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HomeHistoricalName of "EUROPE" in Chinese is known as "OUZHOU"

Name of “EUROPE” in Chinese is known as “OUZHOU”

Name of "EUROPE" in Chinese is known as "OUZHOU", that is, "OGUZÖY" in
Turkish meaning "HOME OF OGUZ" by Polat Kaya
The name in Chinese for Europe is given as "OUZHOU". Source: "Oxford
Beginner's Chinese Dictionary". [Oxford University Press, p. 92].  Also,
search in online Chinese-English Dictionary:
This knowledge is extremely significant because "OUZHOU" is from the
Turkish expression "OGUZ ÖY" meaning the "home of OGUZ people".  OGUZ
people were the ancient Turanian peoples who believed in the unity of
the Sky-God (GÖK-TANRI OGUZ) and His eyes - the Sun (GÜN, GÜNES,) and
the Moon (AY).  In ancient Turkish the name of the Sun and the Moon were
also "GÖZ" meaning "eye".  Thus, the sun was not only described by the
Turkish word "O-KÖZ" meaning "that fire", but also by the Turkish word
"O GÖZ" meaning "that eye".  Hence, the sun was one brilliantly shining
"fire eye".  And similarly, the moon was also one "O GÖZ", however,
shining not so brilliantly as the sun.  By another word, this was so
because SUN was the "KOR GÖZ" meaning "the ever glowing fire eye" and
the MOON was "KÖR GÖZ" meaning "the blind eye" since it did not have its
own fire.  The Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples also identified themselves
with the names OGUZ and TUR which they gave as names to the universal
Sky-God "GÖK TANRI" and His eyes - the Sun and the Moon.
However these were not the only names describing these deities in
Turkish. The name "O KÖZ" rhymed with the name OKUZ meaning "bull" in
Turkish, thus, the "bull" had also become the universal logo of these
sky deities in the ancient Turanian world.
 Chinese calling Europe by the name "OUZHOU" (i.e., OGUZ ÖY) is a clear
indication that the ancient continent of "Europe" was also the homelands
of the Tur/Turk/Oguz people before the arrivals of the "Aryans".  This I
have been stating in many of my writings on the internet.  Now it
becomes even more clear and certain that ancient "Europe" was indeed
totally the lands of the Turkish speaking Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples of Turan
- contrary to claims that it was an "Aryan" land.  Europe started to
become "Aryanized", that is, Romanized and Hellenized right after the
arrival of the wandering Greeks in what is presently called "Greece".
According to "Greek" mythology, the name "EUROPE" is from the name of
the Phoenician princess EUROPA that ZEUS abducted.  Thus, Europe was
supposedly named after this Phoenician prencess who was the daughter of
the Phoenician king of Tyre, Agenor.  This leads us to the obvious
question, what was the original name of the so-called continent of
"Europe" before it was called "Europe"?  Now, the answer becomes clear
as we learn that the Chinese word "OUZHOU" was the initial name of this
part of the continent of Asia, that is, Turkish "OGUZÖY" maning "home of
Tur/Turk/Oguz people".
Actually, the name "Europa", when rearranged as "PER-O-UA",  is the
anagrammatized form of the Turkish name "BIR O ÖYÜ" meaning "Home of
One-GOD", or  "home of the Sky-God", that is, "Gök-Tanri-Evi" in
Turkish.  This is the same concept as the Turkish name "OGUZ ÖY" meaning
"home of Oguz".  Additionally, the Phoenicians were the Turkish
"GÜNHANS" so called "Canaanites", meaning "Sun Lords".  The city of TYRE
is actually the name "TUR-E" meaning "TUR EV" (TUR ÖY) meaning "Home of
Tur". So, the so-called Phoenicians were Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples -
contrary to misleading writings that wrongly identify the Phoenicians as
"Semitic" people.  Thus, even mythologically, "Europa" was a "TUR
princess".  Even her father's name being "AGENOR" is a form of the
Turkish title "AGA NUR" or "NUR AGA" meaning the "Lord of Light" or the
"Great Light" - which is the "SUN" in one hand, and the title of this
phoenician King in the other.  In ancient Turanian culture, the Hakans
(i.e., "lords") declared themselves as God (e.g., Bir-O) or the Sun
(e.g., Gun Han) or the Moon (e.g., Ay-Han).  Thus, this Phoenician king
of Tyre took the Turkish kingly title of "AGA NUR" - which made him the
Sun God.
