In this essay, I will provide a new understanding of the Zodiac names as given in Latin. Zodiac is known as “Burçlar Kușagi” in Turkish.
The ZODIAC is a circle of twelve constellations (i.e., a collection of stars) in space identified with earthly animal names. These twelve constellations of the Zodiac encircle the sun. To the people on earth, the sun appears in one of these twelve constellations each month as the earth rotates around the sun in one year. Thus the ZODIAC is an imaginary circle around the sun which makes an imaginary EYE pattern in space where the SUN is the seeing and enlightening center of the eye.
The twelve names associated with the zodiac are: Aries , Taurus , Gemini , Cancer , Leo , Virgo , Libra , Scorpio , Sagittarius , Capricorn , Aquarius , and Pisces . From url we have the zodiac pictures as shown here.
The Greek form of the name ZODIAC is given as ZODIAKOS or ZODIACUS [1 , p, 925, p. 1173] and also KUKLOS meaning “circle, cycle”, [2, p. 389]. The Latin name for zodiac is given as ORBIS SIGNIFER, [3, p. 156] where ORBIS also means “circle”.
Like so many other Indo-European words, these Zodiac names were also manufactured from Turkish words and phrases. This I will demonstrate by deconstructing these names to reveal their Turkish source-text distributed within them.
When the term ZODIAC is rearranged as COZDI-A”, we see the Turkish expression “KÖZDI O” meaning “it is eye”. Additionally, ZODIAC, when rearranged as “ADI-COZ”, is the Turkish expression “ADI GÖZ” meaning “its name is EYE”. An ordinary “eye” is more or less a circle. The Sun is a circle and was regarded as the “glowing fire eye” of God (TANRU) in ancient Turanian culture. The Zodiac is also defined as a circle. This shows the importance of the concept of GÖZ (EYE) as the receiver of sunlight based information, and Turkish “O GÖZ” meaning “that Eye” referring to the “Sun” and the “Moon”, and the name “OGUZ” as the Turkish name of the ancient Sky-God. Of equal importance is the Turkish word AGUZ meaning “mouth”, “word”, “speech” and “language” – which verbalizes and vocalizes all concepts. Thus the Turkish names GÖZ, O-GÖZ, OGUZ and AGUZ were all linguistically, religiously and philosophically related cncepts in the ancient Turanian civilization and they are all present in the name ZODIAC (ZODIAK / ZODIAG).
The online Latin dictionary at url gives the Latin name “orbis signifer” as meaning the Zodiac.
When the Latin name ORBIS-SIGNIFER is rearranged letter-by-letter as “GONESI-SIFIRRB”, we see the Turkish expression “GÜNESI CEVIRIB” (GÜNESI ÇEVIRIP) meaning “has encircled the sun”. Thus, the term ZODIAC or the Latin ORBIS-SIGNIFER is a circle that encircles the sun. Turkish GÜNES meas “sun”, GÜNESI means “the sun”, ÇEVIR is the root of the Turkish verb “çevirmek” meaning “to encircle, thus ÇEVIRIP means “has encircled”. We see that the the Latin name ORBIS-SIGNIFER represents a concept that has been described in Turkish first. A “circle’ is an enclosed form that encircles an area.
The circle around the sun with the sun at the center also makes an EYE” symbol. It is no wonder that ancient Turanians such as Sumerians, Masarians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Anatolians represented the sun with a circle and a dot at its center or with an “eye” symbol. Many modern European and American organizations have adopted this ancient Tur/Turk/Oguz concept as a logo for themselves – as if it somehow belongs to their culture – but fact is that it was the ancient Tur/Turk/Oguz people that came up with this ancient concept and represented it as the crescent and star motif on their flag which itself makes an “eye” logo.
Similarly the Latin word ZODIACUS, when rearranged letter-by-letter as “COZ-ADIUS”, is found to be a restructured form of the Turkish expression “GÖZ ADIYUZ” meaning “We are EYE names”. Indeed, the twelve names of the zodiac are the names of the twelve constellations in space that make a circle or an eye shape with the sun located at its center.
