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The Ancient Masarian (so-called “Egyptian”) Word “NETER” Meaning “GOD” Is a Form of the Turkish word “TANRI” meaning “GOD” By Polat Kaya


“In this study, I discuss the real meaning of the ancient “Egyptian” word “NETER” meaning  “GOD” and the hieroglyphic symbol used for this concept. According to the egyptologists, the source and the meaning of this ancient word have not been well understood. E. A. Wallis Budge, famed egyptologist, in his book “Egyptian Religion” [1, p. 12], writes the following:

“In spite of all difficulties, both textual and grammatical, sufficient is now known of the Egyptian religion to prove, with certainty, that the Egyptians possessed, some six thousand years ago, a religion and a system of morality which, when stripped of all corrupt accretions, stand second to none among those which have been developed by the greatest nations of the world.” (dated August 21st, 1899, London).
This statement clearly describes the ancient Masarians, that is, the ancient Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples who were the first and the foremost developed nation of the world before all others.  The later religions conceptually brought nothing new to offer in addition to what this very ancient Turanian religion presented at North Africa around the river NILE some six thousand years ago.

In presenting the “Egyptian religion, Wallis Budge states that: The Egyptians believed in ONE GOD, who was self-existing, immortal, invisible, eternal, omniscient, almighty, and inscrutable; the maker of the heavens, earth, and underworld; the creator of the sky and the sea, men and women, animals and birds, fish and creeping things, trees and plants, and the incorporeal beings who were messengers that fulfilled his wish and word.” [1, p. 17].

“The common word given by the Egyptians to God, and god, and spirits of every kind, and beings of all sorts, and kinds, and forms, which were supposed to possess any superhuman or supernatural power, was NETER, N35 X1 D21 , and the hieroglyph which is used both as the determinative  of this word and also as the ideograph is R8 .  Thus we have R8 or R8 A40 , ‘god’, and Z2 R8, or R8 Z3, or R8 R8R8, or R8 R8R8 Z3, “gods;” the plural is sometimes written out in full, e.g. N35 X1 D21G43 A40.  The common word for “goddess” is NETERT, which can be written R8 X1H8, or R8 X1D21 X1, or R8 X1D21 X1 H8;  sometimes the determinative of the word is a woman, B1 ,  and other times a serpent, e.g. R8 X1D21 X1 I12.  The plural is NETERIT, R8 X1D21 i i X1 I12 Z3 . We have now to consider what object is supposed to be represented by R8 , and what the word NETER means. In Bunsen’s Egypt’s Place (i., Nos. 556, 557, 623) the late Dr. Birch described R8 as a hatchet;  in 1872 Dr. Brugsch placed R8 among “objects tranchants, armes,” in his classified list of hieroglyphic characters; thus it is clear that the two greatest masters of Egyptology considered R8 to be either a weapon or a cutting tool, and, in fact, assumed that the hieroglyphic represented an axe-headlet into and fastened in a long wooden handle.” [2, Vol. 1, p. 63-64].
2.    The Word “NETER” is a form of Turkish “TANRI”:
In above citing, Wallis Budge discusses the R8 symbol and agrees with Drs. Birch and Brugsch and states that in his opinion the object which is represented by R8 is an axe and nothing else, [2, Vol. 1, p. 64].  As for the meaning of NETER, the Egyptologists have suggested a variety of meanings without being conclusive and meaningful.  Of course, whether it is an “axe” or something else, is not important. What is important is the concept that it represents.  Below I explain the nature of this symbol and its meaning.
Wallis Budge’s own suggestion is that:  “it is almost impossible not to think that the word has a meaning which is closely allied to the ideas of “self existence,” and the power to renew life indefinitely,” and “self production”. In other words, neter appears to mean a being who has the power to generate life. and maintain it when generated.” [2, Vol. 1, p. 74].
This is a logical description of the concept NETER meaning God. Particularly, if one knew the Turkish language and went a bit deeper than what appears on the surface, then, he would find that indeed NETER is a different form of the Turkish term “TANRI” (TENGRI, TENRI) meaning “GOD”. It seems that there has been some manipulation of the term TANRI to obtain the word NETER by the powerful and mostly  alien “priests” in ancient “Egyptian” society.  Either that, or it was the European and/or Semitic “Egyptologists” in the nineteenth century who transliterated the hieroglyphic text as “NETER” – which could have been “TANRI” as in Turkish.

3.    NETER The  FATHER figure:

term NETER hieroglyphically is written as N35 X1 D21 or R8 A40 , where sign N35 is “N”, sign X1 is “T”, and sign D21 is “R”, and additionally, the signs R8 and A40 also stand for NETER, that is TANRI in Turkish. Thus, It has the shortened form of “NTR” which has been transliterated as NETER. The “E” vowels are filled in either by Wallis Budge himself or together with other Egyptologists. In other words, the hieroglyphic writing could just as easily have been transliterated as “NATAR”.  When NETER or NATAR is viewed as “N-ETE-R” or “N-ATA-R”, we find that it is a composite word made up from three Turkish words. They are namely the Turkish words AN meaning “SKY”, ATA meaning “FATHER”, and ER meaning “MAN”.  Thus, viewed in this manner, NETER would mean“Sky Father Man”.

Similarly, when Turkish word TANRI, meaning “GOD”, is
viewed as  “T-AN-RI”, we find that it also is a composite word made up from three Turkish words.  Namely the Turkish words aTa (ATA) meaning “father”, AN meaning “SKY” and eRI (ERI) meaning “the MAN”. Thus, Turkish word TANRI also means “Father Sky Man” – which is the same as the “Sky Father Man”. Thus, NETER and TANRI are one and the same, and they are Turkish in origin both conceptually and also linguistically. In consonants only, the term TANRI can be shown as “TNR” which is similar to the “NTR” of NETER.

When NTR (NETER) and
/or TNR (TANRI) are separated into their consonant elements as “N-T-R” or “T-N-R”, we find that the following meanings in Turkish are also embedded in both of them:
a) “aN-aTa-eRi” or “aTa aN eRi”  meaning “Sky Father Man” or “Father Sky Man”  which is a description of the universal creator Sky God in Turkish.
b) “haN-aTa-eRi” or “aTa haN eRi”  meaning “Lord Father Man” or “Father Lord Man” which is a description of the Sky God and also “man” the creator on earth in Turkish.