We must also note here and compare the name "OGUZ ÖY" ("OUZHOU") with
the name of ASIA - which is made up of two syllables: AS-IA (AZ-ÖY)
meaning "Home of One" or "One House" or "Peerless Home" - referring to
the house of the One Universal Sky God concept - which was conceived and
developed by the ancient Turanians of Central Asia.  In this comparison,
we also find that the term "OGUZ ÖY" and the term "ASIA" are both one
and the same conceptually where ASIA also refers to the ancient
homelands of the OGUZ people, that is, theTuranian  TUR / TURK/OGUZ
people who originated in ASIA but spread around the world.
At this point, we must also note that the so-called continent of
"Europe" is actually a continuation of ASIA.  In other words, "Europe"
is part of ASIA.  It is not a separate continent - as is artificially
claimed.  Presently, there is the term called EURASIA which combines
Europe and Asia into "one land mass".  This shows that some group(s)
have artificially manipulated everything for their own purposes - by
means of sophisticated language manipulation.  Claiming the Ural
Mountains as a border between Europe and Asia is an artificial
concoction by the Aryan thinkers - who wanted to have the ancient OGUZÖY
geograpy parcelled in way suited to their own agendaes.
For the purpose of our explanation of the replaced name of "OGUZÖY", it
is useful to mention here the Greek mythology in which so-called Greek
god  Zeus abducting Europa.  It is summarized below as follows:
    "Europa was the beautiful daughter of the Phoenician king of Tyre,
    Agenor. Zeus, the King of the gods according to Greek mythology, saw
    Europa as she was gathering flowers by the sea and immediately fell
    in love with her.
    Overwhelmed by love for Europa, Zeus transformed himself into the
    form of a magnificent white bull and appeared in the sea shore where
    Europa was playing with her maidens. The great bull walked gently
    over to where Europa stood and knelt at her feet. The appearance and
    movements of the bull were so gentle that Europa spread flowers
    about his neck and dared to climb upon his back overcoming her
    natural fear of the great animal.
    But suddenly, the bull rushed over the sea abducting Europa. Only
    then the bull revealed its true identity and took Europa to the
    Mediterranean island of Crete. There, Zeus cast off the shape of the
    white bull, and back into his human form, made Europa his lover
    beneath a simple cypress tree. Europa became the first queen of
    Crete and had by Zeus three sons: King Minos of Crete, King
    Rhadamanthus of the Cyclades Islands, and, according to some
    legends, Prince Sarpedon of Lycia. She later married the king of
    Crete, who adopted her sons, and she was worshiped under the name of
    Hellotis in Crete, where the festival Hellotia was held in her
    honour. At last, Zeus reproduced the shape of the white bull, used
    by Zeus to seduce Europa, in the stars. Even today we can recognize
    its shape in the constellation Taurus."
The so-called Greek name ZEUS, in one of its identities, is the
personification of the Turkish word "SÖZ" meaning "WORD" (speech).
Thus, this Greek word itself has also been abducted from Turkish. Of
course, ZUES the "SÖZ" (i.e., WORD) is able to be expressed in all kinds
of shapes with true or imaginary meanings. The 'Greek' mythologies are
one such form of Zeus the Word. They are all abducted from the ancient
Turanian world and put into riddle forms by way of altering the original
It is no wonder that European historical writers do not remember or know
anything about the ancient world before the arrival of Aryans in Europe
- which corresponds to the coming of the Greeks (Hellenes) to what is
presently called "ancient 'Greece" some time in the second millennium
B.C.  According to the Judeo-Christian writers, the civilization of the
world started with the Greeks and the Semites.  In their view, the rest
of the world were just "barbaric" savages supposedly having no culture
or civilization of their own.  According to these self-serving writers,
the people of Asia consisted of just wandering bands of people while the
Greeks were the so-called "civilized" ones.  It must be difficult for
them to admit that before the Greeks and other Aryans and the "Semites",
there was a  highly developed ancient Turanian civilization that built
magnificent stone structures like "pyramids, ziggurats, Stonehenge and
similar stone structures (built for the SUN in the form of a circular
"eye"), the ancient megaliths, monoliths and dolmens of Europe, ancient
stones in Europe with Rhunic writings, the so-called "Pelasgian Walls"
of perfection and stone castles on tops of unreachable mountains which
the wandering Greeks had no idea how they were built - and they still
The city of Athens is another verbal remnant of this ancient name Oguzöy
of the Turanians.  The Greek form of the city name is given as "Athenai"
and another Greek name for this city is given as "Ai".  The name
"Athenai" is from Turkish "ADIN AY" meaning "your name is moon" and the
name "Ai" is from Turkish "Ay" meaning "moon".  Clearly, this old city
was built by the ancient Turkish AYHANS, so called "IONS".  It is a
known fact that the Ionians were non-Greek people who were originally
Pelasgians who were eventually taken over and assimilated by the
Greeks.  In Turkish, Greece is called "Yunanistan" which is from "Ayhan"
(i.e., "Ion").  Thus, Greeks and Ions are not the same people.