Alternatively, the Latin word ZODIACUS when rearranged letter-by-letter as “O-CUZ-ADIS”, is 1) a restructured form of the Turkish expression “O-GÖZ ADIZ” meaning “we are names related to that eye (sun)”, and 2) “OGUZ ADIZ” meaning “we are OGUZ names”, that is, “we are Turkish names”.
The order of the zodiac names are given as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces . So let us examine each one of these names one by one.
1. ARIES (KOÇ in Turkish),
The Latin words ARIES and ARIETIS mean “a ram, a battering ram”, [3, p. 21]. ARIES is defined as: [from Latin “aries” ram] is the name for a constellation between Pisces and Taurus, pictured as a ram. It is the first sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about the 21st of March,” [1, p. 58].
The Turkish word for “ram” is KOÇ ( or even KOSh in Turkish dialects). The Greek word for “ram” is given as “KRIOS” [2, p. 566]. When KRIOS is rearranged as “KOS-IR” or “IR KOS”, we see the restructured form of the Turkish expression “KOÇ ER” (KOSh ER) meaning “Ram Man” in which “Ram” may be taken as an adjective. The letter “S” appearing at the end of many Greek words is a specially structured symbol that is deceptively used in place of the letters S, Sh, Ch and Z in the anagrammatizing of the source Turkish words and phrases.
In the case of Latin ARIES, most likely the letter R is an alphabetic upshift from the letter Q as this is a major trick used by the anagrammatizers in manufacturing new words (from Turkish) that have no resemblance to their Turkish source text. This trick of alphabetic upshifting or downshifting of a source letter is known as the Caesar Encryption. If we reverse engineer the R back to a Q, the resulting word would become AQIES. And when AQIES is rearranged as “QAS-IE”, its affinity to Turkish “KOÇ” becomes apparent.
Applying the same logic to Latin ARIETIS, we get “AQIETIS”. When AQIETIS is rearranged as “QAS-ITI-E”, its affinity to Turkish expression “KOÇ-IDI” (meaning “It is Ram”) also becomes apparent.
Alternatively, the Roman anagrammatizer could have just as easily used the Greek word KRIOS as a source but dropped the K. This would result in RIOS which can be read as ARIOS. A little more Romanizing results in ARIES.
2. TAURUS (BOGA in Turkish)
The Latin word TAURUS means “a bull”; TAURUS is defined: A zodiacal constellation, containing the Pleaiades and Hyades; the Bull. The second sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about April 20. [1, 1947, p. 1022]. Latin TAURINUS ‘of or like a bull’. [3, p. 221].
When the Latin name TAURINUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “UT-ARISUN”, we find the Turkish expression “UT ERISUN” (UT ERISIN) meaning “you are male cattle”, that is, “you are a bull”. Turkish “UT” means “ox, cattle”, ER means “man, husband, hero, macho-man” and ERI means “the male”.
When TAURUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “UT-ARSU”, we find the Turkish expression “UT ERSI” meaning “Bull-like”. The Turkish suffix -SU and -SI implies similarity – just as English “LIKE” does.
3. GEMINI (IKIZLER in Turkish)
The word GEMINI [1, p. 415] is defined as: [from Latin “GEMINORUM” meaning “twins”]. The third zodiac constellation, pictorially represented as the twins, Castor and Pollux, sitting together. It is on the opposite side of the Milky Way from Taurus and Orion. The third sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about May 21.” Also, Latin GEMINUS [4, p. 108-109]; meaning “twin; doubled; of or double nature., similar; GEMINORUM meaning “twins”.
When the Latin name GEMINUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “MEN IGUS”, we find the Turkish expression “MEN IKIZ” meaning “I am twins”. Turkish MEN means “I am”, IKIZ (IKUZ, IGUZ) means “twins”.
Similarly, when the Latin name “GEMINORUM’ is rearranged letter-by-letter as “MEN-IGU-ROM”, we find the Turkish expression “MEN IKI ERIM” meaning “I am twin men”.
4. CANCER (YENGEC in Turkish),
CRAB: The zodiacal sign and canstellation CANCER, between Gemini and Leo. [1, p. 235]. CANCER is defined as being: [Latin; crab, ulcer, a sign of zodiac]. The fourth sign of the zodiac . in medicine: a malignant growth of tissue”, [1, p. 146].