“aN uTu eRi” or “uTu aN eRi” (UTU AN ERI) meaning “Sun-God Sky Man”. This makes the Sun as the local space representation of the universal Sky God. Sun is personified as a man (i.e., “AL ER” in Turkish which has been transliterated as Ra, written as D21 D36 N5 Z1 , that is, “ER AL GÖZ BIR” meaning “One Red-Eye man”. UTU is the Turko-Sumerian Sun-God.

d)    “oTu AN eRi” (
ODu AN eRI) meaning “He is the Sky Man”, which describes the Sky-God as Sky-Man. Thus, the Sky-God is a personification in the form of “MAN”, that is, “ER” in Turkish. Additionally,
“oTu hAN eRi” (ODu hAN eRI) meaning “He is the Lord Man”, that is, he is the man who has proven himself as the LORD (USTA, AGA in Turkish) of any subject to the rest of the public. Thus, it is also a personification of “creator man the lord”.  Since the human “HEAD” (BAŞ, TEPE in Turkish) is the creator of the concept of Sky-God and also an endless number of other ideas, the human “head” is symbolically “god”.  Thus TANRI (NETER)  and ER are related to each other by “name”.  Because of this similarity, Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples have also been ancestor worshippers.
In this context, Wallis Budge writes the following:  “According to one myth which represented the heavens in the form of the head of man, and which made the sun and the moon to be his eyes, the supports of heaven were supposed to be formed of his long flowing hair, and thus we have in the text of Unas (l. 473) an allusion to the ‘four elder spirits who dwell in the locks of hair of Horus, who stand in the eastern part of heaven grasping their scepters.” [2, Vol. 1, p. 157].
This verifies my view that in the ancient Turanian religion, the “human head” was one of the corner stones of the  “GOD”, that is, “TANRI” (NETER) concept. After all it was the “human head” that conceived the concept of “GOD” in the first place and then worked it to its present states.

e)    “aTu aN eRi” (ADU AN ERI) meaning “His name is Sky-Man”. Thus, the Sky-God is described as “Sky-Man” (AN ERI or TAN ERI) in Turkish. Additionally, “ADU HAN ERI” meaning “His name is Lord-Man”.

f)    “oT AN eRI”
(OD AN eRI) meaning “Fire Sky Man”. This describes not only the Sun-god as fire – which it is, but also the Sky-God as fire.  Cosmologically, even in the modern understanding of the creation of the universe, it is understod that it was created as an immensely hot “fire ball”.  The ancient Turanians regarded the Sun, that is, the white-hot glowing and
light-radiating giant fire, as the right “eye” of the “Fire Sky Man”.  This implies that the Sky-God himself was also made of “fire”. Thus, in this way, the ancient Turanian understanding of the Sky-God and its creation of the universe was a likely metaphoreical understanding of the universe with respect to the “man”.
g)    “uT aN eRi” (UT AN ERI, OKUZ AN ERI, OGUZ AN ERI) meaning “Bull Sky Man”.  This describes the personified Sky-God as a “BULL of Sky”. This Turkish definition of god, in the form of “UTU-R-AN” can be read in a number of ways.
g.1)     “U-TUR-AN” (O TUR AN) meaning “He is TUR of Sky”.  TUR was one of many names of the ancient Turanian Sky God.  TUR is also the national name of the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.
g.2)     “U-TURAN” (O DURAN) meaning “he is always standing”, “he does not change”, “he is immortal” which TANRI is.

g.3)    “U-TURAN” (O TURAN) meaning “it is the homeland of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples”.  Similarly the name TANRU also has TURAN in it.

g.4)    “U-TURNA” (O TURNA) meaning “It is Crane”.  TURNA, that is, the “crane”,  is a sacred bird in Turkish culture, probably,  because it carries the name of the Sky-God.  Similar to this, there is the ancient Masarian bird name BENNU, also a form of “heron”, which was also a sacred bird, [2, Vol. 2, p. 371].   BENNU is a short form of the Turkish “BEN ANU”  meaning “I am Anu the Sky God”.  Thus again there is a similar personification of ANU the Sky-God as TANRU the Sky-God.  BENNU is also identified with the bird so-called PHOENIX in which the letter X is a bogus letter combining letters “K” ande “S”, i.e., “KS”.
This we also verify in Turkish. When the name PHOENIKS is rearranged as “PENI-KOSH”, it reveals itself as Turkish “BENI KUŞ” meaning “the BENI bird” (the BENNU bird).  In this deciphering of the name, the name BENI identifies with the name BENNU.

Similarly when the name PHOENIKS is rearranged as “KONESH-PI”, it reveals the name of the Sun, that is, “GÜNEŞ BI” (GÜNEŞ BEY) in Turkish – meaning “Lord Sun”. Thus both BENNU, PHOENIX and TURNA are different personifications of the Sky-God and the sun as a bird.  God is assumed to appear in endless variety of forms on earth and anywhere in space.  Similarly, the name HORUS the “HAWK” (ŞAHIN, DOGAN, AKSUNGUR) and VULTURE (AKBABA) were also sacred birds in ancient Masar (Misir).

In the above definitions, Turkish words ATA means “father”, UTU is the Turko-Sumerian “Sun-God”, OTU (ODU) means “he is”, ATU (ADU) means “his name”, OT (OD) means “fire”, UT U (OKUZ O) means “it is male cattle”, that is, “it is Bull” (this also explains why the sky-God, Sun-god and the Moon-god were called “bull”), AN means “sky”, ER means “man”. It is important to remember that the most recent Turkish empire was also called OTOMAN (UTU-MAN), in one meaning, it meant “The Sun-God people”.  In another meaning, it meant “The Bull People” – referring to the Bull as the symbol of God and also referring to the cattle-breeding economy of the Tur/Turk/Oguz people.