We can further analyze the identity of the Ionians by studying the Greek
name ATHENAIKOS, meaning "Athenians".  When this word is rearranged as
"AIHAN-KOS'TE", we see the anagrammatized form of the Turkish expression
"AYHAN GÖZDÜ" meaning "moonlord Ayhan is 'Eye'".  This is all in
accordance with the ancient Turanian understanding that another name of
the Moon (AY) was GÖZ in Turkish.  The English word "eye" is also from
Turkish "AY" meaning "moon" but referring to the left eye of God.
Alternatively, "AIHAN-KOS'TE" is also from Turkish "AYHAN OGUZDU"
meaning "Ayhan is Oguz".  This means that the ancient Athenians, that
is, the Ionians, were Oguz people - who were the Tur/Turk people. This
also makes the Pelasgians Turk people.
Hence, all of these, and others, are the remnants of the ancient
Turanian OGUZÖY civilization that antedated all others.  That ancient
Turanian civilization was taken over and intentionally removed from
history by the wandering priests of the Aryans and Semites.
The riddled Greek mythological stories are all based on ancient Turanian
civilization and they are a coverup of what they took from the Turanian
Tur/Turk/Oguz people.  The Greeks fabricated a language for themselves
from the words and phrases of the Turkish language.  The Greeks usurped
the tenets of the ancient Turanian "Universal ONE GOD" concept which was
a world-wide accepted religion.  Greeks took the Turanian culture,
altered it and then presented the altered form to the world as their
own. In the meantime, they bad-mouthed the Turanians, annihilated them
where they could, and many of the leftovers in Europe were assimilated
into some form of "Aryans".  This was the basis of the ancient
Judeo-Christian religious and social order and "civilization". It can be
summed up as: "steal anything and everything but don't get caught".  The
famous "Spartan Greek" attitude was exactly this.  If a Spartan was
caught for stealing, he would be punished - not for stealing, but for
getting caught.  This was their life principle.
After noting these facts of the ancient world and how it was obliterated
from history, at this point, it is important to note that not only the
ancient land of presently so-called "Europe" was an "OGUZ ÖY" (OGUZ EV)
but so too was North Africa.  All the way from ancient Masaria
(so-called "EGYPT") to the west of Africa to the Atlantic was "OGUZÖY" -
peopled by the Turanians.  This is in addition the the continent of Asia.
To further verify that the old name of "Europe" was "OGUZÖY", it is
enlightening to examine the following Greek words:
The origin of the English term ASIATIC is said to be via Latin Asiaticus
from Greek Asiatikos.  Greek word ASIATIKOS means "Asian, Asiatic", that
is, "an Asian person". The term ORIENTAL is also used in place of the
term "Asiatic".
The English term ASIATIC, rearranged as "ISKIT-AA", is from Turkish
"ISKIT ÖYÜ"  meaning "home of Scythians" - that is to say OGUZ ÖYÜ -
because the Scythians were Turkish people named and known as ISKIT and SAKA.
The Greek ASIATIKOS, rearranged as "SAKA-OISTI", is from Turkish "SAKA
OUZDU" meaning "Scythians were OGUZ" or "OGUZ Scythians".  It is a known
fact that the SAKA (Scythians) were Turkish people.  In fact, the
Sakhalin Islands in the east - (situated off the coast of eastern Russia
and separated from it by the Tartar (Tatar/Turk) Strait), are named
after the Turkish Saka.  So too is the name Scandinavia, and the Scots
of Scotland, and the island of Sicily, and also the Pelasgians.  All of
this makes Asia and Europe as "OGUZÖY".
The name ORIENTAL, rearranged as "AL-TENRI-O", is from Turkish
expression  "AL-TANRI-ÖYÜ" meaning "Home of the Red Lord"  referring to
the Sun and its majestic red colour at sunrise and sunset and also
"people who believed in AL Tanri, i.e., the Red-God the Sun.
And finally, the name ORIENTAL, rearranged as "TERANLI-O",  is from
Turkish expression "TURANLI O" meaning "he/she is from Turan" - in other
words, "he/she is a Turanian".  Thus, this also clearly indicates that
when they use the term "ORIENTAL", they are allegorically referring to
the Turanian Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples.  From all this, it is quite obvious
how these secretive Aryan and Semitic religious groups deceptively
obliterated the name "OGUZÖY" for the continent of ASIA (Asia and Europe
together),  and the name "TURAN" representing the homelands of the
Turanians, and the name "Tur/Turk/Oguz" from history - by altering
ancient history and by using encrypted words that they fabricated from
Best wishes to all,
Polat Kaya

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