The Latin word CANCER (CANCRI) means “the crab, sign of the zodiac; the south, summer heat” [4, p. 35],
The term CANCER is the cut-off front end of the term CANCEROUS. The Turkish word YENGEÇ (meaning “CRAB”) is embedded in the word CANCEROUS. This we find when the name CANCEROUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “UENCAC-SOR”. The U is really a Y – which makes it YENCAC-SOR. Furthermore, this is the distorted form of the Turkish word YENGECTUR – meaning “it is crab” or “it is cancer”. The letter T in YENGECTUR has been alphabetically downshifted to an S by the anagrammatizers and is therefore missing in the final word CANCEROUS.
The CANKRI form of the Latin term CANCER (KANSER) is also very significant beause it is the name for the medical term “Cancer”. The term CANKRI is the Turkish word “CAN KIRI” meaning “it kils life”. Thus this medical term is also Turkish in origin.
5. LEO (ARSLAN, ASLAN in Turkish)
The latin word LEO and LEONIS means “a lion”. [4, p. 144]. The Latin name LEONIDAS was a name of a king of Sparta. The names LEONIDES and LEONIDS are related to the name LEO or LION. Further to these names, there is the name LEOPARD which is a spotted big cat.
When the Latin word LEONIS is rearranged as “ISLEN-O”, we find that it is the restructured and disguised Turkish expression “ASLAN O” meaning “it is leonis” or “it is lion”. Turkish word ASLAN (or ARSLAN) means “lion”. The term “LEO” is the cut-off front end of the word LEONIS meaning “lion”. Thus this zodiac name is also made up from a Turkish expression.
From url we have:
“Leonidas (Greek: Λεωνίδας – “Lion’s son”, “Lion-like”) was a king of Sparta, the 17th of the Agiad line, one of the sons of King Anaxandridas II of Sparta, who was believed to be a descendant of Heracles. He succeeded his half-brother Cleomenes I, probably in 489 BC or 488 BC, and was married to Cleomenes’ daughter, Gorgo. His name was raised to a heroic and legendary status as a result of the events in the Battle of Thermopylae.”
When the Greek name LEONIDAS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “ASLENDI-O” or “ESLANDI-O”, we find that LEONIDAS is really a restructured, Hellenized and disguised form of the Turkish expression “ASLANDI O” meaning “he is lion”. So LEONIDAS is made up from a Turkish name and was used by ancient Greek gypsy kings as an elevating name for themselves – as was done by this Spartan king and other Greek kings. The meaning of this is that during the period of the Spartans (i.e., first millennium B.C.), these ancient Greeks were using the omnipresent Turkish language to manufacture titles for themselves, but they did it in such a deceptive way that the stolen Turkish words that were converted into “new” forms always appeared as if they were words of the “Greek” or the “Roman” (RUM) language. This LEONIDAS is a prime example of this usurpation. The name LEONIDES is the same as the name LEONIDAS. These are unquestionable linguistic evidence for the presence of Turkish language in the first Millennium B.C. and earlier.
So not only is this zodiac name LEO an anagrammatized Turkish name, the provided etymologies for these names are concoctions too.
On a similar note, the name LEOPARD, being the name of a spotted tiger (cat), is the restructured and disguised Turkish expression “ALA PARD” meaning “spotted lion”. Turkish ALA means “spotted” and PARD means “lion” or “tiger” like cat..
6. VIRGO (ERGEN KIZ, BASAK in Turkish),
Latin word VIRGINEUS means “of a virgin, maidenly”. VIRGO, VIRGINIS means “a maiden, virgin”, [4, p. 268]. Defined as: [from Latin VIRGO a “virgin”, the constellation VIRGO in the Zodiac.] In astronomy, a Zodiacal constellation on the celestial equator, due south of the handle of the Dipper, pictured as a woman holding a spike of grain. The sixth sign of the zodiac.” [1, p. 1122].
