rearranged as “OGUS-PAITI”, is found to be a restructured, disguised and Hellenized  form  of the Turkish expression “OGUZ BEYITI” (OGUZ BEYIDI, OGUZ BEY IDI) meaning OGUZ was the Lord , that is, “The OGUZ was the KHAGAN” indicating that the ancient MASAR was indeed an OGUZ/TUR/TURK country and empire.  That is to say, one of the longest living, eminently developed Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples’s state that lived some six thousands years in North Africa, Middle East and the Mediterranean area. Their Turkic PYRAMIDS of ancient MASAR are still living their past glory. But, how unfortunate to supposedly “truth searching science” that has wrongly or intentionally attributed this magnificent Turanian civilization to “Gypsies” who stole everything Turanian and Tur/Turk/Oguz.

f) The name AIGUPTIAKOS, when rearranged as “AK-OGUS-PAITI”, is found to be a restructured, disguised and Hellenized form of the Turkish expression that can be read in a number of ways:

f1)    “AK OGUZ BEY ITI” (AG OGUZ BEY IDI) meaning “The White OGUZ was the Ruler”. This refers to ASER (ASAR, AUSAR) believing OGUZ people as the rulers of the country.  The White Oguz (AK OGUZ) are the Sun-God, Moon-God and Sky-God believing Oguz people who deified the Sun and enlightenment-by-knowledge as God of all things. The “White Crown”, that is, AĞ TAC” was the symbol of this belief as it was the crown of Masar.

f2) “HAK OGUZ BEY ITI” meaning “The Just OGUZ was the Ruler” indicating that “justice” was one of the ruling tenets of this OGUZ Religion and society.  The so-called “crook” was the symbol of this principle of the Oguz society. The Oguz rulers were so just that they were regarded as the justice givers even in the underworld as well.  Their scale, used to measure the “sins” of the deceased into the other world, was capable of measuring the sins against “feathers” indicating how sensitive they were regarding “justice”.
Of course with the justice went the punishment needed for the wrong doer.  The so-called “flail”, that is, the Masarian whip, which is called “TURA” in Turkish, was the symbol of the state’s power to punish. It must be noted that the Turkish name TURA of this flail whip carries the name of TUR – which is another name not only of the Sky-God but also the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.

The very fact that all deities and kings are represented with the “crook”, i.e. “HAK” and the “flail”, i.e., “TURA”, and since they read and wrote in picture writing system, when we put “HAK + TURA” together we get the Turkish expressions:

“HAKTUR A” (HAKTUR O) meaning he is just”, “he is fair” ;
“H-AKTUR A” (AKTUR O) meaning he is clean, he is white, he is trustable, he is honest” ;
“HAK TUR A” ( HAK TUR O) meaning “He is just TUR (man)”, “He is fair TUR (man)”;
And the very fact that they carried “TURA” (i.e., flail) in their hand, indicates their TUR was their name and they were always TUR/TURK/OGUZ peoples. They carried their name in their hand.

f3)    “AKA OGUZ BEY ITI” (AGA OGUZ BEY IDI) meaning THE KHAN OGUZ WAS THE RULER”, that is, THE KHAGAN OGUZ LORDS WERE THE  RULERS” indicating that ancient MASAR was indeed an OGUZ/TUR/TURK country and an ancient empire that was ruled by the “OGUZ KAGAN BEYLERI” each one of which took the title of “The Sky God, the Sun-God, The Moon God, The knowledge God, The language God, the Wisdom god, and other titles” during their long journey in history. And they were one of the ancient Turanian civilizations that gave the gifts the world has been using for thousands of years.
From these analysis we see that ancient Greeks anagrammatized the Turkish words and phrases in manufacturing words for a confused language that they call “Greek”. Additionally, we see that when we decipher these ancient so-called “Greek” names, we find them extremely enlightening to us not only about the “Greeks” themselves but also about ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.  While the ancient Greeks were part of a “black union” that tried to wipe away the people, language, civilization, culture and history of the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples, it seems that they also left their fingerprints in their usurped work and unintentionally preserved the Turkish language words and phrases in their newly manufactured languages. However, it must be understood that it was not the normal day-to-day hard working “gypsy” peoples who did these language alterations and civilization usurpation and obliterating the history of the Turanian peoples, but rather, it was a devious SETI believing, black-garbed group who disguised themselves under the cloak of “religion” and deceptively gained the confidence of the top rulers of the society and eventually caused the downfall of the Turanian civilization.  Of course, when the opportunity came, this group were the leaders who led the ordinary people to topple the benefactor host state that had trustingly protected them. This group habitually demonstrated ungratefulness to the hand that fed them.