In these definitions, both the NETER and the TANRI concept, meaning GOD, is personified as a “Father Man of sky” where “sky” is of infinite dimensions as “SPACE” (SKY) is. Thus, the Sky-God is a “FATHER” concept that creates new generations and maintains them. Whether this “FATHER” is a “man” (ER in Turkish), a “Bull” (BOGA, OGUZ), a “RAM” (KOÇ, KOŞ), a “BIRD” (KUŞ) or a “PLANT” (OT), or any other living being, is immaterial. The important thing is that this “FATHER” figure is a “CREATOR” (YARATUR) figure.  It must be noted that even this “English” word CREATOR has been made up from the Turkish “YARATUR” meaning “It creates”, by changing the letter “Y” in the Turkish word to “C” (K) in the English word and rearranging the Turkish source word.

The name NETER being the same as Turkish TANRI is expected. After all, Wallis Budge himself states that the ancient people of “Egypt” (MASAR) came from north west of Central Asia some 7000 years ago and brought their pictorial writing system with them to the Nile valley. [3, p. 1, Introduction]. In other words, they were Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples although the “Egyptologists” so far, knowingly or unknowingly, have avoided pronouncing the name of Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples in such matters.
At this point, we must also remember that the word AN also meant “sky” in Sumerian, [4, p. 178] and similarly the Egyptologists have transliterated the hieroglyphic sign, N1 , as  “NU” meaning “sky-god”, [5, p. 349]. This term, in the form of “aNU” or “AN-U”, is also the Sumerian word ANU meaning the “Sky-god” and the Turkish word “AN O” meaning “it is the Sky” and  in the form “HAN U” (HAN O) meaning “it is the Lord”.
Thus, from all of this, we see that these three languages, that is, The Sumerian, the Masarian and Turkish, had much commonality among them. They were dialects of Turkish.
4.    About the name “NETERT” meaning “GODDESS”:
Masarian word for “goddess” is transliterated as NETERT written as R8 X1H8, or R8 X1D21 X1, or R8 X1D21 X1 H8 ; sometimes the determinative of the word is a woman, B1 ,  and other times a serpent, e.g. R8 X1D21 X1 I12[2, Vol. 1, p. 63-64].
Let us now consider the transliterated word NETERT for “goddess” written as R8 X1H8, or R8 X1D21 X1 .

When this hieroglyphic writing is transliterated with a vowel in front of the word, we get the word
“eNETERT” or “aNATART”. When this word is viewed as  “eNETER-T”, we find that it is the Turkish expression “ENETIR-aTi” (ANADIR ADI) meaning “its name is mother”. Thus, the so-called ancient Masarian term “NETERT” for “goddess” is actually a form of the Turkish word “ANADIR”. Hence, in the ancient Masarian culture, the “goddess” concept is a personification of “mother” and “motherhood” in Turkish. Indeed, a “mother”, any mother, is a goddess.  She is the creator of her children and she is the protector of what she has created.
We must also note that in ancient Turanian “Sky-God” concept, “GOD” (TANRI) has a “duality” aspect, that is, it is both mother and father, it is white and it is black, it is light and it is dark, etc.. Thus, in the ancient Masarian culture (which was a continuation of the Turanian civilization in North Africa), having both god and goddess concepts based on “father’ and “mother (Ata and Ana) was in accordance with their ancient Turanian religious beliefs expressed in Turkish.
Turkish words ANA (ENE) means “mother”, TIR (TUR) is a “concept-defining suffix”, TUR is also one of the names of the Sky-God and it is also the name for Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples, and ADI means “the name”.
After this revealing insight explanation of the definition embodied in the words NETER (God) and NETERT (Goddess), we can see that, NETER and NETERT are personifications of both a “father” (“fatherhood”) and also “mother (“motherhood”) concepts respectively. Since GOD is a creator concept closely allied to the ideas of “self existence,” having the power to “renew life indefinitely,” and “self production”, then, there could be no better meaning than the “Father and Mother” figures describing the concept. After all, we describe the unknown with the concepts that we know well and this is what the ancient Turanians did when they came up with the Sky-God concept. It can be said that Sky-God the Father and/or Sky-Goddess the Mother, as the creator of the universe, keeps its creation alive to continue – and renews its creation by way of new regenerations – like a “father/mother” combination does by creating children. This is very much in line with the saying above by Wallis Budge.
Thus, in the mind of ancient Turanians, the GOD concept is the personification of an infinitively creative being who is capable of self generating, self maintaining – and renewing everything it has created endlessly. It is ironic that this fantastic philosophical concept of a universal Sky-God was created in Turkish by those ancient Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples who have been labelled, at every opportunity, as the “primitive peoples” or the “barbarians” by those cult-operating wanderers who unwarrantedly considered themselves as ‘civilized’. This is a classic case of “turning the tables around” to make the good guys look bad and the bad guys look good.


Interestingly, the Masarian term NETER is very much like the supposedly “Indo-European” word “NATURE” meaning “character, universe, environment and physics”.  When the word NATURE is rearranged as “TANRE-U”, we find that it is indeed the altered form of the Turkish word “TANRI O” meaning “it is God”. The character, universe, natural environment and physics of things are unquestionably the representation of the “GOD” concept and God’s doings.

The “Latin” word NATURA means  “birth; nature; character; laws of nature; the world; the creation; an element; essence”, [6, p. 162]. When this word is rearranged as “TANRA-U” (“TANRU-A”), it reveals itself as the altered and disguised form of the Turkish expression “TANRI O” meaning “it is god”.  Indeed, the meanings attributed to NATURA (NATURE) are also the attributions of TANRI. [2, Vol. 1, p. 69].  It is clear that this word was stolen from Turkish, anagrammatized and Romanized into the disguised word NATURA.
Additionally, when the “Latin” word NATURA is rearranged as “ANATUR”, we find the Turkish expression “ANATUR” (ANADUR) meaning it is mother” – which is the “goddess” aspect of God – in Turkish.  Indeed, when they talk about “Mother Nature” they are not only using a metaphor, but they are also stating a secret fact that the word NATURE (NATURA) has been made up from Turkish word ANATUR.  Of course, nature creates and gives birth to all kinds of beings, and therefore, it is a “mother”. In fact, our mothers and the mothers of all beings are part of “Mother Nature” (TANRI).  This corresponds to the ancient Masarian word NETERT which I showed above was from Turkish “ANADIR ADI” meaning “its name is mother”.
Thus, it is seen that these so-called “IE” words NATURE  or NATURA are actually Turkish words and phrases that have been usurped and restructured into word formats that are different from their original format in Turkish – so as to conceal the original Turkish source. Hence, the new formats have become unrecognizable as Turkish. Such restructuring of Turkish language has not only enabled the creation of many different languages based on Turkish, but also has changed the Turanian character of the ancient world into an artificially confused and alienated world, most likely in accordance with the black Seti-religious thinking described in GENESIS 11.