When the Latin word VIRGINIS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “IRVIN-GIS” or “IRGIN-VIS”, we find that this so-called “Latin” name has been made up from the expression “IRGIN-GIS” which is the Turkish expression “ERGEN GIZ” meaning “an unmarried young girl”, that is a “young maiden” or a “virgin”. Turkish ERGEN means “young un-married person”, that is, “a virgin person”. Turkish “GIZ” (KIZ) means “girl”. Thus the so-called “Latin” word VIRGINIS signifying a “young maiden” has been made up from Turkish expression “ERGEN GIZ” contrary to the claim that it is “Indo-European” and/or “Latin” in origin. The Latin word VIRGO is just the cut-off and restructured front end of the word VIRGINIS to which the meaning of “virgin”, as defined by the Turkish source, has been attributed.
7. LIBRA (TERAZI in Turkish)
The Latin word LIBRA means “a balance, pair of scales” [4, p. 146]. This Latin LIBRA is the cut-off front end of longer words that mean the same – such as the following Latin words given in the same Latin source:
LIBRAMINIS meaning “balance, poise”. When the latin word LIBRAMINIS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “MIN-LIRASI-B”, with an L to T replacement, it is the Turkish expression “MEN TERAZI” meaning “I am a balance, I am a pair of scales”. Turkish word MEN (MIN) means “I am” and TERAZI means, “balance, pair of scales”.
LIBRATUS meanining “well poised, balanced”. When this Latin word LIBRATUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “L-TIRASU-B”, we see the Turkish expression “EL TERAZI” meaning a “hand balance”, “pair of hand scales”.
LIBRATORIS meaning “a leveler”. When this Latin word LIBRATORIS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “BR-L-TIRASI-O” or “BIR-L-TRASI-O”, we see the Turkish expression “BIR EL TERAZI O” meaning “it is a hand balance”, “it is a pair of hand scales”.
These longer so-called “Latin” words have unquestionably been manufactured from the corresponding Turkish expressions that I indicated above – all of which deal with forms of scales. Thus the Latin LIBRA is just a cut off front end portion of these longer words.
The Greek word for balance is given as “ISOMETRIA”. When ISOMETRIA is rearranged letter-by-letter as “TERASI-IOM”, it is the Hellenized Turkish expression “TERAZIYUM” meaning “I am the balance,”, “I am the scales”. There is no way we should be finding these exact corresponding Turkish expressions in these Greek and Latin words. The reason why I am finding them is because Greek and Latin words have been manufactured from Turkish expressions used for the concept. Thus this so-called Latin Zodiac name (i.e., LIBRA) is also from Turkish.
8. SCORPIO (AKREP in Turkish)
The Latin form of the name is given as “SCORPIO”, “SCORPIONIS” and “SCORPIUS” meaning “scorpion”, a sign of zodiac. [4, p. 226 ] It is defined as: “from Greek SKORPIOS” [1, p. 892]. Greek SKORPAINA meaning sea-scorpion. [2, p. 677]
When the name SCORPIO is arranged letter-by-letter as “OCRIP-O-S”, we find the Turkish expression “AKREP O” meaning “it is scorpion”. Alternatively if the word SCORPIO is arranged letter-by-letter as “SO-OCRIP” where letter C is a K, we find the Turkish expression “SU AKREP” meaning “water scorpion”. Turkish word “AKREP means “scorpion”, SU means “water and O means “it is”. This clearly shows that this so-called “Latin” word is definately made up from Turkish expression and hence its source is unquestionably Turkish.
Etymologically it is said that this name is from Greek SKORPIOS. Similarly, SKORPIOS, when rearranged as “SO-OKRIP”, it is the Turkish expression “SU AKREPI” meaning “water scorpion”. We see this even better if we examine the Greek word SKORPAINA meaning “sea -scorpion”. When the word SKORPAINA is arranged letter-by-letter as “SO-AKRAPI-N”, we find the Turkish expression “SU AKREPI” meaning “water scorpion” or “sea scorpion”. Thus all of these clearly proove that these so-called Greek and/or Latin words are actually made up from Turkish expressions defining these names contrary to all the misinformation put forward by deceptive so-called “etymology games”.
9. SAGITTARIUS (YAY in Turkish),
The Latin word SAGITTARIUS means “an archer, relating to arrows”, [4, p. 222]. SAGITTARIUS defined as: [from Latin, meaning “an archer”]. a. A southern constellation pictured as a centaur shooting an arrow. b. The ninth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about November 22.” [1, p. 876].