They were unmatched in stealing the Tur/Turk/Oguz language in order to concoct languages for themselves.  Their language was one of the forerunners of the so-called “Indo-European” languages which were all stolen from Turkish by way of anagrammatizing Turkish words and phrases. Of course, they not only stole the Turanian language but they also stole Turanian civilization, and also the people whom they assimilated by altering their names, ethnic identity and religion. When they had the opportunity, they burned down and destroyed everything Turanian, and then, built on top of it something new that showed as their ‘civilization’.  This was a trick that the SETI believing “religious” order used to obliterate the old civilization.  Their new buildings or artifacts would hide the remnants of the old civilization, therefore, newer generations would only see the new and know nothing of the old.


Among a multitute of names, the following names were some of the prominent names of ancient Masar (Misir):

1. “‘ER-BIR AN AKAMTI’ KONUT”, that is, “‘BIR GÖK TANRI AGAMTI’ KONUT” literally meaning “ONE SKY-GOD IS MY LORD – COUNTRY”.  By another meaning,God’s Country.

2. The hieroglyphic transliteration “Kammau” meaning “Egypt and/or Egyptians” , reads in Turkish “KAM MA AY O KONUT” meaning “it is magnificent Shaman-Moon country”.

3. The hieroglyphic transliteration Âtur-ti meaning “the  two chief temples of Upper and Lower Egypt, the two halves of Egypt, the northern and southern halves of the Egyptian sky”, reads in Turkish as “O TUR IKI ÖYTÜ” (“O IKI TUR ÖYTÜ”) meaning “it is two TUR houses” indicating that the two halves of ancient “Egypt” were actually not only “two temples of the Sky-God TUR” as in “God’s country”, but also were the two lands of the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.
Furthermore, it reads “O TUR ATA-ÖY ATA-ÖY” meaning It is two TUR fatherlands” which again clearly states that ancient “Egypt” was the “Fatherland” of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples – in two sections. This reading also verifies the fact that the so-called ancient “Egypt” was in two parts, each of which was called a “Tur Fatherland”.
4a. The name of Upper Egypt, given with the hieroglyphic transliteration of Âtur-res meaning “Upper Egypt”, reads in Turkish as UTU-ER ÖYLER KENTI” (GÜN TANRI ER ÖYLER KENTI) meaning “Sun-God  People’s Houses Country”  or “the Sun-God Country”.
4b. The name of Upper Egypt is also given with the hieroglyphic transliteration “Âter-t shema-t”, reads in Turkish as “ATa-YERTI ÖY ISHIMA KENT” or “ATa-YER ÖY ISHIMA KENTI” meaning “The Fatherland house is the shining country”, that is , “The Fatherland house is the sunlight country”.
4c. “Upper Egypt” was also known as “THE WHITE CROWN COUNTRY”, under the transliterated entry of Hetch-t”. This country name reads in Turkish as “AĞ-TAC KENT” or “AĞ-TAC KONUT” meaning “White Crown Country” or “GÜNEŞ KENT (“Sun Country”) .
4d. The name of Lower Egypt, given with the hieroglyphic transliteration Âtur-meh meaning “Lower Egypt” , reads in Turkish as “O TUR MA-aHa ÖYLER” (O TUR AY-AGA ÖYLER) meaning It is TUR Moon-God Houses” indicating that “Lower Egypt” was named after the Turanian Moon-God, and, that Lower Egypt was a TUR country.
4e. The transliterated term Âter-t meh-t, meaning “Lower Egypt”, reads in Turkish as “ATa-yERTI ÖY MA-aHa KENTTI”, that is, “ATA YERDI ÖY MA-AGA KENTI” meaning “The Fatherland house is the Moon-Lord country”.