5.    The ancient symbol R8 for NETER (TANRI) :

Wallis Budge writes: “But though we know nothing about the period of the origin in Egypt of the belief in the existence of an almighty God who was One, the inscriptions show us that the Being was called by the name which was something like NETER, the picture sign for which was an axe-head, made probably of stone, let into long wooden handle.  . . .  A theory has recently been put forward to the effect that the picture character represents a stick with a bit of coloured rag tied to the top, but it will hardly commend itself to any archeologist.” [1, p. 19].
NETER witten as N35 X1 D21 or R8 A40 , can be read in Turkish as “AN ATA ER” meaning “Sky Father Man”. The sign N35 is N, X1 is T and D21 is R.
Wallis Budge, says: “In the case of “Maxims”, however, the words for God , neter
R8 A40 , is usually qualified by the emphatic article pa G40 G1 , [2, Vol. 1, p. 131].  This article “pa” is actually the Turkish word “APA” meaning “father”.  Thus, pa neter G40 G1R8 A40, would be read in Turkish as “BIR APA TANRI” meaning “One Father God”.  The God concept has been regarded as such since very early times by the ancient Turanians. Thus, the language of this hieroglyphic writing was in Turkish – contrary to all the distortion and coverup.

The ancient Masarians believed in one GOD.  This is evident from the symbol of R8 A40 which means “One God”, [5, p. 153a, 403b]. Let me explain.

In a subtle way, the hieroglyphic signnTr is the symbol for the number “one”. We must note that pictorially, the signnTr and numeral 1 are the same. We all recognize the symbol for numeral “one” as I have shown here. This is the most prominent aspect of the ancient Turanian “SKY-GOD”, that is, being ONE. In Turkish, numeral “one” is called “BIR”. Thus, this very ancient symbol for God was the representation of Turkish TANRI (TENRI, TENGRI, TENGER, TENGER, TENGERE, TANGARA, DINGIR), that is, so-called NETER and NETERT – in ancient Masarian. We just read from Wallis Budge that this very ancient God concept was a “ONE GOD” concept.  Indeed the ancient Turkish, Sky-God was called “BIR-TANRI” meaning “One God”.  It was also called BIR-O by the ancient Turanians.  Please note that the Masarian name PERU was the title for the Masarian kings – who represented the Sky-God BIR-O on earth. This Masarian Turkish “PERU” name was Semitized into “PHAROAH” and fed to the world.  Because of this misrepresentatiom, the world wrongly knows the Masarian kings as “PHAROAH”s instead of the real PERU – or BIR-O.
Additionally, this ancient Masarian hieroglyphic symbolR8 A40 when read as Turkish, that is, the first sign R8 as “BIR” and the second symbol A40 as “TANRI”, the Turkish reading of the hieroglyphic writing R8 A40 becomes “BIR TANRI” meaning “One God”. This tells us that “God was single”, “God was self-existing”, “God was not created nor did God die” (“Olmadi Ölmedi” in Turkish, as God is also described in this way in “Kor’an” the  Holy Book of Islamic  religion).  So, the definition of the “ONE GOD” concept comes from the ancient Turanian religious civilization – contrary to all denials and disinformation generated by some groups.  The general saying that Jews gave the world the “first monotheistic religion” is a falsehood of history.  Those religious groups who founded the so-called Judeo-Christianity have been stealing the ancient Turanian religious culture since the time when the Semitic Akkadians invaded Sumer and usurped the Sumerian language and pantheon etc., – and altered them.
Furthermore, the hieroglyphic God sign, R8 , that is, supposedly a stick with an axe-head or a “colourful rag”, as Mr. Budge puts it, is actually a “flag-pole” with a “flag” at its top”.  A “flag” is the sign of “self existence and sovereignty” – which the God concept is. Additionally, in mathematics, numeral “one” is always represented with a vertical line 1 – which this ancient Masarian hieroglyphic symbol is. We must also note that the sign for numeral 1 has a “slanted” tail at the top.  The ancient Turanian tombstones, spread all over Asia and Europe (menhir or menhir like stones), that is, the monoliths (Turkish “DIKILI TAŞ”), are tall single stones with their tops slanted to one side.  These ancient Turanian stones all are representations of the “ONE GOD” concept – probably far beyond the neolithic “stone age”. Such tombstones are strewn all over Central Asia (Altais, and other areas). The ancient Masarian (Misir) single stone monuments (so-called OBELISKs) were also known to be representations of the sun-god and the Sky-god.  These obelisks were called “TEKHEN” in ancient Masarian, [5, p. 843b, p. 887b]. Of course, “TEKHEN” is nothing but the Turkish word “DIKHEN” or (DIKEN) meaning:
a)  “TEK HAN” – “One Lord” which the Sky-God is;
b)  “DIK HAN” – “Upright Lord”, the prime quality of the Sky-God (all obelisks are “upright”);
c)  “DIKEN” – “needle” as in the name “Cleopatra’s Needle (all obelisks look like a needle);
d)  “DIKEN” – “thorn” of a plant.

These stones are the living evidences of this ancient Turanian Sky-God concept. In ancient Turanian religious culture, the spirits of the dead return back to God – the Sun.

