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How PASTIRMA became PASTRAMI? By: Ayhan Ozer

On June 24 1987, in the “Living Section” of the New York Times appeared a Letter to the Editor asking “What is pastrami?” The letter mentioned the fondness of Yves Montand for pastrami. He was a famous French singer in 1950s and 1960s. People...

Who is a Turkish American? by Ayhan Ozer

For a traditional mind, America is a land of untold peculiarities; one of its features is the “hyphenated citizen” status. America is an immigrant country; the ancestors of the entire U.S. population who call themselves today “American” had come to this land from other...

Photography Museum Opens in Kadırga District of Fatih, Istanbul

"Turkey's first photography museum" was opened in İstanbul on 16 November 2011,  with an exhibition dedicated to the "Masters of photography from the Republican era", which followed the revolution of Kemal Ataturk in the 1920s. The museum is the masterpiece of famous Turkish photographer Gültekin...

Cinema and Theatre Museum in İstanbul moves to Beyoglu

The Cinema and Theatre Museum created by Turker Inanoglu, the Chairman of the Türker Inanoglu Foundation (TURVAK), moved from Kavacık to its new location in Beyoglu, near Galatasaray Lise early this year. The three-story museum is full of rare artefacts from Turkey’s cinematic history...

Time in Safranbolu

12th International Golden Safran Documentary Film Festival, 16 – 17 - 18 September, 2011 The very first festival in Safranbolu was held in 1975, called “Safranbolu Cultural and Folk Music Festival.” Mr. Kiziltan Ulukavak was the Mayor who was instrumental not only organizing the Festival but...

Turkish Day Parade in New York City, May 28, 2011

30th Annual Parade along Madison Avenue on a beautiful  Saturday, near the Food Festival that took place along the Lexington Avenue. Turks around the World celebrate 19 May Youth and Sports Day, the anniversary of the day Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey,...