We have seen that the so-called “ancient Egypt” was not called by the name “EGYPT” at all – but with the Turkish names described above.  This ancient country was not called Egypt until it was invaded and taken over by the wandering gypsy Greeks and Semites who changed the name of this very ancient Turanian country to “EGYPT” meaning “Gypsy”, [9, p. 404].  The Semitic, Greek and Roman priests infiltrated every level of the Masarian society including the top king level. They learned everything about the ancient Masarian civilization, religion, language and their magic system (i.e., Shamanism).  And then, they altered everything Turko-Masarian into a manufactured language called “Greek” which comes from the Turkish word “GARACI” meaning “gypsy”, “wanderer” or “the black believer”, that is, the SETI believer. The Greek king, so-called “PTOLAMEUS”, must have played a major part in converting the Turko-Masarian culture, language and civilization, into “Greek” as he was one of the bogus “dream-seeing” men who used his concocted dreams as justification to convert Masar civilization into “Greek”.  Of course, the most evil part in destroying the ancient Turko-Masar state was played by the infiltrating Semitic, Greek and Roman priests who were the true personification of Seti. They looted everything for themselves – including Turanian names, words and phrases.  They also wiped out the Turkic identity of the ancient Masarians so the world does not know their true Turkic identity.

There is no question in my mind that Sir E. A. Wallis Budge was an eminent scholar who most likely knew many languages. Reading through his works, I get the feeling that he knew Turkish very well, yet he never once referred to the Turkish language in his many works on the ancient Masarian (“Egyptian”) civilization.  Surely, he knew that he was essentially dealing with the Turkish language.  Otherwise he could not have achieved what he achieved without the help of Turkish to decipher those hieroglyphs. In his reading of the ancient Masarian glyph-texts, his transliterations include many words that are openly Turkish and some that are fuzzy-looking Turkish. This I also find in many of his so-called “Egyptian words” in his “An Egyptian Hieroglyphic dictionary”.  One gets the impression that he knew all along that the ancient Masarian language was a Turkish-based language and that the ancient Masarian culture was a Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz based culture. It is no wonder that he wrote the following in one of his books:

“It is unlikely that the hieroglyphic system of writing was invented in Egypt, and evidence indicates that it was brought there by certain invaders who came from north-east or Central Asia; they settled down in the valley of the Nile, somewhere between Memphis on the north and Thebes on the south, and gradually established their civilization and religion in their new home”.
Those so-called “invaders from Central Asia”, whom Sir E. A. Wallis Budge refers to in the above citing, were unquestionably the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples – contrary to all the deception and misinformation that has been distributed to the public by the Egyptologists.


1.    Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, “Egyptian Language”, London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul,
New York: Dover Publications Inc, Fourteenth Impression, 1977.
2. E. A Wallis Budge, “Egyptian Religion”, Bell Publishing Company, New York, 1959.
3.    E. A Wallis Budge, “The Gods Of the Egyptians”, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1969.
4.      E. A. Wallis Budge, The Egyptian book of the Dead”, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1967]
5. E. A. Wallis Budge, “An Egyptian  Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1978,.
6.    Websters’s  Collegial Dictionary, Springfield, Mass, USA, 1947.
7.    Cassell’s Compact Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary, The Chapel River Press, Ltd.,
Andover, Hants, F.1161, 1962.
8.    Redhouse Turkish – English Dictionary, Redhouse Yayinevi, Istanbul, 1987.
9.    Encyclopaedia Britannica World Language Dictionary, 1963.

10.   Samuel A. B. Mercer, “The Handbook of EGYPTIAN HIEROGYLIPHS A Study of the
Ancient Language”, Hippocrene Books, Inc, New York, 1993.
11.   Mircea Eliade, “Shamanism, Archaic Tecniques of Ecstasy”, Princeton University Press, 1974.

12.   Cassell’s Compact Latin – English and English – Latin Dictionary, 1962.
13.   “Resid Rahmeti Arat MAKALELER, CILT I” prepared by Osman Fikri Sertkaya, Türk Kültürünü Arastirma Enstitüsü yayinlari: 65, Sayi IV – Sayi: A.20, Ankara, 1987.  (“OGUZ KAGAN DESTANI” by W. BANG and G. R. RAHMETI, Istanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Türk Dili Semineri Nesriyatindan, Istanbul 1936, Burhaneddin Basimevi, p. 605 – 672).
14.   Divry’s Modern English – Greek and Greek – English Desk Dictionary, New York, 1988.

With best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya


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