The Masarian “One God” concept of the universal Sky-Father God” is also represented with a stick in the hand of a God/Goddess or King.  Such a stick is also a symbol for the numeral “ONE” and
is formed like what is called a “sceptre” .  The English word SCEPTER, pronounced “SEPTIR” because the C is silent, is a distortion of the Turkish word SOPADIR – meaning “It is a Stick”.  Alternatively, to explain the silent C in SCEPTRE,  we rearrange SCEPTRE as  “C-SEPETR”.  Now it is seen to be an altered and Anglicized form of the Turkish word “AKA SOPATIR” (AGA SOPATIR) meaning “it is a Lord’s stick” – which is a symbol of the Lord’s authority.  This fits the understanding ancient Turanians/Masarians had of the power held by a lord or by the Lord.


The GOD concept is also given in the following hieroglyphic texts:

The hieroglyphic text  written as G43 D36 T21 G7 , [5, p. 153b, entry Uā] is transliterated as meaning “One, i.e. God”.  This text actually can be read in various ways:

a) as “O-AL GÜNEŞ” in Turkish meaning “It is the red sun”.  This indicates that the “L” sound embedded in the D36 symbol has been omitted.  The symbol G7 is the symbol for the sun, that is, “GÜNEŞ” in Turkish. It is a well known fact that AL was the name of the Sky-God in ancient times and it was also known as “BAAL” (BA-AL) that is,  “ABA (APA) AL”meaning “Father God”.

b)   as “OLO-GÜNEŞ” (ULU GÜNEŞ) meaning “the Great Sun” where the symbol  G43 is “O”, D36 is “L”, and  T21 is again “O”.

Thus the language of this hieroglyphic text was in Turkish – which has been suppressed during the transliteration of the text.  The same concept was also written in the form of:

T21 Z1 D36 A40 transliterated as and meaning “One, i.e. God”.  Yet it reads in Turkish as “O bir Al Tanri” meaning “he is one AL God”.

T21 Z1 D36 R8 Z1 Z2 transliterated as and meaning “number one of the gods”. Yet it reads in Turkish as “O Bir AL Tanri tanrilarin” meaning “He is the number one Al God of gods”. Thus again the text is referring to the Sky God but in Turkish.

T21 Z1 D36 G43 G36,  again transliterated as , but meaning “only one, sole, solitary”. Yet it reads in Turkish as  “O bir Al Iri” meaning “It is one great AL”.  On the same page of this reference, [5, p. 153b], we have descriptions of God as “only without his second”, “One only creator of things that are”, “alone by himself”, “alone by thyself”, etc.
R8 A40 T21 Z1 D36 G43 A40,  transliterated as Neter , meaning “the God One”, [5, p. 403b]. Yet it reads in Turkish as  “Tanri O Al Bir O Tanri” meaning “God he is that one AL God”.
All of these descriptions defining the ancient Turanian Sky-God concept are in Turkish – as described by the ancient Masarians who were Turkish people.


The hieroglyphic symbol,R8 , is also like a “flag pole with a flag or similar object at its top”. This is the very ancient Turkish “TUG, that is, “a long pole to which is attached  one or more “OX tails”. The English term “OX” is the altered and disguised form of the Turkish word “OKUZ” meaning bull, male cattle”.  OKUZ is a homonym word for:
Turkish “O-KÖZ” meaning “that fire” referring to the glowing fire of the Sun;
Turkish “O-GÖZ” meaning “that eye” or “it is eye” referring to the sun and moon as the eyes of the Sky-God, and also to the “eye” of men and other beings;
Turkish “OGUZ” referring to the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. Thus a “Bull” (Tr. Okuz) was the logo of the Sun-God OGUZ and the Moon-God OGUZ.
This symbol R8 , as the symbol of God and also the “Hakan”, that is, the ruler of the country, is always carried in the front of processions of soldiers.  This has led to the concept of “standard” and “flag”, that is, a “pole with a flag”.  It is “standard’, as in the case of, for example, “Standard of UR” of Sumerians. In the case of Masarians the name was transliterated as “SEREKH”, which comes from the Turkish word  “SIRIK” meaning “long pole”, for example, as in the case of “SEREKH of RAMESES II”, [2, Vol. 1, p. 26]. An earlier example of this is shown on the so-called “Narmer’s Palette” depicting the ancient Masarian King Narmer and his standard carried by some young people, [,  please also see my paper at].
Presently, the Turkish name for “standard’ is “Sancak” and “Bayrak”.

In this regard, that is, in the SIRIK titles of the Masarian kings, Wallis Budge writes: “For thousands of years the kings of Egypt delighted to call themselves “mighty bull”, and the importance which they attached to this title is evinced by the fact that many of them inscribed it upon their serekh, or cognizance, which displayed their name as the descendant of Horus; in fact it formed their Horus name, [2, Vol. 1, p. 25].

This “Horus name” of the Masarian kings is nothing but their “Sun name”, that is, O-GÖZ, O-KÖZ, OKUZ, OGUZ name”, indicating that the Masarians regarded themselves as the descendants of OGUZ the Sky-God, and also the descendants of “Tur/Turk/OGUZ” peoples. This again makes the ancient Masarian civilization a Turanian Turkish entity – rather than a wandering “Gypsy” entity under the false name of “EGYPT” meaning Gypsy, [8, p. 404].

For example, let me give you the “Horus name” of the Masarian king TUTANKAMUN.
From, we have the Horus name of Tutankhamun written hieroglyphically  as:
G5 [E1 D40 t G43 t F31 s t G43 Z3 Image:Srxtail2.GIF ] where the sign Image:Srxtail2.GIF is the representation of a standard, that is, “SANCAK” in Turkish.  Interestingly, this sign has the frills of the Turkish sancak embellished at its edge. In the Horus name, that is, “Günes” name in Turkish, above, the first sign is the G5 which stands for the “sun”, (DOGAN in Turkish means “falcon” or “hawk” and also “that which is born”), and the next one is the “bull” sign E1 which is “OKUZ” (BOA, BOGA) in Turkish. Thus the SIRIK (Sancak) name written as [E1 D40 t G43 t F31 s t G43 Z3 ] reads in Turkish as:

