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Words Under The Lens: “ACKNOWLEDGEMENT”, “ADMISSION”, “CONFESSION” and Other Related Latin And Greek Words

The English word ACKNOWLEDGEMENT” is defined as a “noun” meaning:
1.     acceptance of the truth or existence of something.
2.  – the action of expressing or displaying gratitude or appreciation for something.
– the action of showing that one has noticed someone or something.
– a letter confirming receipt of something.

3.     an author’s or publisher’s statement of indebtedness to others, typically one printed at the beginning of a book.

Thus, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is an act of admission or confession of an action one does.
In online Wiktionary (, the etymology for ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is given as: “Recorded since 1553, a blend (with a parasitic c slipped in) of Middle English aknow (from Old English oncnawan (“‘to understand’”), itself from on + cnawan (“‘to recognize’”)) + knowlechen (“‘to admit’”). Other sources derive it from the prefix a- + a verb knowledge, and compare acknow.
Similarly, Oxford American Dictionaries on “acknowledge” gives its origin as “late 15th cent.: from the obsolete Middle English verb knowledge, influenced by obsolete acknow [acknowledge, confess.]”

The etymologies given by these sources are fabricated explanations because the concepts “to understand” or “to recognize” are not related to the concept of “admission”.  They are totally different concepts. Hence, this etymology is just a wild goose chase guiding the all-trusting readers in the wrong direction. The word ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is an anagrammatized form of a Turkish expression just like many other English language words are.
The symbol W in the word ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is really a bogus letter that replaces combinations of UU, VV, YY, UV, UY, YV and also U or V or Y in the source text from which this word has been manufactured.
With this knowledge, when the English word ACKNOWLEDGEMENT is rearranged letter-by-letter as:
a)    “NE-OLDU-ACUKG-TEMEN”, we find that it is the anagrammatized and ‘Anglicized’ form  of the Turkish expression “NE OLDU AÇIKCa DEMEN” meaning “you saying what happened openly”, “you admitting what happened as it is”, “you confessing truthfully what happened”.
b)    “NE-OLDUGNU-ACK-TEME”, we find that it is the anagrammatized and ‘Anglicized’ form  of the Turkish expression  “NE OLDUGuNU AÇiK DEME” (NE OLDUGUNU AÇIKCA DEME) meaning “telling what happened clearly”, “admitting what happened openly”, “confessing truthfully what happened”.
Thus, we see that this so-called “English” word has been manufactured from the Turkish language by anagrammatizing (modifying) a Turkish source expression.  The usurped and modified Turkish source text always stays present in the manufactured word no matter how much rearrangement and disguising is done on it – such as in the case of the word ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.  Thus if one knows the true meaning of a manufactured word, it is then possible to recover the Turkish source text used for the word.

Turkish words:
means “what”,
OLDU means “happened”
means “open”
means “openly”
means “telling, saying”
means “you saying, you telling”
means “having taken place”

Linguists either do not know the real situation regarding the makeup of the so-called “Indo-European” languages, which is based on stealing and anagrammatizing Turkish words and expresssions, or, they know this fact but instead of acknowledging it, they disseminate bogus “etymology” for their manufactured words.
The word ACKNOWLEDGE is deceptively presented as the root word – but in reality, ACKNOWLEDGE is just the cut-off front-end of the manufactured word ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. In other words, the English linguists manufactured ACKNOWLEDGEMENT from Turkish expressions a) or b) above, and then formed ACKNOWLEDGE by chopping off the final -MENT – as if it was a real suffix. And then they put a bogus etymology in their dictionaries pointing off to some Middle English or Old English words that attempt to tie in concepts unrelated to “admitting” or “acknowledging”.  Such tricks have been used for thousands of years by the builders of the so-called “Indo-European” and “Semitic” languages – which were manufactured from Turkish and which did not exist before the Turkish language.  Thus Turkish antedated them all.  It is about time that linguists ACKNOWLEDGE this fact.
Now to further verify what we say is correct, let us now examine the words ADMISSION and CONFESSION in Latin and in Greek.

Oxford American Dictionaries  on “admission” defines it as:
“1     a statement acknowledging the truth of something : an admission of guilt | a tacit admission that things had gone wrong.
2     the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place, organization, or institution, that is, ‘permission or right to enter’.

ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin admission-, from the verb admittere (see admit ).

Since the word “admission” is said to be from the Latin word “admittere”, we should examine this word.
Latin word ADMITTERE rearranged as “ETTIM-DER-A”, reveals itself as the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression “ETTIM DER” meaning “he says I did” which is an act of “admission” and “confession”.  So the source of this Latin word is also Turkish.
Similarly, when the English word ADMITTED is rearranged as “ETTIM-DAD”, it reveals itself as the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression “ETTIM DEDi” meaning “he said ‘I did'”.  This is again an act of  “admission” of whatever wrong the person did.
Finally, even the word “ADMIT“, when rearranged as “ATDIM” is an anagrammatized form of the Turkish word “ETDIM” meaning “I did” which is “confessing”.
Turkish words:
means “I did”,
DER means “he/she says”,
DEDI means “He/she said”.
The word “admission” also has the connotation of “permission” or “right to enter”.
In this regard, when the word ADMISSION is rearranged as “ADIM-ISSON” it reveals itself as the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression “ADIM IZUN” (ADIM IZIN) meaning “my name is ‘permission’; I am permission”.  Thus, someone having a signed and authorized paper such as a ticket to go to see a show, has the permission to enter the show by showing his/her ticket.  He/she will gain admission when the ‘permission’ ticket is shown.  Here, the “SS” construct is a substitution for the Turkish letter “Z” in the source Turkish text.
Ironically, even the word PERMISSION is made up from the Turkish expression “BIR IZINEM” meaning “I am one permission”, “I am one admission ticket”.  In this case the “SS” costruct is again a substitution for the Turkish letter “Z” in the source Turkish text.
It must also be noted that the anagrammatizers who manufactured the word “ADMISSION” – and assigned it these two meanings (i.e., confession and permission) must have also analyzed the process in the same way as I have shown here.
Oxford American Dictionaries:  on “confession”:
noun: “a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime“.
ORIGIN late Middle English : via Old French from Latin confessio(n-), from confiteri ‘acknowledge’ (see confess ).
Latin:     confiteor, confiteri, confessus sum:
English:  confess (w/ACC), admit, acknowledge, reveal, disclose; concede, allow; denote;
The Letter “F” in the Latin word “confiteri” is an intentional replacement of the letter “D” in the source Turkish text used for the makeup of this Latin word, [see  Caesar Cipher at]. And the letter C in “confiteri” is the K sound.