When the Latin name SAGITTARIUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “UG-ATISSI-ART”, we find the Turkish expression “OG ATICI ERTI” (OK ATICI ERDI) meaning “he is arrow shooter man”, that is, “he is an archer”. Turkish OG (OK) means “arrow”, ATICI means “he who shoots”, ER means “man, soldier, hero” and ERDI means “he is man, he is soldier”.
The concept of SAGITTARIUS meaning “an archer” has another meaning attached to it. It is true that a man or woman archer can shoot the arrow, hence the person is an “archer”, but more importantly we need to have a BOW in order to be able to shoot an arrow. Therefore a BOW (YAY in Turkish) is also an “archer”and an essential requirement of an “archer” person. This is the reason that the zodiac name for SAGITTARIUS is YAY in Turkish. It could have been “OKCU” meaning “arrow shooter” or “OK ATICI” meaning “arrow shooter” just as well.
Thus this so-called Latin zodiac name is also sourced from Turkish.
The Latin word CAPRICORN is defined as: [from French, from Latin “capricornus” from “caper” goat + “cornu” horn.] Astronomy, A southern zodiacal constellation between Sagittarius and Aquarius. b) The tenth sign of the zodiac, into which the sun enters at the winter solstice, about december 22.” [1, p. 150].
We will show below that the above given etymology is totally bogus and does not reflect the truth.
In the Latin dictionary, the name CAPRICORNUS is defined as (a sign of zodiac, meaning “goat”) [3, p. 31] REF
When the Latin name CAPRICORNUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “PIR-R-CACOSUN”, we find the Turkish expression “BIR ER KEÇUSUN” meaning “you are one he-goat”. The zodiac sign is a “he-goat”. Turkish words PIR (BIR) means “one”, ER means “man, he”, KEÇU (KEÇI) means “goat” and KEÇUSUN means “you are goat”. This again verifies that this zodiac name has also been made up from a Turkish source.
This shows conclusively that not only above dictionary given etymology is bogus but the word is rather made up from Turkish.
11. AQUARIUS (SUCU, SAKA, KOVA in Turkish)
The Latin word AQUARIUS means “belonging to water; water carrier”. A sign of zodiac. [4, p. 20]
When the Latin name AQUARIUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “SAQA-IRU-U”, we find the Turkish expression “SAKA ERU O” meaning “He is water carrier man”. Turkish SAKA means “water carrier” or “man dealing with water”, ER means “man”, ERU (ERI) means “the man” and O means “he/she/it”.
Another related Latin word is AQUATORIS meaning “person that fetches water”. [4, p. 21]. When the Latin name AQUATORIS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “I-SAQATUR -O”, we find the Turkish expression “BIR SAKATUR O” (BIR SAKATIR O) meaning “he is one water carrier” or “he is a man who fetches water”. The Letter “I” is also the numeral “one”, that is “BIR” in Turkish. Turkish word SAKATUR means “is water carrier” and O means “he/she/it”. So this so-called “Latin” word is also sourced from Turkish.
Alternatively, when the Latin word AQUATORIS, meaning “person that fetches water”, is rearranged letter-by-letter as “SU-QATARI-O”, we find also another Turkish expression “SU-QATARI-O” (SU GETIRI O) meaning “he brings water” which is again pure Turkish. Turkish SU means “water”, GETIRI (QATARI) means “brings, fetches, carries” and O means “he/she/it”. The word GETIRI is from the Turkish verb “getirmek” meaning “to bring, to fetch, to carry” and the word QATARI is a dialect of GETIRI in Turkish.
The concept of “water carrier” has another meaning attached to it. It is true that a person fetching water from a water source is a “water carrier”. But it is also tru that such a person has to carry the water in some container in order to carry it. That container itself is also a “water carrier”. Such a container may be a “bucket”, that is, “KOVA” in Turkish, or a “water jug” (“SU TESTISI” in Turksh) or a “KULEK” in Turkish. The present name for this zodiac name in Turksh is “KOVA” the “bucket” which is an appropriate zodiac name in Turkish.