, or more clearly, “OGUZ AGA UTU ATAMIZDI”, that is,
GÜN-TANRI OGUZ AGA ATAMIZDU) meaning: “The Sun-God Lord Oguz was (is) our father”.
From this reading, the amazing fact emerges as the so-called King “TUTANKHAMUN” and those people who wrote his Horus (SIRIK) name were pure Turkish speaking Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.  They were not only worshipping the Sky-God OGUZ but also the Sun and Moon that were his eyes – and also their ancestors under the name “OGUZ”.  Turks are known to have been ancestor worshippers. Shamefully, not only their civilization was stolen and erased from history but also their names were all confused in order to obliterate this fantastic Turanian civilization from history. If the reader visits my paper at, he/she will find that I have already identified this Masarian king so-called “TUTANKHAMUN” as Tur/Turk/Oguz man and his title as a Turkish HAKAN.
Turkish words UTU (OD O) means “Sun-God” as in the Sumerian word UTU meaning “Sun-God”. The name OTOMAN carries this very ancient Sun-God representation as the name OTOMAN in the form “OTO-MAN” (UTU-MAN, TURKMAN) means the “Sun-God Man”,  AGA means “lord”, ATA means “father”, ATAMIZ means “our father”, ATAMIZDI means “was (is) our father” and OGUZ is the name of the Sky-God and the ancestor of Oguz/Tur/Turk peoples.


In ancient Masarian representations, all god and goddess representations generally have a form of a “sceptre” in one hand and the “life” symbol, S34 , on the other hand.  These two are surely the attributes of the universal One-Sky-God concept. The ANKH symbol S34 ,  symbolizes “man” because the top oval represents man’s head, the horizontal line represents man’s outstretched arms, and the vertical line represents man’s body and legs.
Man is a “living being, that is, “ER” and/or “CAN” in Turkish.  Also the word “ANKH” has embedded in it the Turkish words “GAN” (KAN) meaning “blood”, “CAN” meaning “life” and “GÜN” meaning the Sun which are all essential elements of “LIFE”.
This word “ANKH” also has embedded in it the subtle letters O and T where the oval is an O and the rest is the letter T. This OT combination can be read in Turkish as:  “O-aTa” meaning “it is father”; “O uTu” meaning “it is sun god”; OT meaning “plants”; “OT” (OD) meaning “fire”; “OT” (ÖD) meaning “time”; and “UT” meaning “it is cattle”.
I noted above that NETER the God, that is, TANRI in Turkish, had affinity with the Latin word “NATURA” meaning “birth; nature; character; laws of nature; the world; the creation; an element; essence”.  In this regard, the Greek language also gives us some interesting words regarding nature, physics, and natural sciences. For example, the Greek word “PHUSIS” or “PHUSEWS” means “nature”, [7, p. 735]. Along with this, there is the word PHUSIKON meaning “nature; character”, [7, p.735] and the word PHUSIOGNWSIA that means “natural science”, [7, p. 735]. Among the natural sciences there is also the study so-called “ANTHROPOLOGY” which is the study of man and humanity.

From my paper

The term “anthropomorphism” is defined as: “The ascription of human attributes, feelings, conduct, or characteristics to God or any spiritual being, or the powers of nature, etc. “, [7, p. 419; 8, p. 63].
In English, the term “anthropo-“ is defined as “combining form MAN; HUMAN: anthropometry. Also before vowels, “anthrop-” as in “anthropoid”.  [from Greek “anthropos” man.],  [7, p. 419;  8, p. 63]
Again this definition makes the concepts of God and man parallel.  Now let us take a look at the Greek word ANTHRWPINOS which is defined as  “human, man; humane”. [7, p. 419]
In this Greek word ANTHRWPINOS, the letter W is a bogus one having more than one identity: it stands for letters U, V, Y which are replacements for each other in anagrammatizing the Turkish source texts, and UU, VV, YY and any two-letter combinations of U, V and Y and sometimes it even stands for the letter O.  In the case of this word, W has the value of “UY”, thus making the Greek word in Latin characters as ANTHRUYPINOS. Similarly the Greek letter “H” (eta) is also a bogus letter. Sometimes it is an “H” and other times it is an “I” or even an “E”.  Its uppercase symbol is “H” but its lowercase symbol resembles more the letter “n” than an “h” and has the phonetic value of “I”.   [7,  p. 10]
When this Greek word ANTHRUYPINOS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “INSANTUR-O-PHY” and read phonetically as in Turkish, we find that it is the Turkish expression “INSANTUR O BEY” (O BEY INSANTUR) meaning “that lord is man”. This startling correspondence in Turkish verifies the given meaning “human” or “man” attributed to this word in Greek. Evidently its meaning comes from the Turkish source text that was used to manufacture this Greek word. In this restructuring of the Turkish phrase, the Turkish word INSAN means “man”, TUR suffix means “it is”, O means “that” and PEY/BEY means “lord”.  This establishes the “human” or “man” aspect of the word – but in Turkish.

This “Greek” word has another Turkish concept embedded in it. When the Greek word ANTHRWPINOS (or ANTHRUUPINOS) is rearranged letter-by-letter as “PIN-TANRU-OHUS” and read phonetically as in Turkish, we have the Turkish expression “BEN TANRU OHUZ” (BEN TANRU OGUZ) meaning “I am the God OGUZ”. This is again very surprising since this Greek word deciphered in this form describes the Sky-God OGUZ of the ancient Turanians. In this Turkish expression BEN means “I, Iam”, TANRU means “the Sky-God of ancient Turanians”, OGUZ is one of the names attributed to the Sky God, Sun and Moon.  OGUZ is also one of the national names of the Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples of ancient Turan.
This establishes the GOD aspect of the concept in the same “Greek” word ANTHRUYPINOS, but in Turkish rather than Greek.  These two Turkish meanings, that is, “INSANTUR O BEY”and “BEN TANRU OGUZ”, embedded in the same “Greek” word ANTHRWPINOS clearly establishes the meaning of the word anthropomorphism as defined above.  That is, that God and Man (man’s head, brain) are parallel entities.