The Latin word CONFITERI,  when rearranged (deciphered) in the form of  “CENTI-FIOR” or “CENFI-TIOR”,  is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression  “KENDI DIOR” (KENDI DIYOR) meaning “he himself is saying”, “he is himself admitting”.
Similarly the word CONFITEOR,  when rearranged in the form of  “CENTI-FOOR” or “CENFO-TIOR” is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression  “KENDI DIYOR” meaning “he himself is saying”, “he himself is admitting”, “he himself is acknowledging”.
The Latin word CONFESSIONIS means “confession, acknowledgement”, [Cassell’s Compact Latin-English, English-Latin dictionary, 1962, p. 54].
When the Latin word CONFESSIONIS is rearranged (deciphered) letter-by-letter as “O-CENFI-SOSSIN”,  where letter “F” is a bogus replacement for letter “D”, it makes the decipherment as Turkish expression “O KENDI SÖZIN” meaning “it is your own word”, “it is your own confession” which is taken as a ‘confession’ from those who commited a wrong.
Turkish words:
DIYOR means “is saying”,
SÖZ means “word”,
SÖZIN means “your word”,
KENDI means “himself, herself”,
Another Latin word meaning “confession of sin” is the word EXOMOLOGESIS,
The Latin word EXOMOLOGESIS, (where the letter X is a substitution for the letters “KS”), when rearranged in the form of  “O-OSE-SOGLEMIS-K”, is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression “O ÖZÜ SÖYLEMIŞ” (O KENDI SÖYLEMIŞ) meaning “he himself has said it”, “he himself said it” which is confession.
Turkish words:
means “himself, herself”
means “has said”,

A similar word to the Latin word in item 5 above is the Greek word OMOLOGESIS or OMOLOGESEWS that means “confession, awoval”, [Divry’s 1988, p. 616].
a)    OMOLOGESEWS when deciphered letter-by-letter as “O-OSU-SOGLEMEU” is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression  “O ÖZÜ SÖYLEMIŞ” meaning “he himself has said it” , “he himself said it” where Greek letter G can represent both G and Y.  This is clearly the definition of “confession” and “confessor” in Turkish.  The letter Ş in the Turkish source text has been dropped during anagrammatization.
b)    OMOLOGESIS when deciphered letter-by-letter as “OSO-SOGLEMI”, is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression  “ÖZÜ SÖYLEMIŞ” meaning “himself has said”.  The letter Ş in the Turkish source text has been dropped during anagrammatization.
This Greek word EXOMOLOGISI also meaning “confession”, [], is the same as the Latin word EXOMOLOGESIS which is made up from the Turkish expression “O ÖZÜ SÖYLEMIŞ” (O KENDI SÖYLEMIŞ) meaning “he has said it himself”, “he admitted it himself”.
Above I gave the the makeup of the words “acknowledgement, admission and confession”. The decipherments of these words (and others) conclusively show that Turkish was the source language for the makeup of these words in English, Latin and Greek.  Further this exercise verifies the fact that Turkish was the proto (birata) language for all of these languages. Some cabal organizations have conned the world by lying about the makeup of countless numbers of words in the so-called “Indo-European” languages.  In order to cover up what they did with the Turkish words and phrases, these cabal groups, who made many different languages for themselves,  provided bogus etymologies – under the pretense of “linguistic science”.

The anagrammatizers, thinking they had gotten away with the perfect crime, unwittingly preserved the Turkish source text in each of their manufactured words.  The Turkish text used as the source for a word is not lost – no matter how much altering and disguising is done to it. The embedded Turkish source can be recovered again with the help of the meaning assigned to the manufactured word.

Anagrammatizing is a simple tool that has been used not only to usurp the Turkish language but also to usurp the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples and their civilization. Altering the names, the language, the religion and the cultures of people – almost instantly transfers them into a foreign group that is totally different than the one they were in before.  For example, the ancient people of Anatolia, th Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans and Europe have been alienated from their original Turanian Tur/Turk ethnic identity into unrecognizeable ethnicities.  This is how the ancient Turanian civilization was obliterated.

Turkish was a WORLD LANGUAGE spoken very widely throughout the world before there was any so-called “Indo-European” and “Semitic” languages. and even others.  Evidently the Aryans, Semites, and others, made special effort to obliterate that fact.

Dr. Polat Kaya

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