12. PISCES (BALIK, BALUK in Turkish)
The Latin word PISCES (PISCIS) meaning “fish” [4, p. 190] is the cut-off front end of longer so-called “Latin” words such as PISCICULUS meaning “a little fish”. When the Latin name PISCICULUS is rearranged letter-by-letter as “SISUC-PILUC”, that is, “SISUK-PILUK”, we find the anagrammatized, distorted and Latinized Turkish expression “CÜCÜK BALUK” (KÜÇÜK BALUK, ÇOCUK BALUK) meaning “baby fish”, “small fish” or “child fish” respectively. Turkish word CÜCÜK means “baby bird” or “baby” of anything, ÇOCUK means “child”, KÜÇÜK means “small” and BALUK means “fish”.
It is clearly observed that the so-called “Latin” word “PISCES” is just the cut-off front end of the word PISCICULUS which has been anagrammatized from Turkish “CÜCÜK BALUK”. The meaning of the Turkish word “BALUK” has been transferred to the word “PISCES” in order to cover up the stolen linguistic goods.
A similar concoction is also observed in the case of the Greek word for “fish”. Greek word PISARI meaning “fish” is a cut-off front end of a much longer word made up from Turkish expressions. For example, let us take the Greek word “PSAROKOKKALON” meaning “fish-bone”, [2, p. 746].
When the Greek word PISAROKOKKALON is rearranged letter-by-letter as “PALOK-KINSAKO-O-R” or as “PANOK-KILSAKO-O-R”, we see the Turkish expression “PALUK KILSUKO O” (“BALUK KILÇIGU O”) meaning “it is the fish bone”. In this anagrammatization of Turkish source text, there has been an alphabetic shift of L to N. Turkish word BALUK means “fish”, KILÇIK means “fish-bone”, KILÇIGU (KILÇIGI) means “the fish-bone” and O means “it is”.
Thus it is clear that the Greek anagrammatizer cut off the first part “PISARO” of the word “PISAROKOKKALON” restructured from Turkish, and assigned the meaning of “fish” to it. In doing this they transferred the meaning of the Turkish word “BALUK to a totally unrelated word “PISARO”. Thus the stealing of this Turkish phrase was done in a highly skilfull manner and its detection went unnoticed until now.
In this paper, I have shown that the twelve so-called “Latin” zodiac names (i.e., the astrological names) were all manufactured from Turkish by way of anagrammatizing. All of these findings are testimony to the fact that the ancient world was a Turkish speaking world. – as admitted in a disguised manner by Genesis 11 – without mentioning the name Turkish.
By way of anagrammatizing, not only were Turkish words and phrases stolen to manufacture the Indo-European and Semitic languages, many aspects of the ancient Turanian civilization were also stolen by the non-native wanderer newcomers of ancient Europe and the Middle East. All of the above analysis show that stealing the language and civilization of the ancient Tur/Turk/Oguz peoples was a tradition of the wanderers who executed their usurpation with expert skill. Of course the man on the street working hard for a daily living had nothing to do with it. This deceptive usurpation of Turanian civilization, culture, language and also its people has been going on up to present times.
At the top of this essay, I revealed that the Latin word ZODIACUS was, in one sense, a rearrangement of the Turkish expression “OGUZ ADIZ” meaning “we are OGUZ names”, that is, “we are Turkish names”. I have shown that these twelve zodiac names are indeed all made up from OGUZ names, that is, Turkish names as the word ZODIACUS suggested.
Thus we see once again how people have been deceived, by a group of wandering religious and political usurpers, about the present day world languages, the nature of ancient world history, the ancient Turanian world-wide civilization and the ancient world language of Turkish. It is no wonder that they keep referring to people as “my flock”, (i.e., “my sheep”) while referring to themselves as the “sheperd” (i.e., a class system at its roots). And yet, it is these racists and dishonest groups that are “preaching” the morals to the world. Now that is a sad situation.
1. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth edition, 1947, Springfield, Mass., U.S.A.
2. Divry,s Modern English – Greek and Greek – English Desk Dictionary, New York, 1988.
3. Cassell’s Latin – English English – Latin Dictionary, 1987.
4. Cassell’s Compact Latin – English English – Latin Dictionary, 1962.
Best wishes to all,
Polat Kaya
This article is taken from –>
The Zodiac Names Revealed (Their etymologies are not what we are told) By Dr. Polat Kaya