Now let us turn to the Greek word PHUSIKON which also embodies different but related meanings in Turkish.

a)    When this
Greek word PHUSIKON is rearranged as “P-KUNISH-O”, it is found to be an altered and disguised Turkish expression “aPa KUNEŞ O” meaning “it is the father sun”. Yes, the “father sun” is the creator god in our solar system and it is known by the Turkish name GÜN-TANRI, and the creator of “nature”.  Of course, without the sun, there would be no human beings on earth, and neither would there be “nature’ as we know it. Furthermore, there would be no reading, nor invention of reading and writing and hence no studies of the natural sciences.
b)    When the Greek word PHUSIKON is rearranged as “PHN-OKIUS” or “PHIN-OKIUS”, where PH is letter “F” and letter U is also “YU”, I find that it is the altered and restructured form of the Turkish expression “FEN OKUYUŞ meaning “studying  natural sciences”.
Thus we see that the makeup of this Greek word
PHUSIKON, meaning “nature; character”, is based on the Turkish expression “FEN OKUYUŞ.
Turkish word FEN means natural sciences, physics”, OKUYUŞ means “studying or study”. The term OKUYUŞ is derived from Turkish verb OKUMAK meaning to read, to write, to go to school, to study”.  The root of the verb is “OKU” meaning read”. Turkish word OKUL, meaning school”, is also derived from this root word “OKU” meaning “to read” or  “recitation”.
{In my high school years, in Turkey, the 11th grade High School was organized in two branches: one was in “natural sciences” called “FEN ŞUBESI”, and the other was in “lierature” called  “EDEBIYAT ŞUBESI” in Turkish. I graduated from the “natural sciences branch” of LYCEUM (LISE in Turkish)}.

Curiously, even the English term “SCHOOL”, rearranged in the form of “S-OCHOL” is a distorted form of Turkish “OKUL”. The additional letter S is used as wrapping to disguise.  In other words, the S is just a coat of paint to camouflage the Turkish “OKUL”.
Even the Latin word “LYCEUM”, Greek LUKEION meaning “college, lyceum”, [7, p. 578] have the Turkish word “OKUL” in them. The Latin LYCEUM, rearranged as “UCYLEM”, is a disguised form of the Turkish word OKULEM (OKULUM) meaning “my school” or “I am school”.
Similarly, Greek LUKEION, rearranged as “OKUL-EIN”, is the disguised form of the Turkish expression “OKUL EVIN” meaning your home of school” or your home-school”,  or simply “OKUL’ with Helenizing wrapping.
The IE term COLLEGE, when rearranged as “OCELLEG”, where C is K, is the disguised form of the Turkish word “OKULLUG” (OKULLUK) meaning “school place” or “place where there are schools”.  A college is a place where there are many schools where different subjects are being taught.
So we see that common to all of these words of so-called “Indo-European” languages is the Turkish word “OKUL”.  This indicates that the first terms coined to express  reading, writing and schooling were in Turkish and that they were Turkish OKU, OKUMAK, OKUMA, OKUL, OKUYUŞ, etc.. This was so because the invention of the school system and schooling, that is, teaching, writing, reading and studying the written material, all of the things that are done in schools, were first done by the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples, most likely, some 10,000 years ago in Central Asia. And they took this invention with them everywhere they went. Ancient Masar (Misir) was one of the places that they took their pictorial writing (damga) system to. All other languages which were linguistically manufactured from Turkish, such as those so-called “Indo-European” and “Semitic” languages, took all of these concepts from Turkish and ran with it – never mentioning the words Tur or Turk or Oguz again.

c) The Greek word PHUSIKON when rearranged as “P-KONUSHI”, is found to be the altered and disguised Turkish expression “aPa KONUSHU” (APA DILI, APA SOZU, ATA DILI) meaning “it is father language”, “It is father tongue”, or “it is father words”. This refers to the Turkish language not only as the “father tongue”, i.e., the “first language”, but also as the SUN LANGUAGE.


d)     When the word “CHARACTER” is rearranged as “AC-CARETHR”, it is found to be an altered and disguised form of the Turkish expression “AK KARADIR” (AK ve KARADIR) meaning “it is white and black”.  Similarly, in the form of “CARE-ACTHR”, It is the Turkish expression “KARA AKTIR” meaning “it is black and white”.  Indeed, a visible “character” is written as either black-on-white background or white-on-black background.  Also, a person’s character is always a mixture of some “white” (i.e., good) and some “black” (i.e., evil).

In parallel to this analysis, now, let us analyse the Greek word PHUSIOGNWSIA meaning“natural science”, [7, p. 735] for its hidden contents:
a) The Greek word PHUSIOGNWSIA has the bogus letter W which is either UU, VV, YY, UV, or UY or VY (the choice is made as required).  Thus, this word can be viewed as PHUSIOGNUUSIA. In this form when it is rearranged as “PHIN-OGUIUSSU-A”, we find that it is the Turkish expression “FEN OGUYUŞU O” (FEN OKUYUŞU O) meaning  “it is studying natural sciences”, such as physics and other natural sciences.  As can be seen, this is perfect correspondence with the meaning of the “Greek” word.  The so-called English word “PHYSICS” is actually coming from PHUSIOG the front part of PHUSIOGNWSIA – which is anagrammatized from Turkish FEN OKUYUŞU O.   Therefore “PHYSICS” is coming from the old Turkish word “FEN”.

But equally as important is the following decipherments:

When the Greek word PHUSIOGNUUSIA meaning “natural science” is rearranged as “GUNASH-U-PUS-OII” or “GUNUS-U-PASH-OII”, it is the Turkish expression “O GÜNEŞ U BAŞ ÖYÜ” (GÜNEŞ ve BAŞ ÖYI) meaning “the Sun and the house of head, that is, the brain, the mouth, eyes, ears and the nose”.  This refers to the sun, all the places that its rays illuminate and create a visible environment that we call “nature”, and the “house of the Head” refers to the “human brain” which does all the thinking, analysing of the incoming signals through the five human senses into the brain, then generates “speech”, writes it down in books and papers and creates endless creations with his/her hands and spreads them throughout the world.

Turkish word GÜNEŞ means “sun and  light”, BA
Ş means “head”, ÖY means “house”, U (VE) means “and” (which was also the same in the Sumerian U meaning “and”), and “ÖYÜ (ÖYI) means “the house”.  Of course, without the human BAŞÖYÜ” (TEPE), that is , the “human head”  none of this is possible.

When the Greek word PHUSIOGNUUSIA is rearranged as “PAS-GONUSHU-UIIor “PASH-GONUSU-UII, we find that it is the restructured form of the Turkish expression BAŞ KONUŞU ÖYI (BAŞ KONUŞU ÖYÜ) meaning “head is the house of speech” which is a fact. The “human head and mouth”, that is, the head, is the home of speech.
Turkish expression BAŞ OKUNUŞ ÖYI meaning “head is the house of reading” is also a fact. This expression also refers to the Human head where the reading, writing capability takes place.  It also refers to a “head school home” where the teaching (reading/writing) is done.
All of these Turkish expressions relate the human “head” to the sun. Without the sun (GÜN, GÜNIŞI, i.e., GÜNEŞ), there would be no human head (BAS, TEPE) with all its information sensors and mouth (AGUZ).  There would be no “NATURE” to talk about as human beings.  We would not be here to talk about such matters. Additionally and philosophically, these Turkish expressions hidden in the “Greek” words relate “man” to the sun in the way that sun is born in the morning, rises up in the sky and rules the earth in day light and sets in the evening.  So does “man” – as he/she is born as a baby, becomes youth, learns to rule his/her environment and sets in his/her evening years.  This metaphorical similarity between man and Sun was a main understanding in ancient Masarian civilization. To this effect the ancient Masarians had a word transliterated as SEFI meaning “to be young, babe, child, a title of the rising sun”, [5, p. 664b].  This Masarian word is also the Turkish word “SEVI” (SEBI) meaning “young, babe, child, loveable baby”.


In this study, I showed conclusively that the ancient Masarian word transliterated as “NETER” meaning “God” was an altered form of the Turkish word “TANRI”, and the word transliterated as “NETERT” meaning “goddess” was a form of Turkish word  “ANATUR ATI” (ANADIR ADI) meaning “its name is mother”.
I also find that not only the Ancient Egyptian (Masarian) name NETER for a One self-existent Sky-God was exactly the same as the Turkish name TANRI, but also the so-called Indo-European word “NATURE” was also made up from Turkish expressions “TANRI O” and “ANATIR O” defining the “nature” concept with fatherhood and motherhood concepts.

Additionally I showed that the “neter” (tanri) symbol for GOD
concept in ancient Masarian hieroglyphic writings was the symbol of numeral “one”, that is, indicating Turkish numeral “BIR” which is the principal aspect of being “GOD” (TANRI). The ancient Masarians, falsely so-called “Egyptians”, always had this “ONE GOD” religious concept no matter how far back in time their history was investigated. The same “neter”  symbol was also a “long pole adorned with a flag” which is a sign of sovereignty.

I showed, with examples, that the ancient Masarians were Turkish speaking Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. Their language, written pictorially, has led “egyptologist” to read the language in a distorted manner – thus alienating it from Turkish.  In spite of this distortion, many words given by Wallis Budge in his “Egyptian Dictionary” are readily recognizable as Turkish.  I also get the impression that Wallis Budge knew Turkish, and used Turkish in reading the ancient Masarian texts – but somehow did not admit that directly.

The priests of the wandering groups, such as the Greeks, Romans and Semites, who infiltrated into the ancient Masarian society with the aim of collapsing it from within, concocted the name “EGYPT” (meaning “GYPSY”, [8, p. 404]) for this ancient civilization.  Yet the real Masarians were the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.
The name “EGYPT” wrongly gives the impression that the builders of this ancient civilization were “Gypsy Aryans” (arayans) and/or “Semitic” (from Turkish “Esmeciler”, that is, “the wind believers”).  Such concocted apellations designed to alter the ancient Turanian state names, were part of the political designs of those religious groups who have always been contrary to the ancient Turanian civilizations.

It seems that there has been an ongoing
religious struggle between those Turanians who followed the ancient Sky-God, Sun-god and Moon-god OGUZ religion – and those who founded religions believing in the Wind-god and the Seti concepts. By then, Turkish was the world language. The latter group used the trick of altering the Turkish language of the Turanians and making new languages from it by way of anagrammatizing the Turkish words and phrases to produce new words for the non-existant Semitic and Indo-European languages.   Such name and language alterations, carried by some groups to present times, are not only intentional distortion of history, but also, are designs by certain groups to steal the ancient Turanian civilization – while obliterating that ancient Turanians civilization from history.

One of the things that comes to the surface in these studies is that the Turanian people of ancient Masar broughwith them from their homeland in Central Asia the most magnificent and thoroughly developed One-Sky-God concept and a godly-creative human Head-God (TEPE, BAŞ in Turkish) concept interwoven with each other as parallel “God” and “god” concepts. These intricately interwoven concepts provided rules that regulated human life on earth and also provided hope for a peaceful after-life. This “peaceful after-life” promise, which never was verified, provided a control mechanism for the present life. This very complicated ancient concept demanded good behaviour from the members of the society towards each other and urged them to excel themselves in all aspects of life including reading and writing and becoming excellent doers.
From the book entitled “Egyptian Religion” by E. A. Wallis Budge, it is clear that their religion was very much the fore-runner of the new so-called “mono-theistic” religions of later times. Yet this Turanian religion in ancient Masar most likely was older than 10,000 years at that time.

All of this ties the ancient Masarian peoples and their language with the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples. This fact has been obliterated by priests of wanderer groups who villified and confused this ancient Masarian religion for their own self interest.

1. E. A Wallis Budge, “Egyptian Religion”, Bell Publishing Company, New York, 1959.
2.    E. A Wallis Budge, “The Gods Of the Egyptians”, Volumes 1 and 2, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1969.
3. Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, “Egyptian Language”, London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul,
New York: Dover Publications Inc, Fourteenth Impression, 1977.
4.    C. J. GADD, “A Sumerian Reading Book”, Oxford at T  he Clarendon Press, 1924.
5. E. A. Wallis Budge, “An Egyptian  Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1978.
6.    Cassell’s Compact Latin – English and English – Latin Dictionary, 1962.
7.    Divry’s Modern English – Greek and Greek – English Desk Dictionary, New York, 1988.
8.    Ancyclopaedia Britannica World Language Dictionary, 1963, p. 63.

Best wishes to all,

Polat Kaya


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